2001-01-08 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 8, 2001 PRESENT: Commissioners Barnico, Eaton, Farmer, Mahoney, Nelson, Vitale, and White ABSENT: Commissioners Duval, Gourdeau, Lydon, and Rosen PUBLIC: Ken Lewis, Ken Robinson, Richard Mello, Craig Schuster, Dave Graham, Jay Wessel, and Kathleen McLaughlin A. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Farmer called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. 1. Presentation: · Edwards & Kelsey – Dave Graham spoke to the Commission on the updating of the Airport Layout Plan and the FY01 ENF Project that will include all 5- year projects with wetland impacts. 2. Reading of the Minutes for December 2000 – Chairman Farmer called for a reading of the minutes from the December meeting. Commissioner Mahoney made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Eaton. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Reading of the Financial Report – Chairman Farmer called for a reading of the financial report. Commissioner White gave the financial report for December 2000. Commissioner Nelson made a motion to accept the financial report subject to audit, seconded by Vice Chairman Vitale. Motion passed unanimously. B. OLD BUSINESS: · FY01 Project Changes – Airport Manager Mezzetti informed the Commission of the changes to the FY01 CIP and A.S.M.P. projects per a December meeting with FAA, M.A.C., and BAC. C. NEW BUSINESS: Airport Approach Regulations – Airport Manager Mezzetti informed the Commission of M.A.C.’s request that all Massachusetts airports research their 1 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 8, 2001 city’s ordinances for any existing ordinances that regulate and restrict the height of trees and structures and send any such info to them. D. AIRPORT MANAGER’S REPORT: The Airport Manager’s report for the 1/8/01 BAC meeting was included in the commission packets. The Airport Manager updated the Commission on events that had taken place since the packet mailings. Updates included Tom Ford, Greg Wyler lease, Ransom oil removal at Gurnard, Wenham taxes, and FAA release of airport property. F. CHAIRMAN/COMMISSION COMMENTS: · Chairman Farmer asked if the invoice for the School Department bus facility had been sent. (It had.) · Vice Chairman Vitale asked if corporate flights were identified in tower count breakdowns. (No) · Chairman Farmer asked if the notice had been sent to tiedown customers that they could not park on the ramp (unless loading/unloading). (It had.) · Chairman Farmer questioned the location of a boundary marker near the Aero Manufacturing property, that if it was the airport property line marker then it appeared a portion of the Aero Manufacturing parking lot was on airport property. The Airport Manager will check on it. · Chairman Farmer told the Commission that he was going to be checking on a complaint he had heard regarding an airport FBO. · Chairman Farmer asked if we had received any cost estimates for the demolition of the Gurnard buildings. (There were no interested takers.) · Chairman Farmer asked the status of the Danvers Building Inspector and Hangar Four. 2 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 8, 2001 · Regarding the Beverly Servicemen’s Memorial, Chairman Farmer told the Commission the Airport Manager would be getting prices on a stone and an additional plaque to reflect the memorial’s sponsors for the re-dedication next summer. · Chairman Farmer told the Commission of G.A.S.’s Plum Island proposal. · Commissioner Barnico told of a recent newspaper article in which a former Salem mayor said the Beverly Airport was an underutilized asset. · Vice Chairman Vitale told of an Airport Aviation Day meeting on January 10, 2001. A “kickoff” meeting will be at 6:30PM on Monday, February 12, 2001. · Chairman Farmer talked about our talks with the Fish & Game Department and our efforts to get a sanctioned year-round hunter. G. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner White, seconded by Commissioner Eaton. Motion passed unanimously. 3