2000-05-04 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: May 4, 2000 Place: Beverly Recreation Department Board members present: Bruce Doig, Elizabeth Caputo, Mark Casey, David Gardner, Kevin Hobin, Arthur Powell, Patti Adams and Lauren Young Board members absent: Ivy Mahan Others present: Joan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Tom Scully, Michael Papamechail, Phil Klimowicz Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written. Mr. Papamechail reported · Dick & Junes work completed. · Water main finished. · Irrigation 90% complete · Lynch Project to date: $53,800 · Obear Park: work progressing DIRECTOR'S REPORT · Summer flyer at the printer will be out to residents mid May · Summer staff being hired, distributed lists of potential candidates · Discussed beaches. Joan reported that at a recent conference on beaches, it was recommended that a minimum of 2 guards be assigned to any beach. It was believed that No guard on duty was better than 1 guard alone. Joan explained that Woodbury Beach usually has only one guard assigned, but they can radio to Lynch beach if help is needed. The ranger and gate attendant are also available to assist in an emergency. The feeling was that we should continue staffing Woodbury with one lifeguard. · Playground Equipment: Joan has meet with groups about their choices. Equipment with be ordered in May and installed this summer for Livingstone, Obear Pk, Bessie, and Balch. · Discussed schedule for Park Tour. · Evening program finishing up....great participation · Benches: many new ones have been purchased for Lynch. Mrs Cahill wants to donate a bench and a park sign for her husband (Cahill Park). It was suggested she donate something other than a sign since those are already planned for all parks · Budget: Tom Scully relayed a discussion he had with John Dunn in which Mr. Dunn stated he planned to move the money in our budget under "Maintenance" to the City's Capital Improvement budget. May also move Equipment Repair money. NEW BUSINESS · Longfellow Fence: discussed the fact that chain link would not be the neighbors first choice, they would prefer wood. After much discussion a motion was made by Arthur Powell that black chain link fencing be installed at that park. Motion was seconded and carried with all in favor. · Tom Scully reported that at Mr. Papamechail's request he wrote to the YMCA, St. Mary's and Monsterrat College asking that they do not run organized activities at the common due to the wear on the grass. Mintues: May 4, 2000 Page 2 · Tom Scully reported on a meeting with the owners of Rices Beach regarding public access. All owners except the Robinson's were present. The beach area is private with the exception of a 57' wide public right of way. All present were in agreement that the public should use the beach. They asked that the City clean the beach of glass, seaweed, etc. on the same schedule as the other beaches. Mr. Scully will discuss this with the Mayor and Mr. Papamechail. One issue raised was that lifeguards should be advised that owners with boats can pull into the private sections of the beach as long as their motors are not running. Another mediation session is planned. · Mr. Scully also reported on a discussion with Dr. Wiley of Endicott College. It was suggested by Dr. Wiley that he might be willing to open the beach next to Lodge's Beach to the public as the COllege does not use it during the summer. .Mr. Scully will follow up on this idea. COMMmEE REPORTS · Open Space: Dave reported the group is meeting monthly. They recently put together a city map identifying all open space parcels in the city. They plan to contact the owners of these parcels. They have also written to all boards asking for their input. Joan asked Dave to look for a good location for a dog park. · Mr Scully gave an update on properties the City is attempting to obtain. -Santin Property: City has made an offer. Cape Ann Waldolf School is also interested. -Greenhill Property: under a Purchase & Sale agreement with a contractor, but this may change due to requirements the contractor may not be able to meet. Discussion was held on what the group would like to see done with Greenhill should the City obtain it. Ideas included walking, jogging trails along the river and some benches. · Lynch Trustees: Mr. Powell reported on meeting with the Ryal Side Ciivic Association who would like to dedicate the new courts at Obear Park to Hap Leonard. Mr. Leonard was a long time member of their association, as well as, a long time member of the Lynch Trustees. Dedicating some benches was also discussed. The Civic Association needs to put their request in writing to the Commission for their consideration. Mr. Powell also reported that a recent evaluation of the Lynch Park seawall shows it needs immediate attention. Dawn Goodwin is looking for some grant money. Meeting adjourned. Respecfully submitted, Gail Carmody Recreation Department