2001-07-16BEVERLY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING JULY 16, 2001 PRESENT: Commissioners Duval, Eaton, Farmer, Gourdeau, Lydon, Mahoney, Nelson, Rosen, Vitale, and White ABSENT: Commissioner Barnico PUBLIC: Ron Blackadar, Mike Garrity, David Goggin, Renee Mary, Jerry Nelson, Peter Simpson, Dave Graham, Harry and Terry Wheeler, and Richard Mello A. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Farmer called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. 1. Presentation: · Edwards & Kelcey Update – Dave Graham and Mike Garrity updated the commission on the ENF Scoping for RSA’s and Wetland Revalidation grant project and gave information on the grandfathering of RSA requirements at T. F. Greene Airport. 2. Reading of the Minutes for June 2001 – Chairman Farmer called for a reading of the minutes from the June meeting. Commissioner Lydon made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Nelson. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Reading of the Financial Report – Chairman Farmer called for a reading of the financial report. Commissioner White gave the financial report for June 2001. Commissioner Gourdeau made a motion to accept the financial report subject to audit, seconded by Vice Chairman White. Motion passed unanimously. B. OLD BUSINESS: · Airport Manager’s Review – tabled until next meeting · Beverly Aviation Day Update – Vice Chairman Vitale updated the Commission on the latest preparations. · Airport Industrial Parcels (Sale vs. Lease) – Commissioner Gourdeau gave his opinion and recommendation that the airport industrial parcels should all be leased and that none be sold. Chairman Farmer will form a sub- committee to examine the pros and cons of lease versus sale. BEVERLY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING JULY 16, 2001 · Finalize NEESCOM Lease – Due to time constraints, B.A.C. gave the Airport Manager permission to finalize the lease. C. NEW BUSINESS: · Request to Assign Lease – Harry and Terry Wheeler requested that the B.A.C. approve transferring their current lease to Alex Skrabut. Mr. Skrabut, upon Chairman Farmer’s request, told the commission his envisioned operation. There was no objection to the concept, however, time was needed to look at the financial arrangements. Chairman Farmer solicited commission comments. It was decided that Mr. Skrabut submit financial statement type information to the Airport Manager and the Airport Manager would also contact the City Solicitor to see what was required to transfer the lease. · NorthShore Helicopters – Discussed in Executive Session per Section D.1. of the Open Meeting Law to wit: “…to consider lease of real property”. D. AIRPORT MANAGER’S REPORT: Airport Manager Mezzetti updated the Commission on NEESCOM, the new airport maintenance equipment, the Wyler lease, the M.A.C. crack sealing program, the aircraft traffic count, aircraft landing and parking fees, T-hangar development interest, Aviation Day, EPA air quality testing, the letter the Airport Manager sent to BVY ConCom opposing any local ordinances that further restrict construction in and around wetlands, the Wenham tax appeal, airport maintenance, airport inspections, and the latest on the airport property release request with FAA regarding industrial parcels. F. CHAIRMAN/COMMISSION COMMENTS: · Chairman Farmer told the commission that the City wants to assess the airport $100,000.00 as its share of Ransom Environmental testing and remediation costs of airport sites. · Chairman Farmer reported that, per a letter from the Mayor, the City will credit the airport with $40,000.00 for the two old snow plow trucks. Commissioner White made a motion to accept the $40,000.00 credit from the City for the two snow plow trucks, seconded by Commissioner Eaton. Motion passed unanimously. 2 BEVERLY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING JULY 16, 2001 · Chairman Farmer reported to the commission that, per the latest meeting with Tom Ford, the newest understanding that we have/want to have with the City regarding the Gurnard site is: Gurnard Machine Shop Building - City will do asbestos removal in the old machine shop building. - City will demolish the old machine shop building. - City will demolish the whole machine shop pad. - City will remediate site specific contamination. - Tom Ford will construct a whole new pad. - Tom Ford will construct a new mini-storage building over the new pad. Gurnard Administration Building - Tom Ford will remove all asbestos at his expense. - Tom Ford will demolish the old administration building. - Tom Ford will construct a new mini-storage building over the existing pad. · Chairman Farmer informed the B.A.C. of the Danvers Family Festival aerobatics performance. · Vice Chairman Vitale suggested a public relations committee be formed to meet with noise-impacted Danvers neighbors on a regular basis. Chairman Farmer said to hold off until a meeting with the two towns was held first. · Commissioner Eaton will follow-up on Richard Mello’s complaint that Danvers DPW has done nothing regarding his drainage problem. · Chairman Farmer told Renee Mary that the Airport Manager could show her the proposed NEESCOM site. · Mr. Goggin, a public audience member, loaned the B.A.C. historical information on Beverly Airport to copy for its file. G. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Eaton, seconded by Commissioner Duval. Motion passed unanimously. 3