2003-05-01 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: May 1, 2003 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mark Casey, Patti Adams, Lauren Young, Dave Gardner Board members absent: Kevin Hobin, Arthur Powell Others present Bruce Doig, Tom Scully, Gary Lambert, Jack O'Neil, Bill Collins (BARC), Bill Leslie (Sandy Point Sailing Assoc), Priscilla Gagnon and Jeff Daley (Gillis Park), Lisa McFadden and Joe Lenix (Monserret College) and Jon Paddol Minutes of previous meeting were accepted after amending the date to read April 3, 2003. BARC REPORT Mr. Collins reported that their recent park clean up was very successful. BILL LESUE, SANDY POINT SAILING ASSOC Mr. Leslie described the program he runs in conjunction with Jubilee and expressed his group's interest in the sailing equipment that belongs to the Recreation Dept. The group would like the City to donate this equipment to their program. Mr. Scully explained that under state law the City would have to put the equipment out to public auction. The group discussed the possibility of reinstating the program at some future date. JON PADDOL, MOVIES IN THE PARK Jon would like permission to show some movies at Lynch Park this summer. He explained that a screen would be built to be placed on the shell. He felt movies such as "ET", "JAWS" and "SIGNS" would be very popular. His presentation was very well received. One concern was that no movie run past 10 pm. Jon and Mr. Scully will test out the equipment in advance and report back to the group. MONSERRET COLLEGE Proposal was presented for a landscape art project at the Common. Project would be a designed by a member of the faculty and in place for about 6 weeks. Motion was made by Lauren Young to approve the project providing that Phil Klimowicz and Mike Collins approve the use of the chalk or powered paint as non hazardous to the grass as well as the timeframe. In addition the College must assure the City that the product used will not damage the general public, their footwear or clothing and that the site be returned to it's original state. Motion was seconded and approved with a vote of 3-1. GILLIS PARK Patricia Gagnon and Jeff Daley proposal to purchase benches from Dr. Play for Gillis Park was approved. Minutes 5/1/03 Page 2 DIRECTOR'S REPORT · Bruce explained that Mr. Lindley was unable to attend due to a previous commitment. · Signs stating the new dog policy have been ordered · Lynch Park swings: motion was made, seconded and carried to install swings as soon as possible. · Budget: recently discovered that $5492 a year (for 5 yrs) must be included in our budget to cover the Early Retirement Incentive Joan received. This will mean more adjustments to the budget that has been prepared. Some options include moving Rec Trac maintenance, transportation maintenance and a portion of one lifeguard salary to the Enterprise budget. A motion was made, seconded and carried to authorize Bruce to make the adjustments as necessary. · Bruce reported that our new van (donated from the Council On Aging) was recently vandalized while parked at Lynch Park. Several windows were broken and have been repaired. City's insurance will not cover these repairs. The Senior Center has agreed to let us park the van in their lot which should be safer. · Field Permits: discussed residency requirement of 85%. Bruce suggested that a lowering of the percentage to 75% may be in order and that some flexibility from group to group be allowed. · Beverly Youth Collaboration: ordinance requires that a member of the Recreation Commission also be on the Youth Collaboration board. Anyone interested should let Bruce know. Group only meets once a month and lunch is proVided from Super Sub! · Benches: Have a request for another bench at Lynch. Discussed the possibility of putting a few at the top of hill. · Request for use of the Rose Garden for a Memorial Service. Will pay standard $500 reservation fee as well as made a donation for park improvement fund. Ceremony will include a horse and bag pipe music. Request was approved. · BG & T Pool and Camp: Hopefully registration will pick up after the summer brochure gets out. Bruce and Joscelyn went over to the pool and looked things over. Lots of room for improvement! · Reviewed latest plans from the Lynch Park Advisory Group. OPEN SPACE ACTION PLAN Copies will be available soon. Would like to present at a joint meeting to include Conservation, Planning Board, Harbor, etc. SMOKEY THE BEAR SIGN Tom reports that the Fire Dept has a sign they would like to put in a park and he suggested Sally Milligan. Tom described a meeting with Norman Ganley and his group's desire for a handicap accessible park. Green's Hill and Phillips Estate were discussed. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted Gail Carmody Recreation Department