2005-12-01 BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Minutes of December 1,2005 Beverly Public Library PRESENT: J. Frates, D. Neuman, C. Raymond, G. Ward, P. Miedzionoski, S.M. Seamans, M. Troubetaris, and S. Menezes GUESTS: L. Bochynski J. Frates asked for Public Input. -No Public Input A Motion to accept the Minutes of the previous meeting was made by S.M. Seamans, and seconded by M. Troubetaris. All approved. D. Neuman stated that we should prepare for next week meeting with Port Marina. We should be prepared to tell the Kinzies what we want for a public walkway. D. Neuman thinks we are getting close. P. Miedzionoski handed out a budget sheet dated 11/30/05. It contains information to 10/31/05. D. Neuman stated that the Harbor Authority would like to see a parking garage if the condo's are going in at Ventron, along with a walkway. M. Troubetaris questioned a dock at Tanzella's Hill. C. Raymond says it has public access to the dock, and D. Neuman says there is an easement to the dock. D. Neuman states that the Port Marina would like to fill in the indented waterway on the right. Dredge in front of the red building. The walkway would be closed to walkers for only a short time, when they are putting a boat in or taking one out. They want to build two stories on filled land with a Marina on the first floor and a restaurant on the second floor. Another issue is a land swap with Thibodeau. There is no agreement yet. The plan has to be agreeable to all parties. 1. Frates stated he was impressed with Dennis Duscik. Bottom anchored floats in DP A could be licensed for 10 years, between the edge and the Federal Channel. The East end ofthe walkway should be 12' and ADA Compliant. It should also be at least equal in quality to the cement and brick walkway. Access from the street could be in the middle to the restaurant. Also from City property, and have it connected to Tuck Point through Birarelli's. Benches could be placed at the East end. Thibodeau will put in public restrooms. If Port Marina fills in the City could get a fee from filling. It usually goes to the State. D. Neuman attended the meeting of the Seaport Council, and says there is nothing new. Meeting adjourned, Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss