Minutes of November 3, 2005
Beverly Public Library
PRESENT: 1. Frates, G. Ward, P. Miedzionoski, S.M. Seamans, M. Troubetaris, and
S. Menezis
GUESTS: L. Bochynski
P. Miedzionoski handed out his budget report and explained what it represents.
Meeting opened and G. Ward made a motion to accept the budget as presented by P.
Miedzionoski. All agreed.
J. Frates stated that D. Neuman has been chasing the money for the building, and has
heard nothing new, and probably will not until after election.
G. Ward stated that R. Gelineau (City Solicitor) asked CZM to attend a meeting on Port
Marina. R. Gelineau and D. Ducsik had a meeting with some members, and the Kinzie's
carne with their lawyer. It was decided that a snack bar would be allowed at Port
Marina. It could be a large snack bar. D. Neuman invited D. Ducsik to attend next
month's meeting.
1. Frates stated that the owners of the Ventron property are proposing Condo's. We
should get together with T. Cassidy and make sure they have to recognize a public
Regarding the Filing of Cons. Comm. There will be a charge of $1 00 - $150 payable to
the Registry of Deeds. Charge to 20410-52426. S. Menezes made a motion to pay for
this, and M. Troubetaris seconded. All in favor.
Regarding the Test Boring for the Bass River. M. Troubetaris asked to table for further
S. Menezis stated that we need to help L. Bochynski change floats to make them safe by
April. There will be a Facilities Meeting to discuss Summer 06 rates. This meeting will
be held on Wednesday November 16th @ 6:30 p.m. at the Library.
L.B. Vine draft carne in with two numbers. Mr. Armstrong would be able to tell how
much we would get after January 1 st.
S.M. Seamans spoke about Public Access. Mr. Collins needs to finish the walkway to
Balch Street.
Minutes of November 3,2005
Beverly Public Library
PRESENT: J. Frates, G. Ward, P. Miedzionoski, S.M. Seamans, M. Troubetaris, and
S. Menezis
GUESTS: L. Bochynski
P. Miedzionoski handed out his budget report and explained what it represents.
Meeting opened and G. Ward made a motion to accept the budget as presented by P.
Miedzionoski. All agreed.
J. Frates stated that D. Neuman has been chasing the money for the building, and has
heard nothing new, and probably will not until after election.
G. Ward stated that R. Gelineau (City Solicitor) asked CZM to attend a meeting on Port
Marina. R. Gelineau and D. Ducsik had a meeting with some members, and the Kinzie's
carne with their lawyer. It was decided that a snack bar would be allowed at Port
Marina. It could be a large snack bar. D. Neuman invited D. Ducsik to attend next
month's meeting.
1. Frates stated that the owners of the Ventron property are proposing Condo's. We
should get together with T. Cassidy and make sure they have to recognize a public
Regarding the Filing of Cons. Comm. There will be a charge of $1 00 - $150 payable to
the Registry of Deeds. Charge to 20410-52426. S. Menezes made a motion to pay for
this, and M. Troubetaris seconded. All in favor.
Regarding the Test Boring for the Bass River. M. Troubetaris asked to table for further
S. Menezis stated that we need to help L. Bochynski change floats to make them safe by
April. There will be a Facilities Meeting to discuss Summer 06 rates. This meeting will
be held on Wednesday November 16th @ 6:30 p.m. at the Library.
L.B. Vine draft carne in with two numbers. Mr. Armstrong would be able to tell how
much we would get after January 1 st.
S.M. Seamans spoke about Public Access. Mr. Collins needs to fmish the walkway to
Balch Street.