2005-10-06 BEVERL Y HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Minutes of October 6, 2005 Beverly Public Library PRESENT: J. Frates, G. Ward, P. Miedzionoski, S. Menezis, S.M. Seamans, D. Neuman, C. Raymond. GUESTS: L. Bochynski J. Frates opened the meeting. He stated he went to see J. McSweeney. Mr. McSweeney is leaving Cummings Center. J. Frates thanked him for doing nice things for Beverly. There was an article in the Beverly Citizen regarding the Beverly Harbor Center. C. Raymond stated that he, along with some other members went to Swampscott and Saugus to view their coolers. The fishermen of Beverly said they didn't want them because they were afraid other fishermen would use them. D. Neuman stated that he would still like to see the walkway and easement under the bridge for parking. L. Bochynski stated we are tracking payments and agreements. D. Neuman stated we want to execute eviction for those not complying. He made a motion that in a week we turn over to the legal department for enforcement. All in favor. D. Neuman stated that there were trade off's on the mitigations. G. Ward asked if we should discuss rates for winter at Glover. L. Bochynski proposes a 10% increase to $41.00 per foot. S.M. Seamans made a motion that we increase to $41.00 per foot for Glover for the winter. G. Ward seconded. All in favor. G. Ward asked L. Bochynski to draft something for a technician. G. Ward asked L. Bochhynski to work on when people are coming back into the marina and when they are not. Also, to work on the waiting list. 1. Frates stated that he was approached by a neighbor who has a beef about his dinghy. L. Bochynski stated that in September 1999 the City Council approved that a dinghy was to be 10 feet. When this party put his dinghy in the water, he was told that there was a regulation somewhere, but nobody could put their fmger on it right away. When this regulation was found the party was told that next year he would have to comply. His dinghy is 12 feet long, and when it is left with the motor in the up position, this makes it 14 feet. As it is the last one out, it interferes with the vessel at Glover Marina. A Motion to accept the Minutes ofthe August 17 meeting was made by D. Neuman, and seconded by G. Ward. All in favor. D. Neuman stated that Vine Assoc. Delivered the fmal draft. Vine is just about done. D. Neuman stated that Mr. Armstrong should have an answer about money by the middle of the month. D. Neuman stated that at McDonald's the measurement could be taken from the apron instead of the sea wall. He understands that there is still a developer in the wings. There was a motion made to spend $10,000.00 to pursue a consulting firm for permitting for the McDonald's building. S.M. Seamans seconded. All approved. D. Neuman stated that letters are going back and forth re: Port marina. There will be a meeting on October 17 @ 10:00 a.m. with D. Ducsik re: Designated Port. This is an information meeting. P. Miedzionoski met with J. Dunn and he is working on the budget. It was asked if there was any action on the Pier from Elmtop Drive. S. M. Seamans says that the neighbors aren't for it. There will be a facilities committee meeting at the Library on Wednesday the 19th @ 6:30 p.m. Meeting Adjourned. Respectfully submitted, E. Twiss