2005-08-17 Beverly Harbor Management Authority-Full Committee and subcommittee meetings met on August 17,2005 at 6:00 pm at the Harbor Center. Present: John Frates, Chairman, Greg Ward, Maureen Troubetaris, Ron Costa, Don Neuman, Sylvan Menezes, Paul Miedzionoski, Stella Mae Seamans, Charlie Raymond, came a bit late. Guests: wife of Paul Miedzionoski, Ann McDonald, summer help, Brendan Powers & Laura Hobin. Before meeting, we thanked Brendan, gave him a card and Restaurant 99 gift certificate. Meetine: of the whole BHMA Don Neuman reported: 1) The regulatory agencies (i.e. DEP) did not accept the solution offered by Port Marina-having a building built in a water dependent use zone. DEP was adamant "No structure on newly filled tidelands." 2) Alternatively, Port Marina wants 260 more slips. 3) Don Neuman has asked City Assessor-"What are you taxing right now at Port Marina and what revenue does the City get from each slip?" 4) Neuman proposed a letter from the BHMA to Port Marina via the City Solicitor stating that BHMA is keeping to what we voted on before vs. Port Marina. The members present voted unanimously in favor of such a letter. Don Neuman reported on the dredging in the Bass River. There were 8 samples taken. Five different items were shown as being not safe. This is consistent with other, previous samples done. Several options were evaluated in the study ranging in cost from 0.5 million to 5.0 million dollars depending on extent of dredging and dumping options. Ron Costa is very concerned about the hazardousness ofthe materials in the Bass River and wants something done. Thatcher Kezer has a copy of the report in his office. Sylvan asked what is the time line. Don Neuman reported there is a potential developer for the McDonald's site. There was a meeting between the DEP Regulatory people and Tina Cassidy with Susan St. Pierre. They had no problem with measuring setback from the apron for development purposes. Full committee adjourned at 6:45 pm. Everyone left, except subcommittee members. Subcommittee on Facilities-Sylvan, Greg, Charlie, and Stella Mae. We walked to the Pleasure dock. Are repairs being done on dock and fmgers? Seven fmgers are good. Four are not. Lou is working on 1 finger. We shall ask for supplemental budget to refurbish/repair 3 fmgers and ask Kezer to write RFP. We went to Pier. We are happy benches are back: fish rack should be turned over. We looked at Commercial. Where are new renters for spaces?????Sylvan said he would talk to Eileen and Lou. He will fmd out what Lou has been doing, re renters. Lou said at last meeting, he would have a couple of new boat owners in by August. Lou appeared. He did not know meeting had started early. Subcommittee adjourned 8 pm Respectfully submitted by Stella Mae Seamans, member ofBHMA