Minutes of August 4, 2005
Beverly Harbor Center
PRESENT: J. Frates, S. Menezes, C. Raymond, D. Neuman, G. Ward,
M. Troubetaris, & P. Miedzionoski
GUESTS: Mayor Scanlon, & L. Bochynski
J. Frates opened the meeting. He asked ifall accepted the Minutes ofthe previous
meeting, and all accepted.
Committee Reports.
D. Neuman told that G. McSweeney (of Cummings) received the comments on
the hotel property and had to reply. He pleaded not to have to undergo that expense.
The project here- S. St. Pierre is dealing with permitting with DEP. The Conservation
Commission has blessed the project.
There is a meeting on August 10, with permitting regarding McDonald's property.
Seaport Money-nothing new.
Port Marina proposal-we haven't heard anything new. There is a meeting on Monday
the 8th @ 1:00.
G. Ward Facilities Committee. Committee checked out the hearing devices, they
seem to work quite well. The committee would like a "PLEASE ENJOY THIS PUBLIC
WAY" sign at the foot of Washington Street. L. Bochynski's helper is here every day.
Lou will put in the sign and he is working on the rentals. The floats are not in the best
condition at Glover.
The Mayor said that when the City bought Glover Marina he felt good about having Lou
aboard. He asked that the Authority should put on paper what they need and what it
would cost.
D. Neuman thinks that L. Bochynski can repair a few floats and get them rented.
L. Bochynski stated that the baluster and decking of the pier needs to be looked at.
1. Frates spoke ofthe walkway at Cummings. The $10,000 grant was given to M. Collins
to complete walkway.
P. Miedzionoski is working on the budget from month to month. He was in the office to
see how it operates. He hopes to have a spread sheet the next meeting.
It was voted to have the next meeting on WEDNESDAY, September 7th. Facilities
Committee will meet on August 1 ih @ 6:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Eileen Twiss