Minutes of July 7,2005
Beverly Public Library
PRESENT: M. Troubetaris, D. Neuman, J. Frates, S.M. Seamans, P. Miedzionoski,
GUESTS: R. Rollins & T. Rollins
S.M. Seamans made a Motion to accept the Minutes of the previous meeting. D. Neuman
seconded, and all approved.
S.M. Seamans stated that the Authority needs to meet at the waterfront. A. Daignault
suggested that we need a hearing device. VVe are hopefully having our next meeting at
the harbor front. It will cost approximately $1100.00 for a portable hearing device such
as the Library has. This will be paid for out of Dock Maintenance Account.
S.M. Seamans spoke of a table. C. Linscott has a catalog of handicap items. We also
need a small portable ramp.
S.M. Seamans spoke of the Pier being proposed from Elmtop Lane. The pier will go over
100' across high water to low water.
Public Access Sub Committee spoke of this interfering with people who would like to
walk over the Intertidal Zone.
All members were in favor of sending a letter stating the concern of the pier.
G. Ward told that they have one person to be employed to clean docks etc. This will be
for 30-40 hours per week. Brendan Powers. The Facilities Committee will meet with
next week with L. Bochynski, with a list of chores. Eileen will obtain and post this
meeting for Wednesday @ 6:30 p.m.
D. Neuman stated that he talked to J. Dunn regarding the budget. We should look into
the $40,000 transfer.
R. Armstrong says they have money. He didn't say, "you have the money", but the
prospects are good. VVe should know in a few weeks.
Port Marina - The Court case has been put on hold pending a solution. Port Marina has
filed an application to license all unlicensed floats. S.M. Seamans made a motion that we
do something. J. Frates seconded. 7 voted in favor and 1 did not vote. D. Neuman will
look into this; he stated that restrictions may already be in place. He will send a letter,
and also state that in the past the BHMA was opposed to moving the Federal Channel
D. Neuman - Facilities Committee - The permitting Process is underway for the new
H.M. building. The Conservation Commission will view on July 9 @ 8:45 a.m. There
will be an Envrronmental meeting on 7/11 @ 3:00 p.m. We are trying to meet with Ben
Lynch re: McDonald's building.
The borings in the Bass River are progressing.
Respectfully submitted,
E. Twiss