2005-04-07 BEVERL Y HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Beverly Public Library April 7, 2005 PRESENT: J. Frates. M. Troubetaris, D. Neuman, S.M. Seamans, G. Ward, C. Raymond, T. Birner, S. Menezes, R. Costa, & P. Miedzionoski GUESTS: R. Gelineau, L. Bochynski, and J. Dunn 1. Frates opened the meeting. He asked if we should have the next meeting at the Harbor Center? We should ask the ADA Coordinator. He welcomed J. Dunn and asked if he would answer some questions regarding the budget. J. Dunn explained the budget with printed facts from the computer. He explained that whatever the vision ofthe group is they need to let it be known to the Mayor and Council. He also stated that the group needed to work on the budget for the next fiscal year now. It should be done by the first week in June. D. Neuman asked about the $200,000.00 from the pipeline, and also the $35,000.00 to preserve the mural in the McDonald's building. 1. Dunn says the $200,000.00 was received by the City, but never appropriated. It is in the General Fund. There is another $25,000.00 being held by the "Friends of Recreation". He also stated that we need to go back and look at the original grant to see about subsidizing the fishing fleet. D. Neuman asked if it would be feasible to speak with the mayor regarding the $200,000.00. Not to transfer-but to earmark. J. Dunn says we should get a sense of the Mayor and Council. P. Miedzionoski was introduced as a new member of the BHMA. City Solicitor, R. Gelineau asked ifthere were any fishermen present to discuss the slip agreements. As none were present we will move ahead. It was voted to go into Executive Session to discuss Port Marina: M. Troubetaris Yes C. Raymond Yes S.M. Seamans Yes T. Bimer Yes 1. Frates Yes S. Menezes Yes D. Neuman Yes G. Ward Yes R. Costa Yes P. Miedzionoski Yes It was voted that we go out of Executive Session: M. Troubetaris S.M. Seamans J. Frates D. Neuman R. Costa Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes c. Raymond T. Bimer S. Menezes G. Ward P. Miedzionoski Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes The Facilities Committee will meet on April 28 @ the Library @ 6:30 p.rn. ifthere is a room available. E. Twiss will check and post. Meeting adjourned, Respectfully submitted, E. Twiss