Public Meeting Minutes
Historic District Commission
April 13, 2005
Members Present
: William Finch, Matthew Lewis
John Condon, John Frates
Members Absent
: None
Others Present
: Leah Zambernardi
Leah Zambernardi
Mr. Finch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
1. Request to change boundaries of Fish Flake Hill Local Historic District to effect
removal of 61-63 Front Street from the District Boundaries
Ms. Zambernardi states that Front Street Condo Trust II has submitted a request to the
City Council that their property be removed from the Fish Flake Hill Local Historic
Mr. Finch summarizes the procedure for changing a local historic district boundary.
Ms. Zambernardi states the Commission's first step is to complete a draft study report that
will be reviewed by MHC and the Planning Board. She states she has drafted the study
report and she asks members for their comments.
Members provide written and verbal comments.
Zambernardi states she will incorporate members' comments and that she will submit the
revised draft to Mr. Finch for final approval.
Lewis motions to accept the document submitted by Ms. Zambernardi as the
Commission's draft study report subject to her incorporating the members' comments and
Mr. Finch's final approval of the document. Mr. Condon seconds the motion and it
carries unanimously.
Mr. Condon motions to adjourn. Mr. Frates seconds the motion and it carries