2005-03-16 CITY OF BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS Public Meeting Minutes Board: Historic District Commission Date: March 16, 2005 Members Present : William Finch, James Younger, Matthew Lewis John Condon, John Frates Members Absent : None Others Present : Leah Zambernardi Recorder: Diane Presutti Mr. Finch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 1. Certificate of Appropriateness: Carol Fossiano & Richard Faulkner/18-20 Front Street Ms. Fossiano and Mr. Faulkner approached the Board requesting a COA to replace eight windows and rotted wood frames with vinyl replacement windows. They explained to the Board that their choice in windows is cost effective. They also indicated that the neighboring homes have replaced their windows with vinyl. Mr. Finch asks for comments from the public. There is no response; therefore, he closed the public hearing for the Board to review the request on the table. Mr. Finch stated to the applicants that the other homes in the neighborhood replaced their windows either before the district was formed or are in violation; therefore they're not relevant to this petition and do not set a precedent. He asked for comments from the Board members. Mr. Younger stated that the Board feels strongly about maintaining the integrity of the facades in the district. They work closely with the building department and have a strong precedent of not allowing vinyl replacement windows in historical homes. He also thanked the applicants for applying for a COA prior to replacing their windows. The contractor for the applicants stated that their current windows are very old and are rotted on the inside; therefore, to replace them with wood would be very costly. He indicated that the outside frames are all make shift and would be replaced as well. Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes March 16, 2005 Page 2 of 3 th Mr. Finch stated that the home dates back to the 18 century. He states that the site goes th back to the 17 century. It was the site of the former Dixie Tavern. When Hank Cook owned the home and converted it into condominiums he made every effort to keep the exterior, including the window frames, in a historic configuration. He also indicated that it is evident that a vote from the Board will deny their application and he asked the applicants if they would hear some suggestions from the Board. He stated it is common for Commissions across the state to not allow vinyl windows. He stated the Commission has been making an effort to be consistent about enforcement over these issues. He states the only exceptions they’ve made are for changes that are not clearly visible from the street. He stated Brosco single glazed thru-muntin double sash windows with a storm sash on the inside or the outside are a window type the Commission has approved in the past. He also indicated that they need to pay attention to external frames, shadow lines, depth and thickness. Mr. Finch states they want a thru-muntin, not a “paste-on” or “snap- in” muntin. The contractor asks about insulated glass panels. Mr. Finch states they would have to be individual panels with thru-muntins. Mr. Faulkner stated that the side windows were obstructed by tall trees and therefore asked if they could use vinyl on that side. Mr. Finch advised that obstruction of trees is irrelevant, only the rear of the home would be allowed vinyl because it is not visible from the street. Mr. Finch also stated that low E panels clipped to the outside of the windows are not allowed because they reduce the amount of muntin on the outside to a small dimension. Mr. Finch adds that from an energy point of view, interior storm panels make a tremendous difference and deal with leaks around the window sash. He noted external storms and interior storm panels are allowed. He also stated that the frame size must remain the same. Mr. Younger motioned to accept the application for a COA subject to the following conditions: 1) that the replacement windows, labeled#1 through #8 on the photographs, shall be wood, 6/6 light double hung, thru-muntin sash windows and frames (i.e., each sash shall have 6 individual panes or double glazed units of glass set into thru-muntins), such as Brosco model SSB true divided lite single glazed wood sash that are not equipped with a low E panel. Aluminum exterior storm sash are not regulated by the Commission and may therefore be added at your discretion; 2) that prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicants submit scaled drawings for the Commission’s records, to assure that the placement and dimensions of the replacement materials will match those of the existing windows. Seconded by Mr. Condon. Motion carried 5-0. 2. Update on 61-63 Front Street Ms. Zambernardi reads a letter from the Papagelis’ of 61 Front Street in response to a letter asking for them to comply to their COA. Their response stated that they would be Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes March 16, 2005 Page 3 of 3 approaching the City Council for a removal from the Historic District and then they would be able to respond to their letter. She also stated that after the City Council hears their request, the Council will ask for a study report from the Historic District Commission. The Board concludes that this response is not sufficient and they direct Ms. Zambernardi to refer the matter to the Solicitor’s office for enforcement. Mr. Condon motioned to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Younger. Motion carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.