City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: February 10, 2005
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Mark Casey, Bill Collins, Jack O’Neil, Gary Lambert, Lauren Young,
Dave Gardner, Patti Adams, Arthur Powell, Mike Gaudette
Board members absent:
Others present: Director Bruce Doig, Tom Scully, Joscelyn Ruelle Kesker, Jon Paddol
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written.
Commission met with Jon Paddol to discuss the movie list for the summer. Discussed “Saving
Private Ryan”. Both Jon and Tom Scully expressed their support for showing the movie. It should
be advertised separately and not as part of the “family movie series”. Further discussion was
tabled until the March meeting. Jon was asked to attend and bring the list of other movies he
would like to include.
Mr. Collins presented the proposal for the dog park at Bessie Baker. Proposal includes raising the
3 ft fence to 4 or 5 feet, double gates, operating hrs of 6 am to sunset, carry in, carry out waste
disposal, posting “no aggressive” dogs. Fencing costs will run about $5500. To help fund the
project the Dog Park Committee plans to ask the City for a one-third of the income from the
raising of the dog-licensing fees which went from $10-15 this year. When the increase was
proposed it was hoped that the additional revenue would be used to add a part time Animal
Services Officer.
Arthur Powell suggested the 6 am start was too early due to the close proximity of the
neighboring homes. He also expressed concern about the coordination of clean up and grass
cutting and the carry in-carry out policy which could mean most people using the barrels near the
park and stores. Dave Gardner suggested other sites be considered that would not have such
close neighbors. Mr. Collins explained that other sites had been reviewed and Bessie appeared to
be the best choice. Areas further out and away from neighbors were deemed unsafe to due their
If the Commission gives their approval for the Committee to proceed, the next steps would be
notification of the abutters, the City Council and the mall owner, set up a public hearing and ask
the City Council to make the necessary ordinance change.
Motion was made that the Parks and Recreation Commission approves the concept to explore and
supports the possibility of a dog park at Bessie Baker. Motion was seconded. Motion was carried with
7 in favor and 2 opposed.
Middle School Strength and Conditioning Program going strong with 35 enrolled.
Giving Back Award: 2004 recipient is Armando Cuoco who has volunteered at the Strength
and Conditioning program since it began. Award will be presented annually to recognize a
Beverly High School Athlete for giving back to the Beverly athletic community by working with
the youth of Beverly.
Annual Field Summit Tues Feb 22 at the Senior Center
No update on the Vitale site
Seawall: DPW filled the holes at Lynch. A more permanent solution will be sought before
Beverly Golf & Tennis: Save the Pool group has scheduled two fund raisers: Polar Plunge in
February and A Family Fun Night in March. They hope to raise $ 25-30,000. Bruce estimates
that $60-70,000 will be needed.
At the last Youth Collaboration meeting it was decided to try to raise $125,000 to repair the
basketball court, skatepark and hockey court, as well as, make repairs to the building. Fewer
and fewer teens are going to the youth center due to the poor condition of the facilities.
Community Development has made a commitment to fund two parks this summer.
Brochure advertisements: Collecting info from surrounding communities and waiting to hear
from the City Solicitor.
Bruce presented the changes to the field fees that he is proposing. Further discussion was
tabled to the March meeting.
Briefly discussed vendors and vending machines for Dane St. Beach. Further discussion was
tabled to the March meeting.
Meeting adjourned.
Respecfully submitted,
Gail Carmody
Recreation Department