City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: September 2, 2004
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Mark Casey, Bill Collins, Lauren Young ,Dave Gardner, Jack O’Neil,
Gary Lambert, Mike Gaudette and Patti Adams
Board members absent: Arthur Powell
Others present: Director Bruce Doig, Tom Scully , Rich Benevento and City Councilor Kevin
Rich Benevento of the Lynch Park Advisory Committee gave an update and presented Tappe’s
proposal on the carriage house roof. Trustees have set aside $200,000 for the roof including
$20,000 for design services. Discussed a variety of fund raising ideas including corporate
sponsorship and federal grant money. Motion was made to accept the concept of corporate
naming rights for the carriage house, including individual rooms, as long as the Commission has
final approval. Motion was carried with all in favor.
Minutes of July 1, 2004 were accepted as written.
Playground Equipment: replacement pieces have been ordered for Balch, as well as a new
slide piece for Lynch.
On a suggestion from Ron Costa, DPW is moving the equipment from the Edwards School to Gillis
Peace Pole for the Common: Sister Julie from St. Mary’s has received permission from the
Mayor to have a peace pole installed at the Common. Bruce was asked to suggest a location.
Dedication will be held on October 11. After much discussion it was suggested that a “peace
tree” be planted rather than the pole. Mr. Scully agreed to speak to the Mayor.
Mom’s Softball Tournament: The 5 annual tournament will be held Oct 1-3 with 11 teams
Summer: Camp and park programs were well attended. Director credited an excellent staff for
another great summer making note of an outstanding performance from the Head Ranger Kris
Melanson who went above and beyond.
Homecoming: Discussed parking issues and police details. Parking lot filled and needed to be
closed on 5 occasions during Homecoming. Suggestions on how to improve the situation for next
year included shuttle buses from the High School.
Lynch Park: Mass. Electric finished the lights. DPW did an excellent job all summer at the park.
Bruce expressed special thanks to Danny Ambriefi who was at Lynch everyday. He was cutting
the grass and helping out with other tasks as needed. A cook out for the DPW crews for all their
hard work around the city this summer is being planned.
Discussed Bruce’s plan for improving traffic flow at Lynch by making the access road the main
entrance into the parking lot and the current entrance an exit road from the parking lot. This way
the gate attendant would be between the 2 parking lots and can better control the traffic on the
access road. Further discussion is planned.
ADA compliance: Arthur recommends 14 HD spaces in the lot and 2 up by carriage house. We
have 5 spaces currently. By law we are only required to have a total of 7.
Field Committee: Field plan has been updated.
Save The Pool: a group has formed to save the pool at the Beverly Golf & Tennis Club.
Open Space Committee: Patty Adams name has been submitted to the Mayor to replace Dave
Gardner on the committee.
Kiosks at Sally Milligan: to be installed soon. A decision needs to be made about what maps,
rules and regulations and other information to include.
Community Service: Landmark students available on two dates for 90 mins. Trash pick up at
Green’s Hill and Sally Milligan was suggested.
Respecfully submitted
Gail Carmody
Recreation Department