2004-10-07 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: October 7, 2004 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mark Casey, Bill Collins, Gary Lambert, Lauren Young, Dave Gardner, Mike Gaudette, Patti Adams, Arthur Powell Board members absent: Jack O’Neil Others present: Director Bruce Doig, Tom Scully, Sr. Julie Peace Pole: Sister Julie from St. Mary’s and Beverly Pax Christi discussed the peace pole for the Beverly Common and the Peace Vigil scheduled for October 11, 2004. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Upcoming Events: Bruce stated that the DPW recognition picnic scheduled for October 10, 2004 was put on hold due to the holiday weekend. Bruce will talk with Mike Collins to determine a better date. The fall Park Tour will take place on Saturday, 10/23/04, from 7:00AM to 10:00AM. We will meet at Lynch Park. The Parks & Recreation December meeting was scheduled for 12/2/04 at 6:30PM at the Beverly Depot. Recent Events: Bruce mentioned that the Fall 2004 brochure has been mailed. Most adult enrichment classes start in October. Bruce reported that the North Shore Triathlon and the North Shore 10-Mile race were both help at Lynch Park during September with few problems. There were some minor traffic issues early in the triathlon with many cars using the driveway. This problem was resolved and the race went smoothly. th Bruce said that the 5 Annual Mom’s Softball Tournament was very successful again this year. $2750 was raised for the Beverly Education Foundation and over $2000 was raised at the concession stand for the Beverly Public Schools. Over $400 was raised with raffles and donated to the Friends of Beverly Recreation. Vitale Site: Meetings are continuing to discuss the plans for the Vitale site. Bruce has met with Mayor Scanlon, Tina Cassidy, and Frank Killilea as well as representatives from Patrovicz Engineering to develop some preliminary plans for the site. Bruce will talk with David Lang to discuss the proposed plans and get feedback from the Conservation Commission. th Lynch Park Carriage House: There is a meeting scheduled for October 19 with Congressman Tierney’s office to discuss the Lynch Park plans and possible grant money for the carriage house renovation project. Dog Park Committee: The next meeting is scheduled for 10/20/04 at the library (7:00PM). Discussed the need for updated signage at parks and fields listing regulations fir field usage and dogs. Many dogs have been observed off leash at many locations and the signage is not consistent in some locations. Beverly Golf & Tennis: Bruce visited the pool with Paul Lydon as requested by Paul Guianci. BGT Commission has until the end of November to come up with the money to repair the pool. Discussed area municipal golf courses. Some towns hire management companies to run the course, other towns, like Peabody, run it themselves. New Teen Center has been completed. Dedication will be Oct 28 at 4:30 pm. It has been named “The Douglas Stevens Teen Center”. Field Committee met in September and will have another meeting in October. The institution of new voluntary user fees has been discussed. This money would help with field maintenance and renovations. It was suggested that the money be a donation to the Friends of Beverly Recreation. A list of projects and priorities is being developed. Sally Mulligan: the list of rules and regulations for the kiosks was reviewed. Other kiosks will be installed at Green’s Hill, Norwood’s Pond and Philips Estate. Rose Garden: The Girls Scouts, The Garden Club and The Improvement Society are making contributions to the new roses that were purchased this year. Balch equipment has been fixed at no charge. Steve Dibble lent a hand even though he is no longer with Dr. Play. Youth Sport Seminars: Gary Lambert spoke about EI Sports , a new company, that offers seminars teaching ethics and sportsmanship in youth sports. Programs are geared to coaches, participants and parents. Gary suggested that it be made mandatory for parents and coaches to attend a seminar. He definitely wants to get The Girls Softball League involved. Bruce mentioned that a few years ago the Recreation Dept. hired Bob Bigelow to speak about these issues and the turn out from the leagues was low. Vinny Palazzo will be invited to the next meeting to discuss the idea. Policy review: Discussed a list of polices that need to be updated including those governing Lynch Park and the Common. Bruce was asked to prepare draft policies for the Commission to review. Veteran Memorials at Odell Park: The Mayor told Mike Collins to go ahead and put in the foundation for the bell tower. Commission expressed concern that work is proceeding without the updated plan that was requested. The chairman will review previous minutes and write a letter to Jake (cc to Mayor). Discussed the neighborhood survey. rd Park Tour: Oct 23 nd Commission Dinner: December 2 Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Gail Carmody Recreation Department