2004-11-04 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: November 4, 2004 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mark Casey, Bill Collins, Jack O’Neil, Gary Lambert, Mike Gaudette, Patti Adams, Arthur Powell Board members absent: Lauren Young, Dave Gardner Others present: Director Bruce Doig, Tom Scully, City Councilor Ron Costa and EI Sports Representative Vinnie Palazzo Minutes of previous were accepted with a correction to the spelling of Sally Mulligan to Sally Milligan. Councilor Ron Costa talked about plans to cut down some or all of the trees near the Civil War Monument in Monument Square. Trees are obstructing the view of the monument and the roots are interfering with the annual planting of flowers. According to Phil Klimowicz, the trees are about 30 years old. Tom Scully went to the site and he agrees that the trees are definitely obscuring the view of the monument from just about all sides. Smaller ornamental trees and some benches were suggested. Motion was made to accept the proposal to remove the trees as suggested and that a plan for any new plantings or renovations be developed and brought to the Commission for approval. Bruce explained that they are looking into moving the Edwards School equipment to Dane Street. Plans are also proceeding for equipment at Gillis Park. Commission met with Vinnie Palazzo from EI Sports whose goal is to work with youth organizations to bring back ethics and integrity to youth sports through interactive workshops for coaches and parents. The two-hour workshops are limited to a maximum of 35 people, cost about $15 per person and can be designed for each city based on their issues. It was decided that the Field Committee would discuss the workshops at their next meeting. DIRECTOR’S REPORT nd Upcoming Events: Commission Dinner is scheduled for Dec 2, 6 30 pm at the Beverly Depot. thth MRPA Conference: Monday and Tuesday, November 8 and 9 on the Cape Montserrat College of Art wants to put up a sculpture on the common for their open house on th November 13. A sketch of the sculpture was reviewed. It was recommended they speak to Phil Klimowicz before the installation. DPW Picnic - On hold until the spring. Peace Pole installation went very well. Lynch Park Carriage House: Committee is waiting for approval from Ray Bouchard on the plans for the roof. New teen center was dedicated on October 28. NOVEMBER 2004 MEETING MINUTES - Page 2 Dog Park Committee: Bill Collins reported that the last meeting focused on Bessie Baker. Group would like to know what steps have to be taken to create a site at Bessie. Is a public hearing necessary? Will Public Services do the work or will it contracted out? What needs to be done first? Bruce suggested a design be developed first as well as determining legal rights of way for neighbors, property lines, etc. Assessors Office and Engineering can help with maps of the property. Mr. Collins also reported on some very successful off leash areas in Brookline. Veterans Memorial at Odell Park: Bruce reported that it does not look like work will be finished by Veteran’s Day. The foundation has been poured but NS Tech HS has not started work yet. No word received on moving of the cannons. Field Committee: One goal of the committee is to raise money for field maintenance with all organizations (including youth groups) contributing funds for the fields they use. The adult groups have always been charged for their field use. It is being recommended that the Field Committee of the Recreation Commission be abolished and a new committee be established under the Friends of Recreation. Bruce will meet with the City Solicitor to discuss liability issues. Open Space: New kiosks have been installed at Phillips Estate and Norwood’s Pond. Boundary markers were reviewed and approved. Regulations were discussed. Bruce will send out the latest list of proposed regulations for review. Roses: A $300 donation was received from the Friendly Garden Club. Position upgrade: Approval has been received to upgrade Joscelyn Ruelle-Kersker to the new position of Assistant to the Director with a salary increase. Covenant Christian School is requesting that the basketball hoops at Vittori be replaced. The school will donate $500—600 towards the replacement costs. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted Gail Carmody Recreation Department