Beverly City Hall
191 Cabot Street
Beverly, MA 01915
April 21, 2005
Members Present:
Norm Ganley, Co-Chairman; Elise Bernstein, Eileen Twiss; Kevin
Gallant, Co-Chairman
Members Absent:
Candace Pike; John Vickery and Bob Nelson
Art Daignault, ADA Coordinator and Tiffany Silliman of the Service
Employees International Union
Meeting called to order at 7:15 p.m.
Presentation by Ms. Silliman on Senate Bill 139, which deals with the creation of
a workforce council for Personal Care Attendants. This bill would create a more
stable workforce of PCAs.
The Commission voted to endorse this bill and will lobby Senators and
Representatives on the Joint Committee on Children & Families to ensure its
Parking fines for the quarter ending March 31, 2005 were $6,200.00.
Norm Ganley talked about the proposed Shoe Pond Walkway Connector. It will
be accessible.
Lawsuit against “Big Papas” because of the accident was due to the fact that the
owner was advised to put “wheel stops” in place and failed to do so. Had these
been in place, the accident that occurred may not have been as serious.
Lothrop Street will have new accessible sidewalks and curb cuts when
reconstruction is complete latter this summer.
Discussion on missing handicap parking signs in lot at 35 Enon Street. Letter will
be written to owner of property and copied to the Building Commissioner.
Kevin Gallant noted the deterioration of mini-high ramps at “T” stations a
Beverly, North Beverly, and Beverly Farms stations. Norm Ganley and Art
Daignault will investigate.
All minutes of the Beverly Commission on Disabilities’ meetings are available in
alternative format upon request from the American With Disability (ADA) Coordinator at
Beverly City Hall.