6:15 PM Public Hearing-Appropriation of State Funds
Refer to Finance and Property
6:30 PM Public Hearing-Allocation of FY05 Tax Levy Percentages
Refer to Finance and Property
7:00 PM Public Hearing-Ordinance-Zoning-Open Space Residential Design
Recess until January 4, 2005 at 7:00 PM
7:45 PM John Blodgett re open Meeting Law
Regular Meeting of Beverly City Council 8:00 PM DECEMBER 6, 2004
Roll Call
Councilors Present: John J. Burke, Ronald Costa, William Coughlin, Timothy
Flaherty, Patricia Grimes, Kevin Hobin, Donald Martin, Maureen Troubetaris, Paul Guanci
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
: Led by Councilor Martin
Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Meeting of November 20, 2004
Communications from His Honor the Mayor
December 6, 2004
Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
I hereby request that your Honorable Council authorize the Mayor to sign the two
attached Subordination Agreements for properties owned as follows:
Mr. and Mrs. John Tanzella – 29 Eastern Avenue
Also attached are communications from Community Development Manager, William
O’Hare, concerning this request.
Very truly yours,
William F. Scanlon, Jr., Mayor
Refer to Legal Affairs
#342 A
December 6, 2004
Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
I hereby request that your Honorable Council authorize the Mayor to sign the two
attached Subordination Agreements for properties owned as follows:
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wright – 3 Madison Avenue
Also attached are communications from Community Development Manager, William
O’Hare, concerning this request.
Very truly yours,
William F. Scanlon, Jr., Mayor
Refer to Legal Affairs
December 6, 2004
Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
In order to update the terms of the Commissioners of Trust Funds, I hereby reappoint the
following Commissioners as follows:
Mr. William Howard
2 Sylvester Avenue
Effective until December 31, 2005
Mr. Lawrence M. Smith, Chairman
86 Grover Street
Effective until December 31, 2006
Mr. John Putney
29 Berrywood Lane
Effective until December 31, 2006
Very truly yours,
William F. Scanlon, Jr., Mayor
Refer to Finance and Property
December 6, 2004
Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
I hereby appoint, subject to your review and recommendation, Ms. Michele J. Kenna,
9 Pine Road, Beverly, MA 01915, to serve as a member of the Beverly Cultural Council.
Her term will be effective until April 30, 2007.
Very truly yours,
William F. Scanlon, Mayor
Refer to Public Services
December 6, 2004
Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable Council:
I hereby appoint as Special Police Officers, subject to your review and recommendation,
the attached list of Beverly Traffic Supervisors.
Very truly yours,
William F. Scanlon, Jr., Mayor
Refer to Public Services
Communications from other City Officers and Boards
December 1, 2004
Honorable City Council
C/o Mrs. Frances MacDonald
City Hall
Beverly, MA. 01915
Dear Councilors,
Re: Bradford Road, no parking northerly side
The only residents of Bradford Road, the DiPaolo Family, have asked us to help with the
parking on that short street. When Memorial Middle School has large gatherings and at
other times of the year, vehicles park on both sides of Bradford Road and they can’t get
in and out of their driveway. They also fear if an emergency occurred Fire Trucks,
Ambulances or Police Vehicles would not be able to access their street.
Please take the necessary action to amend Chapter 14, Section 120 as follows:
ADD: Sec. 14-120 Parking prohibited at all times
Bradford Road, northerly side
Very truly yours,
Dennis O. Tarsook, Traffic Sergeant
Safety Officer
Refer to Legal Affairs and Accounts
City Council
191 Cabot St.
Beverly, MA 01915
RE Beverly Zoning Ordinance Fines and Penalties
Dear Honorable Council:
Chapter 29-28C of the Beverly Zoning Ordinance states at paragraph 2 that a person’s
“Failure to comply with any provisions of the Ordinance or with any specific conditions
and safeguards established by the Board of Appeals in granting a variance or Special
Permit, shall cause the violator be liable for a fine not to exceed $50.00 for each day
such violation continues unabated after the remedy of same is ordered by the Building
I believe that $50 per day is not a sufficient penalty to convince some businesses or
individuals to refrain from daily violations of the Zoning Ordinance. Therefore, I am
requesting this Honorable Council amend Chapter 29-28D 2 by changing the maximum
fine from $50 per day to $400.00 per day.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Nelson, Building Commissioner/Zoning Officer
Refer to Legal Affairs
Request from City Solicitor Roy Gelineau for Executive Session tonight for the purpose of
discussing pending litigation.
Receive and Place on File
Communications, Applications and Petitions:
Claim-William Hunt
Receive and Place on File
Refer to City Solicitor
Petition-Mass Electric conduit and underground equipment pole 942 on Dodge Street
across from North Beverly Plaza
Refer to Public Services
Comm. relative to donation to Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission
Receive and Place on File
Reports from Committees:
The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of
Acceptance of MGL Cha 32B Sec. 18 have considered said matter and beg leave to
report as follows:
Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption
Ordered: That the City Council of the City of Beverly accept MGL Chapter 32B, Section
18 which is a local option law relating to Medicare Extension Plans, specifically,
mandatory enrolment in Medicare Part B
6-2 Roll Call Vote Councilor Coughlin Recused
Order read once and Adopted
: For: Burke, Flaherty, Grimes, Hobin, Troubetaris, Guanci
Roll Call Vote
Against: Costa, Martin
The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of
Appropriation of State funds have considered said matter and beg leave to report as
follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption
Ordered: That the City Council approve the following appropriations:
1) $250,000 appropriated to the operating budget of the Beverly Public Schools.
This would be the sum of the $150,000 in fuel savings that could not be
realized because of the inability to convert the school boilers to dual fuel use
and the $100,000 in additional appropriation that had been previously
discussed with the City Council during the spring budget process.
2) The balance of $89,985 to be appropriated to the Reserve for Unforeseen
where it would be available for any future needs during FY 2005. This would
increase the balance in the reserve account to $215,082.
First Passage: Nov. 15, 2004
Public Hearing: Dec. 6, 2004
Final Passage: Dec. 6, 2004
8-1 Vote Costa Against
Order read once and adopted
The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of Allocation
of FY05 Tax Levy Percentages have considered said matter and beg leave to report as
follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption
Ordered: That the City Council of the City of Beverly approve the following:
1. That the City NOT accept Open Space Exemptions
2. That the City ACCEPT that the Minimum Residential Factor for calculation
of the FY05 Tax Rate be set at .900669 1.70 Shift
First Passage: Nov. 15, 2004
Public Hearing: Dec. 6, 2004
Final Passage: Dec. 6, 2004
9-0 Vote
Order read once and adopted
The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of application for Class
II MVDL-DiBacco’s Service Center have considered said matter and beg leave to report
as follows, to wit:
Recommend the License be Granted for eight (8) Cars
9-0 Vote
Order read once and adopted
The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Amendment to Rules
and Orders of Council have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows,
to wit:
Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption
Ordered: The Rules and Orders of City Council as adopted pursuant to Section 2-6 (c) of
the Beverly Home Rule Charter are amended by the insertion of the following new Rule
following Rule 21:
Rule 21A. There shall be a Committee of the Whole which shall consist of the entire
membership of the Council. Five members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction
of business, but a smaller number may meet and recess or adjourn the meeting.
Whenever a member shall object to referral pursuant to Rule 26 of any matter to any
standing or special committee of the Council on the grounds that the matter has been
insufficiently discussed to permit effective action by such standing or special committee,
the President may, prior to such referral to a standing or special committee, refer the
matter to the Committee of the Whole for the purpose of additional discussion.
Notwithstanding such objection, and, further, notwithstanding the decision of the
President regarding referral to the Committee, the Council, by majority vote of those
members present, may make or may prevent such referral to the Committee of the
Whole. The President may preside at a meeting of the Committee of the Whole or may
appoint another member to so preside, provided that the same individual shall preside
for the entirety of any meeting, and, provided further, that the presiding officer of the
Committee of the Whole may participate in discussion as fully as any other member. The
Committee of the Whole shall receive no business except referrals pursuant to this Rule.
Further, the Committee of the Whole shall take no action except to discuss matters
referred pursuant to this Rule, to conduct public hearings regarding matters referred
pursuant to this Rule, if the majority of the Committee of the Whole shall determine that
such a hearing would assist the consideration of a matter, and, upon completion of
discussion, to refer a matter back to the Council for further disposition pursuant to these
7-2 Vote Coughlin, Guanci Voted against
Order read once and adopted
The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Ordinance
Administration re Board of Assessors of taxes have considered said matter and beg leave
to report as follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying ordinance and recommend its adoption
In the year two thousand and Four
On Ordinance Amending an ordinance entitled Administration, Board of
Assessors of Taxes
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Beverly as follows:
Division 3A Tax Agreements for Affordable Housing
Section 2-333 Intent and Purpose
Section 2-334 Authority to Negotiate Tax Agreements: Approval of the City
Section 2-335 Delegation of Authority
Section 2-333 Intent and Purpose
Having determined that it is desirable for the City of Beverly to have an adequate stock
of affordable housing and that the City of Beverly should encourage the development of
affordable housing for its citizens, it is hereby declared to be the policy of the City of
Beverly that, in the appropriate circumstances, the City of Beverly may enter into
agreements with developers of affordable housing for the payment of outstanding
property taxes, as authorized under the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws c. 58, s.
8C, as it may be amended from time to time.
Section 2-334 Authority to Negotiate Tax Agreements: Approval by the City
The Mayor is authorized to negotiate agreements for the payment of outstanding
property taxes by persons or entities seeking to develop affordable housing on the
parcels for which such taxes are owed. Such agreements shall comply in all respects
with the requirements established in Massachusetts General Laws c. 58, s. 8C, as it may
be amended from time to time.
Any such agreement shall be subject to approval by the City Council.
Section 2-335 Delegation of Authority
The Mayor may delegate the authority granted hereunder to any one or more of the
following: the Director of Municipal Finance of the City of Beverly or the Chief Assessor.
Such delegation of authority shall be in writing, with notice to the City Council, and shall
remain en effect until it is revoked in writing by the Mayor.
Ordinance to take effect upon passage according to City Charter
First Passage: Dec. 6, 2004
Final Passage: Dec. 20, 2004
9-0 Vote
Ordinance read once and held for final passage as per charter provisions
The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Ordinance
Administration relative to ECDC have considered said matter and beg leave to report as
follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying ordinance and recommend its adoption
In the year two thousand and 2004
An ordinance amending an ordinance relative to Economic and Community
Development Council
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Beverly as follows:
That Chapter 2 entitled Administration, Article 4 Division 9 be amended as follows:
Sec. 2-436. I Establishment; composition and appointment.
There is hereby established an economic and community development council. The
council shall consist of eleven (11) members. The members shall be appointed as follows:
(1) Appointed ex officio; the mayor, the Director of Public Services or his designee, the
planning director; and the community development director.
(2) Appointed by the mayor and coterminous with the mayor; members at large one (1)
each with: industrial experience, financial investment experience; commercial
experience; a representative of the chamber of commerce, and two (2) members of the
(3) The City Council shall elect, by a majority vote, a member of its own number.
(4) Additional community members may be appointed by the mayor on an as needed
basis to staff ad hoc committees. Members of the ad hoc committees will serve on an
ex-officio (non-voting) basis.
(Rev. Ords. 1973, § 2-106; Ord. No. 548, 12-6-93; Ord. No. 258, 6-1995)
Cross reference-Planning, Ch. 18.
State law reference-Municipal authority to establish development and industrial
commission, M.G.L. c. 40, § 8A.
Sec. 2-437. Purpose.
The economic and community development council shall formulate, under the auspices
of the mayor, a community and economic development policy. The council shall
provide a vehicle for coordination and communication between all development
agencies and officials, city departments, commissions and boards, and the mayor's
office in order to ensure a timely governmental response to development issues,
opportunities and problems.
The use of ad hoc committees is allowed in that they can perform studies and make
recommendations to the voting members of the economic and community
development council.
(Rev. Ords. 1973, § 2-107; Ord. No. 258, 6-1995)
Sec. 2-438. Staff.
The city planner shall provide staff assistance to the economic and community
development council, as requested by that body.
(Rev. Ords. 1973, § 2-108)
Sec. 2-439. Election of chairman and vice chairman.
The economic and community development council shall meet and organize and shall
annually elect from among the members a chairman and vice chairman.
(Rev. Ords. 1973, § 2-109)
Ordinance read once and the vote was postponed for two weeks as per request of
8-1 Vote
Councilor Burke
The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Subordination
Agreement John Tanzella have considered said matter and beg leave to report as
follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption
Ordered: That His Honor the Mayor be, and the same is hereby authorized to sign the
attached Subordination of Mortgage for Mr. & Mrs. John Tanzella for property at 29 Eastern
Avenue, as per the attached communication from Community Development manager
William O’Hare.
9-0 Vote
Order read once and adopted
The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Subordination
Thomas Wright have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption
Ordered: That His Honor the Mayor be, and the same is hereby authorized to sign the
attached Subordination of Mortgage for Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wright for property at 3
Madison Avenue, as per the attached communication from Community Development
manager William O’Hare.
9-0 Vote
Order read once and adopted
The Committee on Public Services to whom was referred the matter of communication
re water bill of Paul Robinson have considered said matter and beg leave to report as
follows, to wit:
Receive and Place on File
9-0 Vote
Order read once and Adopted
The Committee on Public Services to whom was referred the matter of request for live tree
removal, 46 Chase Street have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to
Receive and Place on File
9-0 Vote
Order read once and adopted
The Committee on Public Services to whom was referred the matter of Communication
re Residential Trash Fee have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows,
to wit:
Receive and Place on File
9-0 Vote
Order read once and adopted
The Committee on Public Services to whom was referred the matter of Petition of Mass
Electric for installation of 1-3” pvc conduit in Dodge Street have considered said matter
and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:
Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption
Ordered: That the City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, December 20,
2004 at 7:58 PM in Council Chambers, third floor, 191 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA 01915
relative to a petition of Mass Electric for the installation of 1 3” conduit and miscellaneous
underground equipment at Pole 942 on Dodge Street opposite the North Beverly
Shopping Plaza.
9-0 Vote
Order read once and adopted
Unfinished Business:
#324 Ordinance MV & T One Way Street and Obedience to Stop Signs Goat Hill Lane
Resolution-Eagle Scout Benjamin Kilham
Resolution-Eagle Scout Adam Fullerton
Motions and Orders:
By Councilor Burke:
Ordered: That the City Council invite Frank Killilea and Peter Seamans of the Engineering
Dept. to appear before the council to discuss the contract with JRM Hauling and
Recycling Services, Inc. amend to read and invite JRM representative to Comm. of
whole Jan. 11, 2005
Refer to Committee of the Whole
By Councilor Coughlin:
Ordered: Be it resolved that the City of Beverly acknowledge the dedication ceremony
held at the Phillips Estate on November 21, 2004 honoring the late Dominic Manzoli for his
enduring work in protecting the environment and water supply at Wenham Lake for the
protection of all citizens in Beverly and Salem.
9-0 Vote
Order read once and adopted
By Councilor Costa:
Ordered: That a representative from Mass Electric be invited in to explain why power
outages keep on occurring.
9-0 Vote
Order read once and adopted
By Councilors Burke and Hobin:
A Resolution:
Whereas, the Beverly City Council, by majority vote of its members, recognizes that the city is
negotiating with union representatives to the contribution percentage of health insurance
premiums paid by active municipal employees.
Whereas, the Beverly City Council, by majority vote of its members, wishes to declare its
support for the preservation of the current retiree health insurance contribution
percentage rates for Medicare supplement plans.
Now be it resolved, that the Beverly City Council wishes to express its opposition to any
attempt to raise health insurance contribution percentage rates for retirees enrolled in
Medicare B above the levels in effect at July 1, 2004.
And be it further resolved, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Mayor of the City of
Beverly, the Solicitor of the City of Beverly, and all retirees.
6-2 Vote Martin and Costa voted against
Order read once and adopted
Meeting adjourned: 10:25 PM Frances A. Macdonald, CMC
City Clerk