2000-02-07PRESENT: ABSENT: PUBLIC: BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2000 Commissioners Bamico, Duval, Eaton, Farmer, Lydon, Mahoney, Vitale, and White Commissioners Gourdeau, Nelson, and Rosen (See attached sign-in sheet) CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Farmer called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. 1. Presentation: Beverly Homecoming, AI Ternkin and Phyllis LeBlanc - Phyllis LeBlanc updated the Commission on some proposed events for the Beverly Homecomin~'s Aviation Day (which has been set for August 3, 2000 from 10AM to 7PM). Ms. LeBlanc has been in touch with the U.S.A.F. at Hauscom Field. They told her that they can supply aircraft displays for us but they needed a specific date. The U.S.A.F. Liberty Band, "Army on Board" drill team, and two platoons that feature a mock army boot camp will also he coming. Both the Air Force and the Army would be allowed to set up recruitment booths. Phyllis has also set up a website for all homecoming events. There will also be live internet "camcorder" coverage of the Homecoming' s Aviation Day. Phyllis is open to suggestions on what information to put on the website. The Civil Air Patrol will also participate. Mr. AI Ternkin spoke next. He said the feedback from last year's event was absolutely fabulous and that is why they want to have another event this year. He also wanted to pursue joint ventures that would not only benefit Homecoming but also help the airport. Airport Manager Mezzetti asked if the Homecoming Committee could pay for a parachute demonstration team and portable toilets. Mr. Ternkin said it could he discussed. Chairman Farmer said police details might he able to come out on a community service type arrangement. Edwards & Kelcey Update - Dave Graham, Craig Schuster, and G-reg Smart updated the Commission on the EA/ENF RSA Scoping Project status. The final scope is being prepared incorporating any review comments that they received f~om the airport, FAA, and M.A.C. Final should he ready the end of Februmy. The environmental audit of the airport and airport website are to he included in the EA/ENF Scoping Project grant application- BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2000 2. Readine of the Minutes for January 10, 2000 - Chairman Farmer called for a reading of the minutes. Chairman Farmer pointed out an error in the date in the header section of the minutes; the date should have been January 10, 2000 instead of December 13, 1999. Commissioner Lydon made a motion to accept the minutes subject to correcting the date, seconded by Commissioner Vitale. Motion passed 3. Re_~dlng of the Financial Report for January 2000-Chairman Farmer called for a reading of the financial report. Commissioner White gave the financial report that included information that the GTE $62,000.00 lease assignment payment had still not appeared on the airport's books. Chairman Farmer said that he would ask John Dunn (Director of Municipal Finance) when it would appear. Commissioner Duval made a motion to approve the financial report subject to audit, seconded by Vice-Chairman Eator~ Motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: Orani RFP - Chairman Farmer informed the Commission that the RFP was opened last week and was referred back. A letter went out to the two proposers that they had until next Friday by 11AM to submit final ~nancials and, at that time, the Commi~ion would negotiate with the hi~,hest bidder. Chairman Farmer asked Mr. Briggle and Mr. Capozzi as well as the public if there were any questions. There were no questions. NEW BUSINESS: North Shore Helicopters Company Inc., Mr. Sai Falzone - Airport Manager Mezzetti briefed the Commission on Mr. Falzone's request to operate a helicopter flight school. Revenue to the airport would he 10% of his $250.00 per month Doozer's sublet ($25.00 per month). Airport Manager Mezzetti asked the BAC if they also wanted to charge North Shore Helicopters a commercial activity fee. Chairman Farmer suggested to the BAC that a commercial activity fee he waived as Mr. Falzone was just starting up and was bringing needed activity to the airport. At a later date a commercial activity fee could he talked about. Con..ii~ioner White made the motion, as read by the Airport Manager, to approve North Shore Helicopter Co. Inc. as a limited aeronautical FBO i.e. a flight training school subject to meeting all requirements of the Beverly Municipal Airport General Rules & Regulations & Minimum Standards approved and adopted by the BAG on 10/28/70, and waiving, for the time 2 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2000 being, a commercial activity fee. Commissioner Duval seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. AIRPORT MANAOER'S REPORT: The Airport Manager' s February 2000 report for the BAC meeting was included in the commission packets. Commissioner White asked for details on the "office modernization". Chairman Farmer explained that it was to get ideas and estimates on how best to uf~ize the building's administrative space, eliminate oddball rnatedaFequipment, and get a neat, uniform appearance. Chairman Farmer answered a question Commissioner Mahoney had on the reports on the Casco Chemical area portion. The Airport Manager updated the Commission on events that had taken place since the packet mailings. Updates included: Gongas Taking - Marshall Hartally is now doing the title search and then will do the taking. There will be no formal meeting when the taking occurs. Gongas' attorney wili be notified when the taking occurs and the Oongas' should get their check that day. T. Ford Lease - The City Solicitor has received Frank gillilea's verbal corranunication that the Ournard area environmentally is okay to develop. The Solicitor was awaiting Frank's verbal okay before reviewing and submitting the proposed lease to City Council. · Rutherford Lawsuit - Once the Gongas' taking is completed the City Solicitor will sue to recover the airport's remediation costs. CHAIRMAN/COMMISSION COMMENTS: Durkee Road - Chairman Farmer told the Commission that as a result of a recent survey, it was discovered that a portion of Durkee's private mad was on airport property. Commissioner Bamico commented that from now on any fence that the Commission installed should be installed along the true property lines. The Airport Manager told the Commission that Vice-Chairman Eaton went to the Registry of Deeds and found that the airport has a fight-of-way easement on Durkee's private roadway. 3 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 2000 EXECUTIVE SESSION: Chairman Fartact made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss the Airport Manager' s performance and any ~lary increase. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Barnico. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting returned to Regular Session. Commissioner Duval made a motion that the Airport Manager's ~lary be increased 6% retroactive to July 1, 1999. Motion was seconded by Commissioner LydorL Motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Lydon, seconded by Commissioner Vitale. Motion passed unanimously. 4 V'tr/e d, oml l"tna~ ~ ~t~4114 f