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NOBLE Webmail - Loginhttp://mail.noblenet.org/webmail/emumail.cgi...456%3a1%3a287jP%20kEC871I%20VXO%207zW%20WiDd Download this MSWord file CITY OF BEVERLY MASSACHUSETTS MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: Stormwater Management Committee DATE: April 15, 2004 LOCATION: Third Floor, City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Frank Killilea, Bill Burke, Bruce Doig, Tina Cassidy, Roland Adams MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Collins OTHERS PRESENT: Amy Ellert-Maxner, Leah Zambernardi RECORDER: Roland Adams Regular Meeting Notes: Discuss of Year 1 NPDES Phase II Small MS4 General Permit Annual Report. The committee reviewed each BMP, Year 1 Goal and planned activity for Year 2. As a note the Stormwater annual permit periods are May to May each calendar year. A consideration in reviewing the Year 2 goals is potential budget issues that may be in contradiction to the original plan as submitted in July 2003. BMP Review NotesThese notes are only for BMP"s that were revised or significant action item agreed. BMP 1-4. Revise Permit Year 1 goal to read, "Fact sheet developed and finalized. Beverly Animal Resource Coalition BARC web site article picking up dog waste." Bruce noted that he has discussed flyer with BARC. BMP1-6No change in goals, but Tina Cassidy to coordinate a date for presentation to Councilaim for early May. BMP2-1Discussion about additional members. Some concern about availability of people as potential candidates stretched thin with other responsibilities. Tina to consider possibilities and report back. BMP3-3Add Sampling by Rimmer Salem Sound Shoreline Survey Project. BMP4-3Consider including this ordinance as part of Erosion Sediment Control Ordinance. BMP6-7R Adams to discuss with Mike Collins, Public Services Director, if we should revise Year 2 goal given budget tightening. cc Tom Scully Powered by EMU Webmail 5.1 - © 2001 EMUMAIL 1 of 14/27/04 9:54 AM