2003-03-18CITY OF BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Beverly Beautification Committee Date: March 18, 2003 Place: Committee Room, City Hall, 191 Cabot Street Board Members Present: Rosalie Kerr, Rod Shropshire, Jo Lennox, Alice Lombardi, Ellen Todd Members Absent: Sue Mueller, Elda Turner, Nancy Ormiston Others Present: Planning Director Debra Hurlburt, City Arborist Phil Klimowicz Hurlburt introduces Phil Klimowicz and indicated that the Committee is interested in pursuing the improvements that he submitted to the Council a couple of years ago. Klimowicz provided a sketch of the trees that he suggested be replaced with the firs that are currently there and not looking very good. He stated that some type of ornamental tree would look good. He added that the blue spruce that is on the southern portion of the yard should be removed as it is dying and half of the branches below are gone. He stated that this could be replaced with the smaller coniferous tree that is near by. The Committee thought that it would be appropriate to recommend that changes to the Mayor th and Hurlburt stated that she would try to get something to him for the Council’s April 7 meeting. The Committee thanked Mr. Klimowicz for attending. Hurlburt handed out her suggested improvements to the interior of City Hall. She stated that she thought the best places to focus would be the Council Chamber, the Committee Room and the halls that lead to the Council Chamber. The Committee then looked at each room and made suggestions such as painting, new window treatments, wood cleaning, lighting, new pictures, etc. Hurlburt stated that she would contact someone from Waters and Brown to see if it will donate an interior designers time to assist the Committee in choosing colors and other ideas. She also stated that she would contact someone from the Furniture Institute for suggestions on cleaning the wood. Hurlburt stated that once is paint and window treatments have been determined; she would need help in securing donations and volunteers. The Committee then talked about doing this project as its Community Pride Day. The Committee then determined it was best to select someone to serve as chairman, vice chairman and secretary. Jo Lennox thought that it was best the Hurlburt serve as the Chairman and Rod Shropshire as the Vice Chairman. Ellen Todd volunteered to serve as secretary. The next meeting of the Committee will be held on April 15, 2003 at 3:00 p.m. in the Committee Room at City Hall. The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m.