MAY 8, 2000
Commissioners Duval, Eaton, Farmer, Gourdeau, Lydon, Mahoney, Rosen,
Vitale, and White
Commissioner Barnico
Angier Ames, Dave Graham, Rich Mello, Gerry Nelson, Ken Lewis, Ken
Robinson, and Victor Capozzi
CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Farmer called the meeting to order at 7:30PM.
Edwards & Kelcey Update - Dave Graham reported that Richard Doucette of
M.A.C. has still not decided what type of environmental analysis he needs
regarding BVY Runway Safety Area alternatives.
Dave Graham informed the Commission that he and Airport Manager Mezzetti
looked at the RWY 16 approach now that the trees on both the former Gongas
and Muffin properties were cut down. The result in the current 250' RXVY 16
threshold displacement will remain the same; it will not need to be increased.
Angier Ames, T-hangar Development Interest - Before he went into details,
Ames asked if the Commission had identified certain areas on the airport for T-
hangar development and if T-hangar development would be looked at
favorably by the Commission. Chairman Farmer said he would go around the
table for commissioner comments. Commissioner Duval said he would first like
to see some kind of market analysis to get a sense of sufficient market demand
that would make the Ames proposal a viable proposal without significant
impact to our existing FBOs that lease hangar space. Commissioner Rosen
asked flit was a non-profit corporation and if the spaces would be leased by
based aircraft or by new users.
Airport Manager Mezzetti explained the current lack of a public access to
West side developable sites and given what Mr. Ames proposed for East side
development that the airport would be better off financially to pave the area
with FAA, M.A.C. and BAC funds and lease more tiedown spaces.
Commissioner Vitale agreed with Commissioner Duval and suggested that first
a feasibility study be started to see if such development would hurt our based
tenants and second to see if there are any other locations.
MAY 8, 2000
Commissioner White asked what kind of structure Mr. Ames' non-profit
organization was. Mr. Ames said it was theoretical, that it was just one of
other possibilities.
Vice Chairman Eaton said the concept should be investigated in concert with
Commissioner Duval's feasibility and tenant impact suggestion. Commissioner
Nelson asked if such development interest was a normal occurrence. Chairman
Farmer explained that any development interest that comes before the airport
commission is, at first, a general discussion in order to establish if it is
something the airport commission wants to do and, if so, to decide to send out
for a RFP. Commissioner Mahoney said the political mood for such
development should also be looked at. Airport Manager Mezzetti also told the
Commission that any airport development had to be reviewed by the FAA and
had to show on the Airport Layout Plan (ALP).
Chairman Farmer explained to Mr. Ames how if ownership to the buildings
were given right away to the Commission there would be no property tax
Chairman Farmer requested Commissioner Rosen and the Airport Manager
conduct a T-hangar market analysis in order to get a sense for T-hangar
2. Reading of the Minutes for April 2000 - Chairman Farmer called for a reading
of the minutes. Commissioner Lydon made a motion to accept the minutes,
seconded by Commissioner Gourdeau. Motion passed unanimously.
Reading of the Financial Report - Chairman Farmer called for a reading of the
financial report for April 2000. Commissioner White gave the financial report.
Commissioner Gourdeau made a motion to accept the financial report subject
to audit, seconded by Commissioner Rosen. Motion passed unanimously.
· FY01 Budget - Commissioner White presented the proposed FY01 airport
budget. After some discussion, Vice Chairman Eaton made a motion to accept
the budget, seconded by Commissioner Gourdeau. Motion passed
· G.A.S. Hangar Four West Lease Agreement (Executive Session)
MAY 8, 2000
Mass Airport Manager Position Salary Range Information - Commissioner
Duval distributed a 1998 American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE)
Airport Management Salary Survey/Compensation Guide. In 1998 the national
average salary for an airport manager at a smaller general aviation/reliever
airport with less that 150,000 operations (akin to BVY) was $55,295.00 per
year. The average salary for an airport manager in the northeast at a smaller
general aviation/reliever airport with less than 150,000 operations (akin to
BVY) was $56,293.00 per year. (The current year 2000 salary for the Beverly
Airport Manager is $50,562.00 per year.) Chairman Farmer asked how many
of the salaries shown were tax supported by local taxes. Commissioner Duval
said he did not know.
Chairman Farmer said the Work Planning process that Commissioner Mahoney
has been pushing for for a long time can only help the Airport Manager and
that if it needs a commission vote to keep it, that is what he will do.
Chairman Farmer and the other commissioners thanked Commissioner Duval
for his report. Chairman Farmer asked the Commission to look over the
material because we needed salary guidelines and parameters (salary range) for
the airport manager's position.
Fence/Gate-G.A.S. Hangar 4 West Side - Chairman Farmer told the
Commission how people can come and go at the G.A.S. Hangar 4 area due to
lack of fencing. Chairman Farmer said the Commission needs to consider
putting up a fence and gate to protect the airport, that it did not come under
the Omni (now G.A.S. Hangar 4) property, it comes under the Beverly Airport
protecting its boundaries. Chairman Farmer suggested getting estimates. Gate
portion would be on airport property. Commissioner Vitale said there would
also have to be a pedestrian gate.
The Airport Manager' s report for the 5/8/00 BAC meeting was included in the
commission packets. Chairman Farmer said he liked the report, it was very
thorough and it certainly gave everyone a review of what's been going on. Vice
Chainnan Eaton had a question regarding Ransom and the Gurnard area. Chairman
Farmer briefed him on the recent meeting he and the airport manager had with
Ransom, Frank Killilea, and Tom Ford and also briefed him on the DEP site
MAY 8, 2000
Chairman Farmer informed the Commission that G.A.S. had some piles of
wood in back of Hangar 1 and that according to the tenant-at-will agreement
for that area, any non-aviation use would have to have BAC permission. Victor
Capozzi apologized and said if needed he would formally appear before the
commission for permission. Chairman Farmer asked if any of the
commissioners took exception to the wood storage, none did.
Commissioner Vitale talked of his attending a meeting of a new organization in
Beverly that want to stop the development of the three parcels on Sam Fonzo
Road. He suggested appointing a couple of commissioners to monitor the
organization in order to head off and keep from being blindsided by
newspapers. The group not only wants airport development to stop but want a
monitoring on all Beverly development including the Route 1 and Route 62
work and the overpass project to the music theatre.
Chairman Farmer called for a role call to discuss the proposed G.A.S. Hangar 4
lease. Vice Chairman Eaton made a motion to enter into Executive Session,
seconded by Commissioner Vitale. Motion passed unanimously.
Role call was taken to exit Executive Session. Motion to exit made by
Commissioner Duval, seconded by Commissioner Lydon. Motion passed
Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Vitale, seconded by Commissioner
Gourdeau. Motion passed ananimously.