Public Meeting Minutes
BOARD: Master Plan Steering Committee
DATE: February 7, 2002
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Frontiero, Larry Ralph, Maureen Troubetaris,
Virginia McGlynn, George Simon, John Thomson, Joanne
Avallon, Linda Goodenough, Donald Preston
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Richard Dinkin, Scott Houseman, Wendy Pearl, William
Rodenbaugh, John Young, Bruce Oveson, John Murray
OTHERS PRESENT: Debra Hurlburt, Acting Planning Director and Ken
Buckland, The Cecil Group
RECORDER: Jeannine Dion
Buckland calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Buckland states he has the Master Plan report on a CD and he will ask Deb to load it on the City
Preparation for public presentation
Buckland states the one-hour public presentation is scheduled to take place on March 7, 2002 at
the Senior Center.
Advertising for the meeting will take place as follows:
Send notice to past participants of the workshop meetings.
Cable television
(Don Preston will follow-up on this with cable television).
Buckland recommends putting something brief in the newspapers within the next few
weeks. Then closer to the meeting date, put a more detailed article in the newspaper.
1. Brief article notifying public of the date and topic of the upcoming meeting. (Hurlburt
is “volunteered” to prepare a brief announcement).
2. Press Release (John Young is “volunteered” to prepare a press release).
3. Ralph will speak with the newspapers regarding printing a prepared article. The article
will be provided by the Master Plan Steering Committee.
Meeting Structure
Master Plan Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
February 7, 2002
Page 2
Members of the subcommittees will present on the topics they worked on previously.
Each subcommittee will organize itself and report back to Buckland what they will be
saying, so he may prepare backup graphics.
The speakers will highlight the 5–10 key points in each of the sections.
Buckland will provide backup graphics (PowerPoint slides film).
Sign-up sheets.
Comment sheets (for members of the public).
Table in the front of the room for Master Plan Steering Committee members.
The meeting structure will be as follows:
Introduction - 5 minute presentation (Scott Houseman is “volunteered”)
Subcommittee Presentations
Conclusion/Implementation Table – Deb Hurlburt and Ken Buckland
Important topic: What makes a Master Plan successful? What makes a Master Plan fail?
Request for volunteers
Question and Answers – Buckland recommends that he and Deb Hurlburt stay in the front
of the room. As the questions come up, the individuals from the group (subcommittees)
can answer the questions.
Avallon recommends that the committee members start the meeting in the audience and as
each presentation is complete, the committee members sit at the front table. By the end of
the presentations, all the committee members are seated at the front table, but they have
come out of the citizenry.
Buckland will provide a hard copy and CD in the next two days.
Buckland will list the schools on the poster.
Preston will speak with cable television.
Ralph will speak with the newspapers.
Subcommittees will provide information to Buckland by March 4 for inclusion in the
PowerPoint presentation materials.
Hurlburt will prepare a brief article for the newspapers regarding the upcoming public
The meeting is adjourned at 8:15 p.m.