2002-04-11 CITY OF BEVERLY
Public Meeting Minutes
DATE: April 11, 2002
Master Plan Steering Committee
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Linda Goodenough, Scott Houseman, Virginia McGlynn,
Wendy Pearl, Donald Preston, Larry Ralph, George Simon,
John Thomson, Maureen Troubetaris, John Young
BOARD MFMBERS ABSENT: Joanne Avallon, William Delaney, Richard Dinkin, Wendy
Frontiero, John Murray, Bruce Oveson, William Rodenbaugh
ALSO PRESENT: Planning Director Debra Hurlburt, Ken Buckland of The
Cecil Group
RECORDER: Karen Bradley
Buckland calls the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
Discussion: Final comments from public presentation
Buckland makes the suggestion that any comments that have been received from the public
presentation be added to the Master Plan as an appendix. He states that the entire Master Plan
process has taken almost four years and is of the opinion that this segment of the process has
been exhausted. He states that is would be more appropriate to move onto the implementation
phase at this point in time.
Buckland asks for the opinion of the committee members on the best way to handle the final
Thomson states that be cannot speak on the public hearing since he was not in attendance but
states that the comments were all very thoughtful of the Master Plan. He speaks specifically on
the comments received about the Harbor Plan and states that he has concern for the lack of
information about the Harbor Plan. He is in agreement with the use of an appendix for the public
Troubetaris states that the City Council has reviewed the Harbor Plan last week. She states that
the plan is available, however the fimds are not. Troubetaris states that the waterfront needs to
generate income and the city cannot afford to fund the entire waterfront project.
Simon asks if the city were to tear down the existing building on the waterfront, could it be
replaced without violating Chapter 91. Buckland states that he is unsure and reminds the
committee that the requirements for Chapter 91 are very restrictive. Buckland states that the use
of the waterfront area should become one of the city's first
priorities. A detailed discussion takes place on the state of
the waterfront.
Master Plan Steering Committee minutes
April 11, 2OO2 meeting
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Troubetaris states that the Harbor Management Plan is available at City Hall. She states that it
would be a good idea for members of the MPSC to attend the next Legal Affairs and Accounts
meeting on April 22, 2002. She states that the City Council is presently discussing what the best
reuse of the property near the airport will be. She states that the idea of a Senior Development
project is not the best reuse for that property.
I-Iurlburt states that the Planning Board is of the opinion that the Master Plan should run its
course and then if rezoning is appropriate it will be addressed at a later time.
McGlynn asks if the minutes from that Planning Board meeting could be released to the City
Council. Hurlburt states that once the minutes are approved at the next meeting she will forward
them to the City Coundl.
Troubetaris stresses the importance for the City as a whole to be informed of the purpose of the
Master Plan.
Preston states that the "What comes next?" steps should be laid out and be included in the Master
Plan process.
Young states that he has concerns about the environment with respect to the Master Plan. He
states that the language regarding the Watershed should be revisited. He also voices concern for
the language in the Housing section when defining a slum.
Ralph states thst he is concerned for the preservation of the historic waterfront. A discussion
takes place regarding the historic aspects of the waterfront and inclusionary zoning.
Buckland suggests the idea of utilizing a concentrated development core. He explains that this
will create less density outside of the city core.
Houseman states that the city nmst be mindful of overpopulating an already dense area of the
Goodenongh states that she cannot envision expanding anymore in the downtown area. She is of
the opinion that affordable housing should be spread throughout the city.
Preston states that many long-time community residents own rental units in the city. He states
that if zoning controls are put into place, properties will be better maintained.
Pearl states that it would be a good idea to seamlessly integrate multi-unit housing with hopes.to
make more connections between historic preservation and multi-unit housing.
Buckland states that an addendum added at the end of the Master Plan addressing the issues of
the harbor, the environment and housing would he appropriate based on comments raised this
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Houseman asks Buckland which approach would be the most appropriate, changing the language
of the document itself to reflect responses to comments that have been received, or adding an
Buckland is of the opinion that responding to the comments in an addendum would be the most
appropriate. He states thst this approach will reinforce that public comments have been
considered in the process.
A discussion takes place regarding modification of the Mission Statement. It is decided that
modifying the Mission Statement goes against the entire process.
Troubetaris states that the water supply should be addressed. She states that all development
should be considered in light of global warming and visions in this city should change.
Discussion: final Master Plan document and next step
Buck]and states that the budget for the Master Plan project has been expended and the process should
move forward.
Pearl suggests using a "How to use the Plan" handbook to provide background information that
explains that each section of the Master Plan does not stand alone for implementation.
Goodenough states that the Master Plan has to be wrapped up and go through the process. She
states that with respect to the Harbor Plan, she does not want to endorse something that has not
been reviewed.
Ralph states a good amount of changes within the Master Plan will require zoning changes. He
is of the opinion that an explanation of how zoning changes are made would be beneficial and
should be included in the handbook mentioned by Pearl.
Buckland recommends sending out a letter along with the Master Plan that explains how to use
the Master Plan that also includes an explanation of special use zoning. The committee is in
agreement to do so.
Buckland states that the committee should decide what role they will have in the implementation
Troubetaris asks if this committee could stay in tact and continue with the process of
Goodenongh states that the official role of the MPSC ends when the Master Plan is submitted to
the Planning Board. She states the MPSC can recommend to the City Council to organize a
"Watch Dog Committee".
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April 11, 2002 meeting
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Troubetaris asks Thomson what process the Planning Board will take once this is presented to
Thomson states that if the Planning Board adopts the Master Plan they will make a
recommendation to the City Council. Thomson is of the opinion that this committee should meet
again in six months to check on what progress is being made.
Preston states that when the Master Plan is presented to the Planning Board, the idea of an
Implementation Committee should be recommended.
Hurlburt makes the following statements:
1. Comprehensive rezoning is the first thing to move forward. She states that staffing the
Planning Department is key to the implementation of comprehensive rezoning.
2. Due to budgat constraints, not much will happen within the first year of implementation.
A great deal of issues within the Master Plan are tied to funding.
The committee discusses and agrees that a specific statement should be made in the letter from
the MPSC stating that the Harbor Plan has not been released and the MPSC has not endorsed the
Buckland states that he would like to see this committee stay in place and work through the
process of implementation.
Pearl recommends that the MPSC become a "Core for a Public Coalition" to guide the process in
order to build a broader base for advocacy.
Hurlburt informs the committee that she has received an entail from Mary Rodrick urging the
MPSC to schedule another public hearing prior to forwarding the Master Plan to any city
officials. Hurlburt stresses the importance of responding to each comment that has been received
and provide information of where the information was found within the Master Plan.
Buckland states that he will complete the following:
A letter to the Planning Board, City Council and the Mayor describing how to use the
Master Plan including an explanation of how the comprehensive zoning changes will take
place. This letter will include the aforementioned statement regarding the Harbor Plan.
2. A request for the official recognition and continuation of the role of the MPSC.
3. An appendix incorporating all comments received since the public hearing with responses
from the MPSC.
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April 11, 2002 meeting
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Ralph states that the Master Plan builds on other commissions (i.e. Open Space and Recreation
Committee) and this point should be referenced in the letter.
Pearl states that the "Ten Guiding Principles" seems to have gotten lost and is of the opinion that
it is important to reiterate those principles. She suggests including them in the letter.
Hurlburt states that she will schedule the public hearing for May or June.
The next meeting for the MPSC is scheduled for October 10, 2002.
Renee Mary, 274 Hale Street, requests the specifics on the proposed zoning changes. She states
that she has concerns as for traffic and the water supply as a result of the proposed zoning changes.
Approval of Minutes
January 10, 2002. February 7, 2002 and March 7, 2002
Some of the oommittee mernbers submit changes to Hurlburt for the January through March
John Thomson and George Simon were not present at the public hearing.
Houseman: motion to approve the meeting minutes dated January 10, 2002, February 7, 2002
and March 7, 2002 as amended, seconded by Goodenough. All members in favor.
Motion carries.
The meeting is adjourned at 8:55 p.m.