Master Plan Steering Committee
March 14, 2000
City Council Chambers
Chuck Zarba, Don Preston, Bill
Rodenbaugh, Richard Dinkin, Maureen
Troubetaris, Bruce Oveson, John
Thomson, Bill Delaney, Larry Ralph, John
Young, Linda Goodenough, Scott
Houseman, Wendy Frontiero
Joanne Avallon, Wendy Pearl
Steve Cecil (The Cecil Group), City Planner
Tina Cassidy
Tina Cassidy
The meeting is called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Cassidy, who gives brief
introductory remarks. At Cecil's suggestion, members introduce
themselves to those in attendance and offer their reasons for agreeing to
serve on the steering committee.
Cecil provides members with a brief overview of the consulting team for
the master plan. The team includes the Cecil Group, RKG Associates (for
housing and economic issues), Parsons Brinckerhoff (infrastructure and
utilities), Anne Meyers (real estate consultant) and the Urban Harbors
Institute (harbor-related issues).
Next, Cassidy distributes a copy of the section of the state law that spells
out the required contents for master plans. Cecil provides members with
an update on the tasks the Cecil Group has performed to date. This
work includes meeting with the Harbor Management Authority on a
harbor plan, the Open Space and Recreation Committee on an updated
open space and recreation plan, as well as meetings with various City
officials including the Planning Director.
Cecil disseminates copies of the work plan prepared by Cecil and the City
for the master plan process, and explains that the final "master plan" will
eventually be submitted to the Mayor and the City Council for adoption
as policy for the City.
Cassidy hands out copies of a January 14, 2000 letter from the Open
Space and Recreation Committee to the City Council, and explains that
the letter was written in response to a request from the Council to
Master Plan Steering Committee minutes
March 14, 2000 meeting
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provide a recommendation on the wisdom of public acquisition of the so-
called Dallas property on Essex Street. She explains that the parcels
listed for acquisition in that letter were not to be construed as an
exhaustive list of all the parcels in the City that may be suitable for
acquisition. The Committee will work on expanding that list with further
study, and may soon publish a revised list of parcels for possible
Cecil provides a summary of the requirements of Chapter 91 of the State
laws which establish specific regulations and dimensional requirements
for shoreline development. He explains there are several important
questions the City must resolve as part of its harbor plan, including the
continued existence of Beverly's designation as a Designated Port Area.
He states that the harbor plan will be developed in a way that guides the
State to interpret those regulations in a light most favorable to the City.
Cecil asks if there are any questions about the role of the steering
committee. Thomson asks if the Committee will be expected to conduct
public hearings as part of its efforts. Cecil responds that he does not
envision any intermediate public hearings, only hearings at the end of
the process when the City debates whether to adopt the final report.
Houseman asks if the committee will be required to take formal votes on
any matters. Cecil answers that the role of the steering committee is an
advisory one, and suggests the committee will ultimately develop a letter
of consensus toward the end of the master plan process.
Cecil suggests establishing a regular meeting night for the committee
every month. An alternative would be to schedule meetings only at
certain milestones. Members concur that regular monthly meetings
would be preferable. After a brief discussion, the group decides that
meetings should be held on the second Thursday of every month
beginning at 7:00 p.m. Cassidy states that she will attempt to find
meeting rooms that are more conducive to roundtable discussion than
the Council Chamber is. The next meeting will be held on Thursday,
April 13th. Cassidy and Cecil explain that prior to each meeting, an
agenda, meeting minutes, and backup information will be sent to each
Next, Cecil asks members to answer the question: At the end of the
master plan process, what will have made this process a success?
Members list the following:
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March 14, 2000 meeting
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· Development of a plan that is based on consensus and is meaningful
(usable) to the City.
· Provides clear criteria for planning board and zoning board of appeals
· Links recommendations to funding sources.
· Changes rules and ordinances to enable land use boards to
implement desired policies.
· Plans for the "look" of the City at full build-out (density).
· Minimizes loopholes in the laws - regulations must be clear.
· Is consistent with legislative authority.
· Establishes a vision for the City based on models of success
· Articulates a vision and insures regulations facilitate that vision.
· Relates all elements of the master plan to each other.
· Includes tools to evaluate the success of the plan.
· Creates zoning enforcement mechanisms that work.
· Provides appropriate development incentives.
· Grows from community dialogue.
· Invests the plan with the political tools necessary to reach across a
wide spectrum.
· Finds common ground.
· Educates, and communicates with, the citizens.
· Involves the media regularly, including a possible website.
· Involves multiple approaches to public involvement in the process.
Cecil thanks the group for its participation this evening.
The meeting is adjourned at 8:50 p.m.