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City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee
DATE: Wednesday, January 7, 2004
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman David Gardner, Ellen Flannery, Tony Paluzzi, Paul Knight,
Pam Kampersal, Bill Squibb, Vice Chairman Robert Buchsbaum,
Kathy Skrabut
MEMBERS ABSENT: James MacNeil, Elizabeth Dunne
OTHERS PRESENT: Amy Maxner – Environmental Planner
RECORDER: Amy Maxner
Chairman Gardner calls the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
Paluzzi makes a motion to approve the minutes from the December 2, 2003 meeting, with
amendments. Seconded by Knight. All members are in favor. Flannery abstains. Motion carries
Green’s Hill Concept Plan
Gardner asks Knight about he and Skrabut’s progress on the Greens Hill presentation. Knight
states that he and Skrabut met recently and they were able to brainstorm on ideas on how to
approach this project. However, they definitely need more time as the holidays made it difficult to
commit concentrated time or effort to the process.
Gardner asks the feasibility of approaching the Ryal Side Civic Association. Skrabut states that the
Association does not meet regularly and does not get active until the summer, particularly around
July 4, and thinks it may be difficult to gather members together at this point. She added that the
Association is not large group, with five people at most.
Gardner suggests the Committee asks for a special meeting to share ideas with the Association.
Knight states that this may be possible.
Skrabut questions who has jurisdiction over this property. Gardner states that the Parks and
Recreation Commission has custody of this property and they would have to be included in any
plans that are developed.
Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee
January 7, 2004 Meeting Minutes
Kampersal states that this should be promoted in such a way to garner stewardship of this property
by the neighborhood, similar to traffic island care and custody concept.
Gardner asks what the Committee has to present at this point in time. Knight states that so far there
is a power point presentation along with some diagrams of the property.
Skrabut and Knight agree to start to contact some people in the neighborhood and members of the
Association and be ready to provide further information at the next meeting.
Sally Milligan Plan
Gardner states that there is a punch list outlining the major tasks that need to be accomplished at
Sally Milligan and asks if there are any other things that need to be done to the plan and reminds
members that the Conservation Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission have
approved the plan.
Buchsbaum states that he does not believe there is much more to be changed in the plan, it is just a
matter of implementing the objectives outlined therein. He states that it would be beneficial to
review the inholdings in the park since three lots off Bonad Street are being developed. Gardner
agrees to place this on the next agenda.
Beverly Conservation Land Trust
Gardner states that he spoke with a couple of the Lynch Park trustees and they stated that the
trustees might be willing to donate some money for the construction of the kiosks. He also states
that the BCLT has been in contact with New England BioLabs, which may also be interested in
donating money as well.
Gardner asks Buchsbaum to fill members in on any new developments with the Land Trust since he
is a member. Buchsbaum states that the Land Trust is pursuing money for the construction of the
kiosks, and he is aware that Essex County Greenbelt has a crew that may be able to donate time for
the actual construction of the kiosks.
Gardner states the Boy Scouts and the Middleton Jail are possible resources for the construction of
the kiosks as well.
Buchsbaum will keep the Committee abreast of the Land Trust’s progress on this project.
Earth Day
Maxner states she is looking at Saturday, April 24, 2004 to hold the event on the Common from
12:00 noon to 3:00. She states that the Beverly Conservation Land Trust will be participating as
they did last year, and will be inviting the Cape Ann Vernal Pool Team back to participate as well.
Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee
January 7, 2004 Meeting Minutes
Maxner states that she is hoping that members of the Committee would be willing to help with
some of the planning of the event.
Buchsbaum states that he spoke with Tony Toledo and asked if he would be willing to participate
this year, he said that he would be very interested. Buchsbaum states that Maxner may want to
contact Jane Brusca the Chair of the BCLT, as well as Stella Mea Seamans to coordinate efforts
with them. He states he would be willing to work with the Hannah School to coordinate efforts.
Kampersal states that she will approach the Wenham Lake Watershed Association at their next
meeting to gauge their interest in participating.
Kampersal states that the schools should be included in this event, and suggests that Eileen Duff be
contacted, as the First Night Committee was able to actively involve students in this past First
Night celebration.
Gardner suggests that the Recycling Committee should be contacted as well. He also suggests that
the various Garden Clubs in the City may be great candidates for participation.
Squibb suggests that comment cards be made so that visitors can make suggestions for
improvement, and at the same time it would provide a database for the Committee with possible
volunteers for other projects or next year’s event.
Maxner states that she will update the Committee on the progress she has made on organizing the
event at the next meeting.
Gardner states he will have a review of the inholdings ready for the next meeting for members to
look over and discuss.
An update on the Greens Hill concept plan will be provided by Knight and Skrabut at the next
meeting as well.
Squibb suggests that the Community Preservation Act be discussed next meeting as well.
Paluzzi moves to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Buchsbaum. All members are in favor.
Motion carries 8-0.