2003-04-02 DRAFT City of Beverly Public Meeting Minutes BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: April 2, 2003 PLACE: Council Chambers at Beverly City Hall BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman David Gardner, Anthony Paluzzi, Cindy Modugno, William Squibb, Elizabeth Dunne, Kathy Skrabut, James MacNeil and Robert Buchsbaum. ABSENT: Paul Knight and Ellen Flannery OTHERS PRESENT: Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner RECORDER: Cheryl Lamont (tape) CALL TO ORDER Chairman Gardner called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. ACCEPTANCE OF PREVIOUS MINUTES th Chairman Gardner states that Board Members did not yet receive the Minutes of March 5, therefore this item is tabled to the next meeting of the Committee. OLD BUSINESS Trails – Status of trail map reproduction Paluzzi states that the maps are all set to go but they have not received the entire amount of money needed to complete this project. Modugno stated that she will approach the Beverly Chamber of Commerce and ask about a donation. Chairman Gardner stated that he will approach the Mayor and ask about a donation from the City. OSR account status with Durkin Modugno states that this account has been set up in the Finance Office for cash donations. Sally Milligan Management Plan Chairman Gardner states that the draft management plan was sent to the Conservation Commission and st to Parks and Recreation and asked that they respond by June 1 which will give them April and May meeting times in which to discuss this and respond. Open Space & Recreation Committee April 22, 2003 Meeting Minutes 2 Henderson Road status Gardner stated that the Conservation Commission voted 4-2 in support of using the Vitale Site for active recreation. Kiosk Design Buchsbaum handed out various kiosk designs to Board Members. Modugno states that she has spoken to someone who suggested that this would be a good project for the Vocational School but that the project would need to go on a waiting list. Chairman Gardner stated that he would like to see a lucite or glass board, that could be lifted up, so that notices would not be out in the weather as well as several slots for memberships, maps, donations, etc. Chairman Gardner stated that this is a relatively simple design that could possibly used. Action Plan and Map Maxner handed out copies of the Action Plan, which are being reproduced in house, and photocopied by Phyllis Kennedy (not in green, as originally thought) but with the map in the back. Gardner stated that the cover is a photo of Greenwood Drive. Board Members were pleased with the results. th Sally Milligan Park – April 27 events th Chairman Gardner states that he will be out of town on the day of April 27, but understands that people will meet on Bonad Street at 2:00 P.M. Members discussed things that needed to be done, such as cutting logs off the trail, touch up painting, campsites to obliterate and moving rocks. Maxner states that she is working with Eileen Duff, who is a member of the Conservation Commission as well as the First Night Committee, to organize and Earth Day event. She stated that the Beverly Conservation Land Trust has arranged for the Cape Ann Vernal Pool team to be there on Sunday, April 27th from 12:00 – 2:00 in the Gazebo at Beverly Commons. Eileen Duff, as a representative from the First Night Committee, will set up a table there with flowerpots for children to decorate and hopefully donated packets of seeds to go along with the pots for the children. Chairman Gardner suggests that a good idea would be to photocopy the trail map on 11x17 sheets of paper, to hand out. Chairman Gardner will also mount one on a foam board. Modugno suggests making up a bio on the members of the Open Space Committee to make people aware of who they are and what they do. Chairman Gardner states that he will modify the Action Plan and use it as a bio handout to introduce Committee Members. Modugno also suggests information on “Friends of Sally Milligan” handouts or a sign up sheet for those who would like to volunteer. It was decided that a donation jar would be made available on the table. Chairman Gardner stated that he would like to see an announcement made that from 2:30 – 4:00 we would be having a Sally Milligan Park Day. MacNeil states that he would like to see something informal done and doesn’t see muchresponse. He suggests getting friends and family members to get the momentum going and then try to formalize something later on. Action Plan Publicity Program Skrabut discussed her thoughts on presenting a standardized presentation that other board members could use. She explained that it is succinct and light on factual information with regard to open space and the action plan and its connection to the master plan. She states that it is heavier on the discussion, description and solicitation of money and involvement in multiple levels. Skrabut presented copies of her draft which describes the initiatives but also the whole “Friends of Parks” idea. Gardner states that board members giving the presentation would be able to use the Library’s power point projector. Skrabut states that she would like comments from Board Members to see if they feel that this is the way to proceed. Open Space & Recreation Committee April 22, 2003 Meeting Minutes 3 Gardner explains that years ago there was an organization called the “Friends of Parks” that is no longer in existence and feels that the Parks and Recreation Committee is going to have a problem with Open Space leading the charge on “Friends of Parks”. Chairman Gardner feels that he should write them a letter, if board members agree, stating a need for “Friends of Parks” and asking them if they would be willing to do it. He states that their focus is on playgrounds/parks and ball fields. Gardner states that he likes the conclusion of the presentation and how it focuses on Open Space needs for donations and volunteer efforts. Modugno suggests that Skrabut give a demonstration to board members. Skrabut states that she will be unable to attend the May meeting but feels that she would be able to present this at the June meeting. Chairman Gardner asks Maxner about the status of the Green’s Hill Grant and she states that they have not heard anything yet. Chairman Gardner states that he will e-mail Hurlburt to try and get updated information on this. Chairman Gardner states that on recent visits to Green’s Hill and Sally Milligan Park it was noticed that sumac was starting to establish itself in the meadow and it seems appropriate to remove all of it and recreate the meadow and to try and get someone to walk through and advise the Board as well as help from the City to mow the area. Report on Woodland Management Maxner showed Board Members a brochure she received entitled “Stewardship In the Public Eye” which shows how and why six Massachusetts towns actively manage their forests. She explained that the Massachusetts Forest Stewardship Program put together this brochure with help from DEM and USDA Forest Service. Maxner states that she read through this brochure and found that towns use funds from the Forest Stewardship Program (a grant program) to hire a professional forester to help them inventory their town forests or open spaces and then help them develop and prioritize a ten-year action plan. Chairman Gardner asks Maxner to pursue this and Maxner states she will get application materials. Maxner states that she will check into what their grant cycle is and make telephone calls to find out what is available. Sally Milligan Park 190 Birthday Celebration Chairman Gardner states that Modugno e-mailed him about the Sally Milligan promotion, which was the thth 190 birthday of Sally Milligan on or around August 19. Gardner felt that this celebration could mean an opportunity for some sort of promotion. Gardner asks for a volunteer to pursue this idea and to set it up. Modugno asks board members for their input in celebrating this occasion. Buchsbaum feels that August is a big month for vacations and wonders if September would be a better time. He states that it could be celebrated with the Equinox. Squibb suggests that this could be tied in as a Homecoming Event. Board Members think they should just do it in August and have it around 6:00 P.M. along with a cake from th Henry’s Market. Gardner states that this should be done on August 19 at 5:00 P.M. Modugno suggests going to Shaw’s and getting a cake with a photo on it. Board Members decide that they will tentatively do th a Sally Milligan Birthday Party on August 19 at 6:00 P.M. with a cake and someone could be in costume as Sally Milligan. Funding Program/Working with Beverly Conservation Land Trust Buchsbaum states that their 501C, non-profit status, is now tentative. He then stated that he went on a site walk on property that the City owns, but that little attention has been paid to these areas, such as the Miles Field behind the Sweeny Greenhouse and one parcel behind the Waring School. He states that this land was given to the City in the 1960’s. Open Space & Recreation Committee April 22, 2003 Meeting Minutes 4 Squibb mentions that he has seen software that is available for inventory and management. Chairman Gardner states that Roland Adams is able to call up all the City land and that he would be able to provide any required information through GIS. Setting up “Friends of Park” volunteer program Board Members entered into a discussion about whether this should be “Friends of Parks” or “Friends of Sally Milligan Park”. Modugno feels that this should start with Sally Milligan and work from there. Chairman Gardner states that he will write a letter, of behalf of the committee, to the Parks and Recreation Committee stating that Open Space is exploring a need for “Friends of Sally Milligan Park” and request and information they may have. OTHER BUSINESS There is no other business. NEXT MEETING AGENDA ITEMS AND DATE th The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 7 at 7:30 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Paluzzi makes a motion to adjourn. Modugno seconds. All in favor. Motion carries. Meeting adjourns at 9:00 P.M.