2003-02-05 BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: February 5, 2003 PLACE: Beverly City Hall BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: David Gardner (Chair), Cindy Modugno Anthony Paluzzi, Elizabeth Dunne Kathy Skrabut, Paul Knight, Robert Buchsbaum (arrives 7:25 p.m.) William Squibb (arrives 7:45 p.m.) BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: James MacNeil and Ellen Flannery OTHERS PRESENT: Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner RECORDER: Cheryl Lamont (tape) Chairman Gardner called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Chairman Gardner introduced members of the board to the newest member, Paul Knight a mayoral appointee, who replaces Guido Lauranzano. Acceptance of Previous Minutes Paluzzi makes a motion to accept the minutes of January 6, 2003 as amended. Modugno seconds. All in favor. Motion passes 5-0 (Knight abstains). OLD BUSINESS Trails – Status of trail map reproduction Paluzzi states that he made all corrections suggested at the last meeting and presented revised map to board members. Board members then reviewed the revised map and decided they would like to change “List of Parks” to “Map Index”. Paluzzi stated that the cost of printing five hundred (500) maps is $511.00 on brown stock. There may be a set up charge of about $200.00. He adds that he can obtain one thousand (1,000) copies for $614.00. The Board felt that purchasing one thousand maps would be prudent, as members believed that only 500 maps would be quickly distributed. Maxner states that she does not think the City will be able to contribute any money toward this purchase. Buchsbaum adds the Nature’s Classroom might be willing to make a donation. Modugno indicates that Chamber of Commerce may also be willing to donate, and that she will Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee Minutes to February 5, 2003 meeting contact Christopher Bradley, Procurement Officer for the City to find out if bids need to go out on this project. Paluzzi estimates that $750.00 would cover the reproduction cost of this project. Sally Milligan Management Plan Maxner states that this plan was mailed out to all board members. Buchsbaum stated that he made several changes and suggestions and a decision was made to table this discussion until board members have a chance to review his changes and make suggestions and comments. This topic will be placed on the agenda for next month with comments so that an edited version could be made. Comments can be e-mailed to make changes. Then the board members will plan to vote on this changed plan next month to distribute it as a draft copy. Henderson Road “Vitale Site” Gardner states that some board members attended the Conservation Commission meeting on January 22, 2003 at which Chairman Gardner made a power point presentation. He adds that there was a good turnout from the sports community and many of them spoke in favor of using the Vitale Site as playing fields. He states that some of the board members attended a regular meeting of the Conservation Commission on January 28, 2003 at which there was further discussion. He explains that the Conservation Commission will, at one of its regular meetings in mid or late February, chose another date for a special meeting to which the New England Power engineer, Haley & Aldrich consultant, as well as a representative from the Salem Beverly Water Supply Board will be invited. And further explains that these invited guests will provide technical information to the Commission regarding the various aspects of restoring the site. Chairman Gardner states that there was some talk about the site when Mayor Scanlon was in office, which involved giving the Conservation Commission other City owned lands in exchange for the use of the Vitale Site for active recreation. He adds that Open Space Committee has an inventory of City land and he thinks it would be useful to give that information to the Conservation Commission. Paluzzi states that the Conservation Commission wants to have the power plant engineer discuss exactly what they are going to do and what the impact will be in the future. He added that the Conservation Commission wants to have another open meeting, take a poll and probably vote at that time. Maxner states that she has a tentative meeting date set up for the Conservation Commission on February 26, 2003. She adds that a regular Conservation Commission meeting has been scheduled for March 11, 2003, and that a special public hearing meeting may be scheduled thth between February 26 and March 11. Action Plan and Map Chairman Gardner stated he receive a number of comments that were incorporated and believes that this revised Action Plan is now complete. He would like board members to look this over and make additional changes that may be appropriate. Chairman Gardner showed board 2 Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee Minutes to February 5, 2003 meeting members an 11”x17” version of the accompanying map. There was some discussion about the difference about public institutional open space and open space. Chairman Gardner explains that the open space area incorporates public/private lands and the committee is trying to acquire land without alarming private landowners, and this map shows existing and potential trails. Committee members suggested some of the changes should be marking a trail around the Ventron site, Beverly Airport and changes to the area of Sally Milligan Park. Chairman Gardner explains that this document is a planning document to be used by the Planning Board, Conservation Commission, Building Inspector and the Zoning Board when a proposal is presented it can be related to the Action Plan. Chairman Gardner states that he will make changes and have a number of the maps made up and have the map bound into the document itself. Bass River Subcommittee Chairman Gardner reports that there was a meeting about acquiring land on the Bass River at the Tanzella site. He added that the reason for the subcommittee/adhoc committee meeting was to decide how to approach the owners about purchasing the property. He stated that after calling one of the Tanzella family members, the committee was told the property was sold, but that the entire property has not been sold but that the developer is working on purchasing the entire property. NEW BUSINESS Action Plan Publicity Program Chairman Gardner thought fifty (50) copies of the Action Plan would be enough and researched reproduction prices and got some estimates. He can get fifty (50) copies and cover-stock for the cover page with double-sided copies and stapled, for around $200.00. He added that amount to the $750.00 for the trail maps resulting in a total cost of $1,000.00, and would be reproduced in black and white (photocopied) with a colored cover – (cover page blank on the other side). Members discussed buying a ream of paper and trying to find somewhere to have this document photocopied since there is no money available to them. Maxner stated that she will check with Debbie Hurlburt. Funding Program/Working with Beverly Conservation Land Trust Chairman Gardner asked Renee Mary, who was in attendance, for her comments. Ms. Mary stated that the Land Trust is getting closer to 5013C status (non-profit) and many ideas were th discussed in the hopes for hosting activities on Earth Day – (April 26). She added that the vernal pool people from Rockport have been asked to put on the same program as last year. Board members were asked to bring in suggestions to the March meeting, as this topic will be put on that agenda. 3 Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee Minutes to February 5, 2003 meeting Dunne excuses herself from the meeting. Hannah School Land Plan Chairman Gardner explains that Buchsbaum made arrangements with Suzanne Beaudoin to show what they are working on at Hannah School. Ms. Beaudoin showed a map of the school property they made along with the surrounding properties, and the school will have some Boy Scouts clear a hiking trail as well as mark it this spring. She states they want to use the property in a more productive manner. She has photos of the small pond in the spring and in the summer and they have been to the Conservation Commission about cleaning the pool in front of the school. Buchsbaum states that Beaudoin is very active in the PTO, has been teaching after school and has decided to take on the grounds at the Hannah School. Beaudoin states that this came along after finding money in the school’s landscaping account that was not being used. They asked Bob Speare from the Massachusetts Audubon Society to come to the Hannah School. He went behind the school several times and mapped out all their habitats and left them with a booklet of the different plant communities exist there. Beaudoin states that there is great potential for this area to be used by the students. She left a copy of the booklet for board members to reveiw. Setting Up “Friends of Parks” Volunteer Program Chairman Gardner asks board members if Parks and Recreation should be in charge of this. He will bring it up at the next meeting scheduled for March 5, 2003. He asks board members to think about asking the Scouts to adopt a year-round cleanup. It was also suggested to ask Pam Kampersal how the Norwood Pond Association started and gather ideas from her. Chairman Gardner suggests placing this topic on next month’s agenda and asking Pam Kampersal to attend that meeting. OTHER BUSINESS Kathy Tracey, Alise Bornstein and Norman Ganley members of the Disabilities Commission appear before the board because they are interested in creating a trail for the handicapped. Ganley stated that the Commission would like to create this trail in an open space area where they could pack hard gravel for wheelchair accessibility. He asked board members to consider this idea and to think about possible locations of interest. He stated that the path would need to be five-foot wide for two wheelchairs to pass. He stated that the Commission is looking for consensus from each board to see if this would even be something possible for them to pursue. The top of Green Hill and Norwood’s Pond, since it is a level area, were some suggested spots from board members. Ganley expressed hopes to have the trail end in an area of interest, maybe with picnic tables or scenic vista. Ganley stated that he would like to put together a coalition of members from each city board or committee to work together on this project. 4 Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee Minutes to February 5, 2003 meeting NEXT MEETING AGENDA ITEMS AND DATE Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 5, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. Agenda items: Action Maps Sally Milligan Management Plan Funding Program working with Beverly Conservation Land Trust “Friends of Park” Volunteers asking Pam Kampersal to attend ADJOURNMENT Paluzzi motions to adjourn. Skrabut seconds. All in favor. Motion passes. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. 5