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2002-03-05 Plan presentation City of Beverly Public Presentation Minutes BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: March 5, 2002 PLACE: Beverly Public Library MEMBERS PRESENT: David Gardner, Robert Buchsbaum, Ellen Flannery, Kathleen Skrabut, Charles Raymond, Kathern Tracy, Anthony Paluzzi, Elizabeth Dunne, William Squibb, Cynthia Modugno, James MacNeil MEMBERS ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: Planning Director Debra Hurlburt, Director of Community Services Tom Scully, Mayor Crean, City Councilors Paul Guanci, Virginia McGlynn, Roger Morency, Don Martin, Maureen Troubetaris RECORDER: Karen Bradley Welcome to Attendees Gardner calls the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. and welcomes all attendees. Program – Presentation of Action Plan - 2002 Gardner provides an overview of the 2002 Action Plan stating that the plan incorporates important issues expressed by the public as well as the Open Space and Recreation Committee. He states that the purpose of this presentation is to highlight important issues pertaining to open space and recreation and also attempt to recruit volunteers for various open space projects. Gardner reviews the map of inventory of open space throughout the City. He points out sites that have been recently acquired by the City such as Sally Milligan Park and the Santin Property. He states the importance of acquiring the Hill Property located near Sally Milligan Park. Gardner explains the schedule of the Open Space and Recreation Committee that will include a public hearing on March 21, 2002. He states that the committee hopes to finalize the plan in April. He states that the first major activity will take place on Earth Day, April 20, 2002 that will incorporate some activities both City-wide and Ward-wide. He states that the Action Plan compliments the City’s Master Plan. Gardner reminds the audience prior to the Ward Presentations the keep in mind any vulnerable sites and their reaction to specific sites and trails that are mentioned during the presentations. Lastly, Gardner explains that the Open Space and Recreation Committee is requesting that they be included in the review process of public and private development as they are presented to the City. He states that any opinions on that request would be greatly appreciated. Open Space and Recreation Committee minutes March 5, 2002 meeting Page two Ward 1 Presentation – Kathy Skrabut Skrabut begins her presentation stating that although Ward 1 is a densely populated area, there are many assets that she would like to point out. · Assets of Obear Park – includes photos of Danvers River from the park, the Seapath Plaque that highlights the specifics of the park, and the Park Coastal Ecology Map. · Walking/Biking Paths and Streets – includes photos of Bass River facing Green’s Hill and Ayers Ryal Side School and “top of the hill” photos from the Tanzella Property. Skrabut explains the objectives of Ward 1 for the Action Plan: · Continue efforts to purchase available land parcels; · Develop and require water edge walkways/bike paths for any projects proposed that fall within the walking/biking designated streets; · Establish walking streets/biking trails; · Procure signage for walking and biking trails; · Add Ward 1 details to the inventory map. Ward 4 Presentation – Robert Buchsbaum Buchsbaum presents a map of Ward 4 highlighting areas of open space that include Sally Milligan Park, the Bartlett Estate, Hill Property, Central Cemetery, the YMCA area and the Girl Scout Camp. He states that the Santin Property acquisition added 15 acres to open space for the City. Buchsbaum explains the objectives of Ward 4 for the Action Plan: · Manage Sally Milligan Park and preserve the land adjacent to Sally Milligan Park; · Maintain rights-of-ways within Ward 4 to avoid encroachment; · Develop a rational trail system at Sally Milligan Park and organize a “Friends of Sally Milligan Park” committee to maintain trails; · Bartlett Estate – possible easement for trail within the 100-foot buffer to link to Sally Milligan; · Maintain privately held green space (i.e. Camp Paradise and YMCA); · Maintain public access points; · Maintain neighborhood green space. Open Discussion Rosemary Maglio, 30 Pleasant Street, asks if there are plans to replace the community garden area on Cole Street with a cemetery. A discussion takes place on that open space area. Open Space and Recreation Committee minutes March 5, 2002 meeting Page three Bruce Doig, Chairman of the Parks Commission commends the 2002 Action Plan. He stresses the importance of active recreation space in the City and asks that the Open Space and Recreation Committee keep that issue in mind when determining uses of open space in the City. Doig summarizes some of the objectives of the Parks Commission that include the possibility of revitalizing the Lynch Park Barn and the possibility of building a new pier at Lynch Park for the purpose of revitalizing the boating program. He mentions the possibility of a dog park in the City and refurbishing the tennis courts throughout the City. Gardner states that Paluzzi is organizing a subcommittee to determine the best use of the Vitale property once all environmental issues are resolved. He mentions the possibility of playing fields for that site. Beverly resident, Lisa McFadden states that some open space areas are within several wards (i.e. Witches Woods, Camp Paradise). She asks how those areas are maintained. Buchsbaum states that sites of that nature require both ward level efforts as well as citywide efforts. McFadden asks if there has been any discussion of the City offering tax incentives for conservation easements. Hurlburt states that currently there are conservation restrictions and this avenue could be pursued. City Councilor Maureen Troubetaris asks if there is a Youth Conservation Corp in existence in the City. She states that this type of group should be organized if it is no longer in existence. Rosemary Maglio, 30 Pleasant Street, states that deciduous trees may be getting cut down at the Compost Facility. Gardner states that she should speak with McGlynn regarding this issue. Maglio asks if there is the possibility of public access to Beaver Pond. Buchsbaum states that 10 acres is the legal definition of a great pond, he is not sure of the size of Beaver Pond. Scully states that access is only for fishing. A discussion takes place regarding the public rights to this area. Gardner asks if there are any additional questions. There are none. Gardner states that the Open Space and Recreation Committee would like the opportunity to become involved in the review process of public and private development in the City. He states that the Open Space and Recreation Committee is strictly an advisory committee with no voting rights, therefore they can only offer their opinion. He asks if there are any comments with regards to this idea. There are none. Gardner next explains that the town of Hopkinton allows Concept Plan Requirement/Option. He explains this concept in detail and states that this practice could be incorporated into the Subdivision Bylaws for the city. Hurlburt states that this concept is similar to the Preliminary Plan process that the Planning Board currently follows. Open Space and Recreation Committee minutes March 5, 2002 meeting Page four City Councilor Virginia McGlynn asks for an explanation of how developers are able to avoid certain regulations that require a certain amount of low-income housing within new subdivisions. City Councilor Don Martin states that this requirement only applies if the city has less than 10% low-income housing and the City of Beverly has over the required 10%. Rosemary Maglio, 30 Pleasant Street, states that what is being proposed for the Bass River area in the Master Plan is out of character for that neighborhood. City Councilor Maureen Troubetaris states that the eventual plan is to link the harborfront with the gateway into the city. She explains the zoning requirements for this area of the city. A discussion takes place regarding the zoning for this area of the city. Gardner advises Maglio to attend the Master Plan public hearing that is taking place Thursday evening to further discuss this topic. Gardner asks if there are any additional questions. There are none. Buchsbaum asks for response from other Boards that are in attendance regarding the idea that the Open Space and Recreation Committee have the opportunity to consult on development in the city. Hurlburt expresses the importance of being careful in areas of jurisdiction. She states that while it is a good idea to have communication with the various Boards, all information must be very carefully presented to each specific Board since each Board has the responsibility of approving very different and specific areas of jurisdiction. Troubetaris adds that it would be helpful to distribute the detailed map to each of the Boards to provide them with the Open Space and Recreation Committee’s ideas for development in the city. Scully explains that eventually the GIS system will be in place and this information will be available for all Boards on view the Web. Gardner thanks everyone in attendance. The presentation concludes at 8:20 p.m.