1999-10-189759229845 '3O~Uf4BU5 B'~l~IIb5,30 PAGE
City of Beverly, Massacbusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Open Space and Recreation Committee
October 18, 1999
Program Room, Beverly Public Library
Ellen Flannery, Anthony Paluzzi, Chairman
Dav/d Gardner, Charles Raymond, Susan
Quateman, Guido Laurnnzano, Claim
Thompson, Kathern Traey, Vice-Chairman
Robert Buchsbaum, John Hoplrin~, Richard
Tir~ Cassidy, Plnnning Director
Kim Laurauz~no
Gardner opens the meeting ar 7 p.m. and states that representatives of the Cecil Group
will be attending the meeting this evening. He added that the committee could use some
of the ideas from the 1985 open space report and build on them. I-k went on to explain
that be would like this meeting to be a discussion on ideas and suggestions on the role of
the committee mKl regarding the agenda for the next meeting, comments. etc.
Buchsbaum ash if the members have reviewed the minutes from the last meeting.
Cassidy notes that the word policies was added to fl~e draft mission statement discussed
at the last meeting because the city does have policies that can influence land use
Lauranzano asks in reference to the Master plan/fit is a document available for review.
Cassidy responds that both the old and new master plan is available. The open space
plan that is developed by this cormnittee will be incorporated into the master plan
Gardner s~ates that the City will be guided but not bound by the master plan in the
coming years, ~nd asks if then: are any ~,nher comments on the minutes.
Flannery: motion to accept the minutes of the September. ] 999 xneeting, Palurzi
seconded. All in commeittie members in favor, no one opposed. Motion
Gardner introduces Ken Buckland of the Cecil Group and Dave O'Connor.
Buckland explains that the Beverly Master Plan is not just a process to go through. What
the city would like to have is factual inf0rnlation, the economnic factms and the
demographic facto~, The Cecil Group will be meeting with boards and commissions
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Open Space and Recreation Committee Minutes
October 18, 1999 meeting
Page 2
and w~ll develop a "map" of where the City of Beverly wants to go in the future. He adds
at that point we will work with the City to create the process of implementation and to
get eve.twine involved to "buy imo it" so it can become a realfly. He also states dnat he is
here to help this committee bener understand the most important issues hm this process.
At this time he presents a map of the different types of open space within the cily,
polling out the consentation lands, parks, mumcipal parcels and open space. Buckland
states with the combination of land uses we are uying to sort out what the linkage would
be for this committee. Buchsbamn asks about the linkages needed to create a greenbelt.
Buckland responds thal they are pieces offand needed to provide access to current and
fature active and passive recreational facilities. Buchsbaum responds that passive
recreational is the priority of this committee.
Lalwanzano statcs there was sonme conyera with the protection of Wenham Lake and that
now there is somnc !and that is unprotected. Buckland responds that there were recent
newspaper articles regnrding concerns with water quality. Lauranzano says the articles
mermon~d discoloration of some kind and there is some concern in town. O'Connor adds
that any land that is not protected is vulnerable to change.
Fla~me~ states that there were two areas on the map that, while currently vacant, were
recently proposed lbr development. The Lake shore crossing subdivision and the Loeb
Estate, which were denied by the Planning Board. Cassidy explains the Loeb Estate was
denied due to blasting and road satL~ty concerns and Lake Shore Drive was denied
b~cause of the water drainage concerns in the area.
Thompson asks if the Landmark School site is in the same area as the Loeb Estate.
O'Connor states that the land is owned by the school.
Buchsbaum stales th~ the future of the Johnson Tree Farm and the Norwood Pond area
are of concern. Buckland asks if some of the land near Norwood Pond is zoned
industrial uses. Cassidy states that the area very close to 128 could he developed t~r
industry. and that the Norwood Pond Commission is discussing future land uses for the
City owned area. The Jolmson Tree Farm is currently classified as "61A" Active Forest
and there are 28 undeveloped acres remaining in the watershed. Buckland asks if there
are any current issues with 61 A. Cassfdy responds there is a propo~l right now to sell the
land to a private owner: in which case it would be remove~l from active forestry
Hopkins asks if there is a list of places in the city that are endangered. Buckland states
that such a list has not been developed but it will be.
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Open Space and Recreation Commiltec Minutes
October lg, 1999 meeting
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Lauranzano asks if tb/s commiuee w/ll be reviewing the Norwood Pond issue and the
issue of the access road Cassidy responds that the Norwood Pond Committee is
currently reviewing the site a.d should formulate recommendations by January or
Buckland mates that a lot of interesting commcms were made and that they all were
related to open recreation for example; walkways, paths and linkages instead of active
,'ecreation. Buckland asks whether this is a consensus of the committee. Gardner states
that much of the hard work was done in 1995, agrees the key is to turn this into an action
plan. He agrees there were a lot of ideas brought out tonight.
Thompson states her opinion that the area behind Ayers Ryal Side School overlooking
the river is so beautiful the way it is. She asks if the City could acquire it and keep that
land as passive recreation. She adds that she was appalled when she saw the car wash
that was built across the river from it. Gardner agrees it was a nice area and that he
himself has walked along it, Thompson adds that it would he nice to have an
access road to it. Flatmety stales that it may not he possibJe because of the private
homes. Buchsbamn states that olle priority is access to land when the oppermnity arises.
PaJuz~ ash if the ci,ty already owns land up there. Cassidy responds that the city
possibly does own a piece of the land but she thinks there is a problem with the deed
Gardner states that the City's assessor's maps show a p~'tial "x" that connects the side
street to the water. He adds that he has sonae pictures of a walkway in Washington that
shows what can be done.
Buckland asks the committee if there were atiy other groups interested in public access to
the shorefront. Raymond states that the Beverly Coastal Access group has been trying to
keep the shoreline open to the public by keeping the t~nces down along the Ancicm
tiighway. He adds that the State allows public access above the high water mark.
Cassidy states that the states Chapter 90 process requires certain public access and the
I-hlrbor Management Authority has been very helptiff and effective in achieving lhi s
access Raymond asks if it is possible 1o purchase the rights and easements along the
coast'? Buckland responds that there are many issues concerning public access to the
coas{ and that the cost to the City to ptwchase these could be enormous. fie adds if the
Ci.ty spent 1 million that would mean about $g0.00 to $100.00 in addit/onal property
ta~xes The committee might want to decide whether access to the coast is more
important than access along the coasl. Ray}nond asks ifRices Beach is owned by the
City. He also adds that the neighbors to Rites Beach are willing to work with the City to
keep the access open but the walk~,ay to the beach does need work. Cassidy responds
That ,~he P,,~a.5 not Sure.
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Open Space and Recreation CommiUce Minutes
October 18, 1999 mee6ng
Page 4
Buckland explains that is why O'Connor is here ton/ght to help out with the design of
these types of projects. He adds that he would like to move the conversation inland to
see if there arc any properties that could be of interest to the cornmince. Referring to the
map Buckland again states that illere are three areas of interest; PS -private school B-city
own property and C-conservation land. grhat the committee needs to do is take a look at
these areAis to see fithe city has agrcenlellts with the owners concerning access to these
properUes. He adds maybe this is not an issue t~r the c4)mmittee but in order to complete
the linkage an easement might be needed to complete a bikeway.
Gardner responds mayhe the committee members hlven't expressed a concern because
they are not very familiar with the area. Buckland responds that with the right linkages to
an area you can create a migration to that area. Buckland suggests that maybe the people
ill the city are not aware they can use this property and asks if there is a parking lot
available for the public. BuclLsbaum answers yes, bul it is not clearly marked and there is
a problem with the maintenance of the area. He also states that a lot of people do use the
area for biking and hiking and last year the biers did cut some trails that are very nice.
Buchsbaum adds that there is a group of people that bike through there from Boulder
Lane through Manchester down the pipe line to Glouchester.
Buckland asks if the organization of bikers has a name.
Joan Johnson, a Beverly resident, states that there is a group that wants to slow down the
development of the Loeb Estate and that they might know. Buckland suggest this group
might he a resource the committee should make contact with.
Buckland asks if besides having more green in the downtown area and a walkway around
the Bass River are there any other ideas that would make sense for the West side of the
Ci.ty_ Buchsbaum states that it would be nice re have a walkway around the Shoe Pond
mid asks if the golf course and Folly Hill could be of interest. Cassidy states that the golf
course is privately owned and that there were two tire roads around the water tanks up at
Folly Hill that could potentially he used for pedestrian access/lirdcages.
I'hompson states eve .rything does not have to change slid leaving some areas the way they
are could be a benefit. Raymoud states the Coastal Access Group is only talking about a
~-alkway, not developing the areas they, are interested
Buckland states part of the strategies would be the creation of a walkway that links up
with other land. which would add value. ]'his doesn't mean the city has to develop it but
the city would have to maintain the linkage. Buckland adds the benefits of doing this
would be public access, to public property for all to enjoy.
Open Space and Recreation Committee Minutes
October 18, 1999 meeting
Page 5
~uzmmo asks if the playgrounds could be enlarged or expanded in any way. Buckland
stales that the playlgommds arc active recreational land uses and that these could be issue
fbr the committee to look at,
O'Connor asks if there is a shortthll in the number of playing fields in the City? Gardner
responds yes there are and the Mayor is looking to develop the dumpsite on Hender~m
Road forthis purpose. Cassidy states that there is ,some land in the Ryal Side area on the
banks of the Danvers River near Tan. zella Road where there is fxagnented ownership but
there is a steep drop down to the river. This area is currently privately owned.
Gardner states that Mr, Hopkins brought up planting trees and landscaping which will
give a perception of open space. He adds that there is a piece of land up lathe Rome 128
area that could be developed as a viewing area.
O'Connor responds tlmt planting trees and adding sidewalks will enhance the downtown
and that the city could expect to get I O- 15 years out of them. tie adds the committee
should consider making improvements to tbx~se areas where the people of the ci,ty would
see them the most.
Buckland states another area that might be of interest ~A~ould be the overhead utilities and
went on to say that maybe the committee might want to consider pm~ing these
Buchsbaum asks if there is a way that they could inventory the small parcels of woodland
areas that are not develop in the neighborhoods. Buckland states it would make sense to
keep an invemary of properties for public access and to look for easements and maybe
purchase some of these properties.
Gardner slates that the connnittee should start with the assessor maps and ci~f records to
find out if easements are listed, what access there is to these properties and than if
necessary they could do a title search. He also adds they. could form subcommittees to
identify. different locations. what can be done, who owns the property and what design is
needed to fttrther develop these properties_ Gardner asks Buckland for his
recommendation ou a list of subcommittees that would be appropriate. Buckland states
he has a list and assessors map and he would make copies for them. He adds that the
coffm~iuee would need to ~ goals and objectives that would focus on open space
recreation. He also slates they could look at the ones ~t in 1995 and updates them by
coming up with more specific de~ails, plans and objectives. Buckland states the
committee should look at the best way to access land and manage it and City ownership
might not always be the best way, He adds the committee might want to check illto non
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Open Space and Recreation Committee Minutes
October 18, 1999 meeting
Page 6
profit organizations and invite ~ues't speakers to their meeungs to discuss how they.
manag~ land in other cities and towns_
Gardner asks if member have any other thoughts on this subject. Buchsbaum states that a
report was done in 1999 listing the natural resource inventory and asked fithis would be
part of their inventory. Bucksbantu resl}onds that this might be pan of it and by raking a
look at it you might find that a watershed migh~ need to be protected and other n.sues of
interest may become apparent.
Gardner asks if anyone has other ideas for the sub-cormmUee. Buckland suggest that
first the committee should look into the 1995 open space plan and bring il up-to-date and
create an inventory. fte suggests the committee bring people into speak and tbrm goals
and objectives before starting a sulw, ommittee.
Gardner responds he agrees that this would be a great way to start. Cassidy states that the
Conservation Commission could provide some of the information needed. Paluzzi states
that there is a website that lists State Parks and Forest.
Gardner asks how much work the Cecil Group would be contributing to this effort
Buckland responds that his finn would elicit the comn~ittee's ideas and help make them a
reality.. We wffi show you how the pieces fit together in the Master Plan and how to
approach land owners, how to develop, obtain easements, designs and the steps neoded to
meet the cornmittee's goals.
O'Connor states the committee needs to look for the most value for the municipal dollar
by trying to make linkage to open space land and the best land is without frontage that is
land locked parcels. Raymond states Hannah Park is land locked behind the Coast Guard
Station and the ci.ty has been trying to obtain access to it from the Coast Guard for years.
Gardner as 'L~ tbr any comments on the draft mission statement. I..auranzano asks if the
Statenlent would be locked in or if changes can be made to it. Cassidy responds that
changes could be made anytime tile co~mnittee chose to. Baker asks if the definition of
open sinwe should be included in the Mission Statement. Hopkins questions whether the
goals and objectives of the committee should be included. Gardner responds that he felt
these (i.e. goals and objectives and definition} were separate but worthy issues.
Gardner asks if all members are in/i~vor of adopring the draft mission statement as