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2000-12-04City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee
DATE: December 4, 2000
PLACE: Beverly City Hall
COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: David Gardner (Chairman), Charles Raymond, Kathern
Tracy, Richard Baker, Robert Buchsbaum, Ellen Flannery, Cindy Modugno, Kathleen Skrabut,
Bill Squibb (8:20 p.m.)
OTHERS PRESENT: City Planner Tina Cassidy
RECORDER: Jeannine Dion
David Gardner calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and welcomes the newest member of the
committee, Kathleen Skrabut. Kathleen replaces Claire Thomson as the committee's
representative from Ward 1.
Cassidy states she and Gardner have invited the City's master plan consultant to the January
meeting pending the progress made at tonight's meeting. Gardner states that the commitee will
recess into executive session shortly to discuss sites for possible acquisition as open space.
Cassidy statets that the Master Plan Steering Committee is working on scheduling workshops in the January / February time frame.
Each meeting will focus on a specific issue. The committee has prepared draft workbooks for the first two meetings and would Iike input from the Open Space
Committee regarding the Open Space and Residential workbook.
Cassidy states a public hearing must be scheduled regarding the Open Space Plan and the plan
must be approved by the state in order to remain eligible to apply for certain grant funds.
Cassidy thanks Tracy for setting up the committee's holiday dinner meeting; which will be held on
December 18, 2000 at the King's Grant Inn.
Next Meeting
The next Open Space and Recreation Committee meeting is scheduled to take place on January 8,
(yes). All me-hers in favor, no one'opposed. Motion carries.