2000-11-287.'00 PM #360 Public Hearing Building Moratorium Referred to Legal Affairs and Accounts 7:55 PM #366 Public Hearing Transfer to Account Holiday Decorations Referred to Finance and Property Meeting of Beverly City Council November 20, 2000 Roll Call: Councilors present: Costa, Guanci, Martin, McMahon, Smith, Troubetaris, Flaherty Councilors McGlynn and Murray were absent Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: Led by Councilor Costa Appointments: Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting: Meeting of November 6, 2000 as amended Communications from His Honor the Mayor: #386 November 20, 2000 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I wish to update you regarding the Public Safety Facility to be located at Cummings Center. We have negotiated extensively with Cummings regarding the alternate site proposed by Cummings which allows for additional frontage on Elliott Street. These negotiations have progressed well. Cummings and the City have agreed to an additional extension of the option on the parcel of land by 90 days to mid-March to allow matters to proceed in an unhurried fashion. On a related matter the City is pursuing an acre of State land at the Route 128 Brimbal Avenue intersection on which to build a stand alone Fire Station to replace the North Beverly Station. MA Highway has signed off on traffic related issues and is assisting the City in having the parcel surplussed by the State to the benefit of the City. Very truly yours, William F. Scanlon, Jr., Mayor 0387 November 20, 2000 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: Attached is a detailedl memo from John Dunn regarding appropriations and expenditures. I would ask that John's letter be read aloud in full and that the Council please take a first reading and schedule a Public Hearing on this matter tonight. 2OO The first item is the need to appropriate $436,034 in Lottery Aid which was granted to Beverly by the State after our budget was completed. The second item is the additional interest earnings which we will enjoy because of money we borrowed in September. It was good business on our part to take advantage of our recently increased bond rating and favorable interest rates. The third item is the presence of actual new growth at $1,100,000 rather than the $700,000 budgeted for the past year. Thus we have available $400,000 in additional levy capacity. Fourth, the flip side of issuing debt as discussed under item two, is additional interest cost in the amount of $550,000 in this fiscal year. Lastly, let me comment that medical costs thus far this year are running ahead of expectations. You may know that some of our medical coverage is not truly insurance but self Insurance, i.e., the pass through of actual costs to us by the carrier plus an administration fee. A number of expensive hospitalizations have occurred of late and it may not be possible to contain annual expenditures within the approved budget. We are exploring this matter in depth and will report to you further on same. The net impact of these actions will be to add slightly over $500,000 to our Reserve for Unforeseen as we head into the balance of the year, Very truly yours, William F. Scanlon, Jr., Mayor Referred to Finance and Property Communications from other City Officers and Boards #388 Frances A. Macdonald, Clerk 191 Cabot St Bevedy, MA 01915 RE: Request for NO PARKING School Street Dear Mme. Clerk: We have been asked to look into the possibility of establishing a NO PARKING area on School St. by the Railroad Bridge at School St., and River St. We have looked at this area and when a vehicles is parked close to the bridge you can not see to the left coming out of River St. onto School St. Additionally, if a vehicle is parked close to the bridge drivers heading westerly, toward Wellman St., must go over the center line into the on-coming lane. Please take the necessary action to amend City of Beverly Ordinances, Chapter 14, Section 120, Parking prohibited on certain streets at all times: ADD: School St, northerly side, from River St. eighty feet easterly. Very truly yours, Dennis O. Tarsook Traffic Sergeant Referred to Legal Affairs and Accounts #389 Mr. Timothy Flaherty Council President City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Mr. President: 201 The board respectfully request that a public hearing be held on December 4, 2000 for the purpose of allocating the fiscal year 2001 levy percentages among the four classes of real property and personal property, as well as consideration of the adoption of open space, residential, and small commercial exemptions. Please note that the Board does not classify any properties in Beverly as eligible for the open space exemption; therefore, adoption of this exemption would have no impact. In addition, adoption by the Council of the residential or small commercial exemptions is contingent upon a recommendation from the Mayor. If no recommendation is made, no vote is required on these exemptions. Very truly yours, John Heaphy, Chairperson Board of Assessors Referred to Finance and Property Communications, Applications and Petitions #390 Comm. from Comm. of Mass relative to FY 2001 Survey and Planning Grant Cycle Referred to Finance and Property #391 Comm. from A. Cohen relative to Zones of Quiet Referred to Legal Affairs and Accounts #392 1999 Environmental Report PG & E National Energy Group Referred to Public Service and Aid #393 Comm. from Massachusetts Technology Park Corporation re Notice of Invitation to Submit Comments on Proposed Waste to Energy Grant Program Receive and Place on File #394 Comm. from Mass Development Finance Agency re bond project-Tantara, LLC and Product Resources, Inc., 148 Sohier Road Referred to Finance and Property #395 Comm. from Comm. of Mass Human Resources Division re Provisional Population Process Job Titles Added to the ConTest Program Receive and Place on File 202 #396 Request to purchase Bridge Street Fire Station, Michael Pitu Referred to Finance and Property #397 Application to sell Christmas Trees-Rose Hip Farm Referred to Legal Affairs and Accounts Reports from Committees: #364 The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of Communication relative to Water Bill Interest Charges have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on File Order read once and adopted 6-1 Vote Councilor Troubetaris opposed #366 The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of Transfer to Account Holiday Lighting have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:. Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption Ordered: That the City Council of the City of Beverly approve a transfer in the amount of $10,000 to account Holiday Lighting from account Reserve for Unforeseen. Said sum of money to be expended under the direction of the Finance Director First Passage: Nov. 6, 2000 Public Hearing: Nov. 20, 2000 Final Passage: Nov. 20, 2000 Order read once and adopted 7-0 Vote #387 The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of Appropriation to Account have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption Ordered: That the City Council of the City of Beverly will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 PM on Monday, December 4, 2000 at 191 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA relative to: Appropriate to Revenue Account Real Estate and Personal Property Appropriate to Revenue Account Lottery Aid Appropriate to Revenue Account interest Earning $400,000 $436,034 $250,000 Appropriate to Expenditure Account Long Term Interest Appropriate to Expenditure Account Reserve for Unforeseen $550,000 First Passage: November 20, 2000 203 Public Hearing: December 4, 2000 Final Passage: December 4, 2000 Order read once and adopted 7-0 Vote #389 The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of setting public hearing for tax classification have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption ORDERED: That the City Council of the City of Beverly hold a public hearing on Monday, December 4, 2000 at 7:15 PM in council Chambers, 191 Cabot Street, Beverly MA regarding allocation of levy percentages among the four classes of real property and personal property as well as consideration of the adoption of open space, First Passage: Dec. 4, 2000 Public Hearing: Dec. 20, 2000 Final Passage: Dec. 20, 2000 #334 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Ordinance MV & T 15 Minute Parking Cabot and Winter have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:. Submit the accompanying ordinance and recommend its adoption In the Year Two thousand An Ordinance amending an ordinance entitled Motor Vehicles and Traffic re "Fifteen Minute Parking" Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Beverly as follows: That Chapter 14, Section 123 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Beverly, 1989, be, and the same is hereby amended as follows: ADD: Cabot Street, one space in front of 273 Cabot St. ADD: Winter Street, one space on Winter St. at the Corner of Cabot St. This ordinance to take effect upon passage according to City Charter. First Passage: November 20, 2000 Final Passage: December 4, 2000 Order read once and adopted 7-0 Vote #355 The committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Application for 2nd Class MVDL Cobblestone Motors, 119 Rantoul Street have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the License be Granted Order read once and adopted 7-0 Vote #372 2O4 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Application for 2nd Class MVDL Autoworld of Beverly, 43 Cabot Street have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the License be Granted Order read once and adopted 7-0 Vote #373 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Application for 2nd Class MVDL Dodge Street Auto, Inc. 60 Dodge Street have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the License be Granted Order read once and adopted 7-0 Vote #374 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Application 2nd Class MVDL Bridge Street Auto Service, 83 Bridge St. have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Order read once and Adopted 7-0 Vote #376 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of First Night Banner have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit:. Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption Ordered: That the City Council approve the request from the Board of Directors of First Night Bevedy to hang a banner across Cabot St from November 27, 2000 until January 8, 2001 and be it further ordered that the banner be hung by a licensed rigger and that the organization be properly insured. Order read once and adopted 7-0 Vote The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Communication from DEP re Water Resources have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on File Order read once and adopted 7-0 Vote #382 In the Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Comm. from Salem City Council have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on File Order read once and adopted 7-0 Vote #397. 205 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Application-Christmas Trees Permit have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the License be Granted Order read once and adopted 7-0 Vote #341 Order read once and referred back to Committee on Public Service and Aid. 6-1 Vote (Costa) The Committee on Public Service and Aid to whom was referred the matter of "Go Slow- Deaf Child" sign be placed on Woodland Ave. have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Ordered: That the Commissioner of Public Services place a sign"Go Slow-Deaf Child" sign be placed in the vicinity of 28 Woodland Avenue. Order read once end adopted 7-0 Vote Resolutions: Unfinished Business: The following orders were read into Council minutes on Nov. 6, 2000 and held for final passage as per charter provisions: #349 Ordinance MV & T Two Hour parking Fayette St. #350 Ordinance MV & T Stop Sign Leech Street at Winthrop Ave. #351 Ordinance MV & T 2 hour parking Wallis St. #362 Ordinance Storage Container Fees Motions and Orders: #398 By Councilor Maureen Troubetaris: I hereby appoint, subject to confirmation by the City Council, the name of Kathy Skrabut, 39 Ashton St. Beverly, MA to serve as the Ward One representative on the Open Space and Recreation Committee for the following three years. Referred to Public Service and Aid #399 By Councilor Troubetaris: A Resolution-Eagle Scout Matthew Paul Grant A Moment of Silence was observed for Gordon Richardson 2O6 Meeting adjourned: 9:12 PM Frances A. Macdonald, CMC City Clerk 207