2000-10-10 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 10, 2000 PRESENT: Commissioners Barnico, Duval, Eaton, Farmer, Gourdeau, Nelson, and White ABSENT: Commissioners Lydon, Mahoney, Rosen, and Vitale PUBLIC: Ken Lewis, Ken Robinson, Richard Mello, Phil Conti, Ed and Cindy Matton A. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Farmer called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. 1. Reading of the Minutes for September 11, 2000 – Chairman Farmer called for a reading of the minutes from the September meeting. Commissioner Nelson made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Gourdeau. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Reading of the Financial Report – Chairman Farmer called for a reading of the financial report. Commissioner White gave the financial report for August 2000. Commissioner Barnico made a motion to accept the financial report subject to audit, seconded by Commissioner Gourdeau. Motion passed unanimously. B. OLD BUSINESS: Old business for the 10/10/00 BAC meeting was covered in the Airport Manager’s Report. There was some discussion on the proposed Vegetation Management Equipment. Airport Manager Mezzetti will inquire about equipment rental for the Wenham ConCom required cutting of Runway 16 wetland areas. Commissioner Barnico asked about recent growth assessment on Runway 16. Dufresne-Henry had said it overall met the 75% growth goal and that information has been sent to Wenham ConCom. C. NEW BUSINESS: None D. AIRPORT MANAGER’S REPORT: The Airport Manager’s report for the October 10, 2000 BAC meeting was included in the commission packets. 1 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 10, 2000 F. CHAIRMAN/COMMISSION COMMENTS: · Noise Concern – Chairman Farmer introduced Mr. & Mrs. Matton who live on Longmeadow Road in Beverly and who had concerns about aircraft noise. Chairman Farmer said that the Airport Manager would meet with the Control Tower Chief and see if anything could be done in the way of changing traffic patterns and/or arrival and departure routes. · Vice Chairman Eaton discussed a letter in the Salem Evening News from a Mr. Svenson of Danvers regarding airport noise and jet fuel smell. Chairman Farmer said he did not mind sending a letter to Mr. Svenson or the newspaper if the information was fact, but would not respond to something that was not fact. · Chairman Farmer told the Commission how last year the School Department was informed that they had to pay rent on the small airport-owned building they currently use for school bus maintenance, and how the Mayor requested at the time to table rent. Chairman Farmer said that the Commission should send the School Department another letter now saying that effective January 1, 2001 they would have to pay rent. After some discussion, Commissioner Gourdeau made a motion to, effective January 1, 2001, charge the School Department $1,500.00 per month for tenant-at-will of the airport-owned building. Commissioner Barnico seconded motion. Motion passed unanimously. · Commission Christmas Dinner – Chairman Farmer asked for Commission input on where the Commission Christmas dinner should be held and when. A decision was made to hold the Commission Christmas dinner at the Beverly Golf & Tennis Club on Friday, December 1, 2000. · Chairman Farmer informed the Commission that the Mayor and City Council had approved G.A.S. Hangar Four lease agreement. · Chairman Farmer informed the Commission that Connell Limited Partnership was a new tenant of North Atlantic Air Inc. at the old GTE hangar. G. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Gourdeau, seconded by Vice Chairman Eaton. Motion passed unanimously. 2