1999-02-167:45 PM Dan Moniz spoke on "the Jeffrey Curley Bill" Regular Meeting of Beverly City Council, Feb. 16, 1999 Roll Call.. A# Councilors were present Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: Led by Councilor Troubetads Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting.. Amended minutes of January 19, 1999 meeting to reflect acceptance of Special Meeting of December 28, 1999. Accept minutes of Feb. 1, 1999 meeting Appointments: Communications from His Honor the Mayor.- #87 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby appoint, subject to your review and recommendation, Mrs. Eileen M. Twiss, 34 Washington Street, Beverly, MA 01915 to serve as a member of the Commission on Disabilities. She will the fill the term left vacant by the resignation of Arthur Daignault. Her term will be effective until November 1,2001. Very truly yours, William F. ScanIon, Jr., Mayor Referred to Finance and Property #88 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby appoint, subject to your review and recommendation, Mr. Daniel E. Kern, 349 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA 01915, to serve as a member of the Cable TV Advisory Commission. He will fill the vacant position due to the resignation of Robert Tanzella. His term will be effe~ve until January 31, 2001. Very truly yours, William F. ScanIon, Jr., Mayor Referred to Public Service and Aid #89 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby reappoint, subject to your nview end recommendation, the following to serve as members of the Zoning Board of Appenls: Martin J. Freeman 9 Rezza Road Term effective until January 31, 2004 Day Ann Kelley 2 Go<xtwin Road Term effective until January 3 l, 2004 Ve~ Waly youn, William F. ScanIon, Jr., Mayor Referred to Legal Affairs nnd Accounts #90 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby submit, for your information, the attached Annual Beano Repon from St. John the Evangelist Church for the year 1998. Very truly yours, William F. ScanIon, Jr., Mayor Referred to Public Service and Aid Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby appoint/reappoint, subject to your review end recommendation, the following citizens to serve as Constables in the City of Beverly for the e~ purpose of serving Civil Process: Nency H. Cicci 15 Kennedy Drive Beverly, MA 01915 To be effective until March 1, 2002 James F. Danforth (reappoinunent) 16 Wentworth Drive Beverly, MA 01915 To be effective until March l, 2002 Oliver F. Fitts (reappoinnnent) 37 Chipmen Road To be effective until March 2, 2002 Attached am their applications which have been approved by Police Chief William Terry. Very truly youn, William F. Scenlon, Jr., Mayor Referred to Legal Affairs and Accounts Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby reappoint, subject to your review and recommendation, the following members of the Beverly Harbor Management Authority: Donald D. Neuman 26 Washington Street Patricia Allen 10 Longwood Avenue Joanna Bolden 15 Cliff Street Their terms to be effective until December 31, 2000. Very Iruly yours, William F. Scanlon, Jr., Mayor Referred to Public Service and Aid #93 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby request that your Honorable Council authorize the Mayor to sign the attached leases for the Glover Marina betwean the City of Beverly and the following individuals: James Ayers Michael Callaban David Clark Doug Curtier James Felton Nancy Gallo Doug Gerry Jeffrey Gowing Robert Jarerasek John Johnson William McGrath Douglas Simpson Anthony Tochko Evangeline Towey Allan Vaughan Richard Warner Very truly yours, William F. ScanIon, Jr., Mayor Referred to Legal Affairs and Accounts #94 Honorable City Council 191 Cabot St. Beverly, MA Dear honorable Council: Attached please find a Loan Order in the amount of $285,000 to fund the purchase of computer hardware and software. This is one of the projects included in the FY 1999 Capital Expenditure Plan. Funding for this project will enable us to address three areas of concern: 1 ) changes in technology and the age of our current hardware and communications equipment, 2) long term Y2K issues and future technical support of our existing software and hardware and 3) the end of our many year relationship with HCR systems, which will discontinue operations in September 1999. It is the third concern, the discontinuance of operations by HCR Systems, which has pushed this project forward by a year. HCR provides payroll software and processing FOR ALL THE CITY PAYROLLS AS WELL AS THE SOFTWARE AND DATA BASE FOR THE Assessors Office. We will bring both of those operations in house, by purchasing an integrated payroll and human resources package from Munis and an independent assessing software package from another Vendor. The purchase of these two packages will require us to substantially change and/or replace our current IBM Sewer and Communications hardware. In addition it has moved forward our planned migration to an updated operating language for all of our Munis Applications. While it is estimated that this project will add approximately $30,000 in annual operating costs for labor and supplies, it will also save the $85,000 currently expended with HCR systems annually. These savings will come very close to covering the debt service on this project in its entirety. In addition it will provide a more user friendly Munis operating environment for the many City employees who use the integrated financial software each day. It will also provide much needed replacement for aging hardware, which can then serve as sorely needed to back up equipment. Sincerely, William F. ScanIon, Jr., Mayor Referred to Finance and Property #95 ~P~AL UPHllITIIE Pill W2066-2094 FSknlIIl1999 TAll; IF elllTclJl INThlBIG1119 Pale I PainlESS IN FY 1999 Pages/-2 PRIJECT ul, ' . [ eBB BY FISCAL YEn eNmlThLPRNHITSDESCRIPTIINS Pages 34 PaIRs 5-14 PJSB&DDTSG~fieETI{_ FIND~iI201leES IsAlD Pales15-21 i illlie i ll1 - The hiltif bloatbaR Iqas far the five-par Isdad ~ 2000 - 2004 attacks the lmabis.m el ' '. ;IL' ·; L&,"i3tk is lasmdy is am aggressive .masasr asmmatemt we desired · .{,..r-:,~ is the IllfRY ef I~e Nr levifly titbits If sisrill late b the aasNlratel IdleillS isr drdasls' ~ .,v:.mc~ Iswifl asthe asansd smlkasis as lskasbwrdmAyema skitltte ie aslplated asd leelimb aimat tm atilt ann Istewerthy. ieitlas d their lards IIflsr nil& arm the lskllc safety thd~ty at RIBIRiS hmmr asd the laidfill asIlisl asd laity the mailer ell sate the disfilcaat member ef InSRate vthld] are sew te the PISl thb Par. Ii as,me as.aRmies 04191 blaslb'm Plans area legs wema thus 'WNi Llitl" The maadM tell late that II Bmmd~s case the PINe ins Skewit heft tlle very real lid b lideli the 'Blielrist te asr Ireires li FY 1199 - TMS lint mr Skid tgilficamt Inlirass. The BIb Sckasl reef was INnely maisas as wes that ef the bateNits Blleaterd SSkasL The "r Y~il emass 04nlder at the bib S~asl was tmRy massvet The EdwIrll Nilel ins Ill mew teldie as dens the Nclby Sskasl WilCl abe asdememt BBSNI millIF/nliSlrl lid ntis ' ri-,':~' SIll 17 INdlrdmalid this stimuli taekL lily If tedSk weal located at askRaIL wema mallnasal thmaelieat ths eRy. 11m New Md(llwII Sdlasl was nilladed lid N Rymma Sdmaif B well millmay teth I JIll 1999 managed Gellianas date. i aslt Skid It the Iliafillet If PIefig 04rdeas site wes leaaged asd is li ISle asL We tell as0B have as.mplated asaslnlctisi If athel isdlRY at Park SIlent te]iSk tell milew ths CRy te girdin ftlsl at "muSk liner PalGas lit te Ifasify InlSk asais If Nil Ry nilde asi liemater. Nit Is a tetifN triteslat Inlm~ we pmrdmaasd mew ntlal .macefiRs fer the emUma CRy nl as.mpP/eb State maislaUitlL The Nrditt lead PreJed vaht tell eel ly seeded lideel laid was kegeL This extastve project wis easdy feb Years is the ImaMel aid cellleas Imskfic and private theds Yal me isal the eRy Imam te aBee II Illllllthg] Zlllt kit w iraltll thl t~ 9m lit thee SUll Rall~l elf SilB~leeat eelbl lllledL Tab PHifat MH llm eeke cellbry umr Broilewe and Water mira erabane ISr mann aideate lellr the Aimeft ee well as bedim at the AirdlrL SU part If till IraJllat tie Blcerdew St~If area Ii Word I blse raeeMll fiBRaW sewer te raillee ladlecave xPOc nnsml~ Bead tim ansifaNg IratealL cegticedtl welk was edenby IdalOt ti edwe till three Rider trailale Prateins at 9suce SInK Lawmane lraek ned CSUisu Braekti kegIll Imr Ii filellar 1999. beer leCii~r ' ~ieKt was drallnne cellleedll Isr the Sunset DIke/Be N~b Acelie pollen If WaN I dick w~l SU Illrisrlml Is Ilrt If a State IraJoIn el bate 62 We Im lie eelillad ellleeedlg ee tie IceAilH dora PISl dick IS ekeat ti mar tie eemedetl Pie aid ea~lcedal ill II weall raid IS Ward II nellflU Sulat Sl~at vAIl SulIf led ellisllatlnn ell mr Sixeat Imee Ilddlcklry Lena Ill ls Plantera Rand Illdeed the slglfileeat eweat at ceghranfq wee deem In FY 1999 IS till ransell we wen ba mile te affinity legal ce IllBy eelifmifbl IraBeats IS FY 250~ gIFt 9F BEglILY falRal Prefects Rashlions B$1deralllelliAral' wJFJIJtisi TIle lral leer the Ailllrt eeed at three ~ - Till Icelral AinUell SurdleeS the Ismer NISu MISlIIS Iltl eel the Items Iltl - ins leel bcell a leeldll If eeml coleera Is tl ledie' ;~f i dlkL SulBIN Fkilfk:~llW I SUlSIRaif~ licelead Sltl Pracb'Uceer~ Suce eellied Pie SUe at al am If these sites IIi ilkaft If the 9fly If Bdady. A Seeell Ibm Idll SU ratllrad ti celllatl thl asseeceleat Iracell aid lrmdde ann raellral raNedlean Tie Iracone vdfi IlrdePI be completed II the eelill fiseel Par [FY 2000] bat ella lean en the SuBoral AdaUee life b mqmifed te exteed Into FY 2501 We arm bckethl tint tie elGra mlttir MH be iralint tel Sleeeeifat celcledce with the NeedRare ef the $250J00 lionel IS the Plan Ill- tl :l~l ;llllllat FIiSu md te ralda~ ellismeat II a nilbar at denam Ildlldllg hblla Safety ief elltailed ifeathlll lplaratl~ 1250 9PH Illper Illlee led ether ceildesL PIMIC hadcos Illhill tmd~ dck-nns aid Ill tces~ end Malldill IBnnlC~ll [trdfiC bidrot ITfck lid Maletin ceikleeL Tim meadRam raceilia the Iced ta replace llellleat IIII raillilt bats with $1J66J00 Sudleted ever five Yeap& Pefiee ceilrice vd~ celRanll te SU redxe llid tilted thrmigk the cellial epllrattil Illdiet ce III raneat Maltalemon led eperattil ceatl Idll SU lidrammed at till filll spedtic acqalliUlll dan arm deceleeelL 11111119 Palarea Stem water dramtile Ill Inedy bee knell ill ale old 9raiism Bdth mann Sulldradl If Sumee ralaisdY fleellll after ellP~ Sadcet rainstems Im FY 1999 alan If the leeUllgS !lth aWlS mild dedsu eelglee were Ill flrtheellll ti the ebee8 SlraK Lawralce Bralk led esuibS Bralk ttieeBL Sucerdy S~00~000 If cny foods were lllraldifld tl Imldlllat celtdeem with till weth Ill all three INlatl ti emilioice II eelcaRat par 1999. Su edlWdelel Iraled ticeMa iralinen lear the Beecera Idle el Suaxt Idce fled Beverly IBIS Acegl lee eie SUCe ledlied bat Idll SU icell as part at a Slate eeifTlattn IllNil BIItl 6~ Till IraasIa IS eermnUy I)qlliflt ti celllice II late eellair 19H eib eemplEdel Ii eieeilr 256~ WIth all el these 9raisifs lralksuwa malltnalee' IS mlleetll te ckdlk Wllrd t Iraliege IS recent mob It Nee memo If Illat tint tiera Ira drainale Irabison Ill Ward 5 fleet Bdlsul Am aid Ifllg I pith parallel te the f111 ITII~S leisl tlWIrd Rady Ailk SCkceL $50J00 IS Billlied ti Sady these men and $40&000 IS clnlatfy ceUmSal te woke hit lift Irael Tim Otl b dsdnall to June a ash bell =,ifdtlse Iralit If $251000 ITe=, the State kter thb fiscal leaf U999] Mr Usa imm If amuse land Mf soda Slaa seWer Namefeint dfiqleni It thb IMIe Ma spedfit parcel If land ins let lean idalied let win ke seem~ WIIJll this Itol II I0N lidmild Ii the hpltif Expeadltgna MIlL thine is kessl to Rid a Ibm tin aarn et Mmk gmr Nmr IIIlaCllCIt 11m fill lateRe to Naplea ad water =,tuna In adam and lisbonas with im~ manaa~YnaadabllLiftlwasedNmrt 11tlllrdeetMII ke dlddadlmtWessSltt ~eddaiaif aadetber. toe aledial SSoNa eftlie lagran bRagor mmrd is leadad te be laPawl by BFP In the nasr tolifSPdl11999. filelaflormetorlBelmfilmdbylllsiasasaswi~thelMkew. filisnnaJeetla dsas is the knlmlel Ibm lasgor thai aeddfitad imm Imfutllea In fleas that nnssisa=,m mWa='s am mlm emithey Ii mey alllllitlt ker m=,m et toe aet et the mine=, la Inorassad M dan dsa to the nasd for Mlkor easily larle ='tuna than tint astldlmd ad aim barn If s fees to asia stem =,mr mdMi aifs Ily Illdig I a=,lwlet isrpr Mmif INSdiaL A Midfie MI all ds lads to thl hail el this aideft is Morml ef/99L Illistollllll fietl will ds lift If thet dlIClIMII as YaH IS =,mr radial aetL lu=,l ha - lllH,III IllIll to cap the laell im loon sisstuffed 11m CIty was Mad Mth s mimes letwast two t~es et Ins aBaUa systems. Ii the ell mrysas lead el a ssaasrds edlaiflel eyml Yalml is Im me to Insall lad Im expanln to lahltifl. fill Illloll et Mime m el 6m isadfill was dbaasad extasifasly let Ii the end the dsdifas was tim Ifar sad Ibdkkb%.w,,dL enam as IBMIf HASIn m e the biteft to Imlmm l Bbl eat m Igl after desme wiilml wi~ kell Inaitet WINAN astJa m all ke laslill& 111111 181 Ifdfillllllllt Amenlet tiBet It tel IISSNASSdetl all actIll8 m if toe dill alfaa as Ik!Mg fields wsifd make ate keam ear need for slml fields b met asl war me leaBees mrs few. keets to Iratim this oneelM ann let Iliadad at II Hm b the tim. riley aifd Include a Naedua~% Beddug ISL IlltilL MumtilL easdel~ etetlast 191 fit eraill& eel file Bllafl='aet 14 hi~c dsndm =,W ke nile to Illlie at tomamlsthaanlMmamuifmets. Tim BEP Illend dm fff dslp asseslee a=,llrdan is Hemruler ~ 199S llll lMiI Ineasmaet - SOw also dllaaslon if lamp GIlt aim. WIth the alplifMi if the imp assllll by Hembar If/999 iml the wilar to MIle, c H ~ Y liragel wig ke glIB to a lilk feet as amty as the bdse if 206~ rla qIntMB leads addfind Idseamel let aady ASUNatas Mr a thennoel frdew anm a Mar maul laded If Halyak SeasitalY May - Jisem 2OOO at aast if $10MOL file RIsk am win lip filet ula the dn=,l smba ae ely ke md for setre Namdfiet lined mad em Smloab am m the Ida fad boa smlasb In the BeEera halWas Pegnat file dl be m wet as a emithind aimlet with toe Baasal Smlal to ke renovated end asiarod letusa Mira if 1999 tad Jest If 2600. file Cm Smlasl MII lee lily miner welt ImMi too a=,=,or if/999. It win ke ale Mr m dsdsl the 2000 sdlal year and miter aaslnlmla MH MHIw frl=, lime If 2900 to line if 2001 file fists to Nanlate the IdiomIs ima aftatlas as daas too Idllbll, e~mJet allwasile eider SCkal Bean Ansistem lean Nadfiladels Yage was smleeis Ire lenafly mrgy dadfilL IscNaans is the H='ker if mlbad ah mlasla eftset these adamQa tonnigh Im heal fill asto Mdndsl II thl PIll limit the im lllITlet In/ate if aCtell a to ds Ilaffld bet m asSdice to Maor fodlw. dslrlm Idfigs/lalld - S5,006J60 file S~000~00 is toils for toss iplsllty if Bto PnaJeet BASt Himeel had im keel ntod iy the sam. It ads O=,a asdy aslMeadal is is pnaass to dstonahm Met b HuMie. file nxstlt lader discsaul at this tim Is to cam l Irwin Imrifulme yms badge mr litL 128 Main Wield mile tnaffie Hath aid hath ca Ram 128 mN amd :gnaw ITem the illtic Tietuna eel nilel ibm wilhelm mr dddid am Idy Bandy salett A finnfie th this IreIra bUS ken the athlm th prodde m leeass fa Ill Beadle titimams th the keel Named Pidd ann& A AliBiSlea was mated by the Mayer a par Ida th seedy thb ant cad naomicad Isid caL Tie heel:mill Is II~l lm elk mid bee elm cndmded its doIIslTaDIdL Tie tiff his me beilna lT Imtcat th denliB blibemUllll~ COmmiTdally lT Ildnl~dly] IdY ef the :lay emmd Isll lee Nineel Pidt Tie ~a d lassha naaeegca eros ecmm nan:gee namln melt Ii thIs icalnalile snae valce Is lift of WlTd 5 ted Makk finmany nitaiR caly ale tier fit actin nalTca0eL We arddllte laea dlcacaflee em the amen le the par m slime. lib:i: AlFltv Facility Iceill - $66~600 Flee have bee: IdPnapdamd fit thIs jim:i: by the :~y Ca:meaL Tin :by ice ca Idtlee wklce Urncam back th the lice cad bar :ameregca far tee lens of Iced ca Maim Is em beam ear. Fee :gee Is mmlcele eluI Nmmblt of 1999 lm $30L lIB Caramels bes Ilm fewjan e semi icadifilt~ l illbuy minor site )FP, · ' % Ib 17 acres IS slzL blm Im Idllna IS drags the tbe firit sl~ vale: by Is kiting fa cablJthth far the ~m eL g thIs UNI m 111 dm th naislofq the NFP far desill sliMslim lid m MII IBm n fa the cema lTddtllm fa lll[I I :tO'ill d b~l ca fa knick gsrcal fa CalcaL Mr. Alllimes says be Is IldlfflTtlt fa lit cede: II Ily elm m wlfi fake tJlll fa the ceml IIid by the firll of All 199L Ti tom thlTemli lidrot cad BycaUca by all nrdca m vdll egm III of calcadlT 1999 far deSill legca cad nag:an. Til Ilium of cams:mince gsn[dlegem by :mien nanmica Ipll kit arnicalAid. 11m Capital ExPeldAlna fill msli ca slice gsmdlegca far Idqmcas of belll camnegvL Tiena Is caBalnamable caB:am:as that the GIn Skcald anfalna thIs &7 acre wafadnamt dm ca ca th be cell thmfi slime rim911 mr ns becalelBcaL latin TiesniL panama of h1911k bes twirl calfimed yealiP/Its Ml~lgseca fa call the Pnagsdy far l& _ · ' fifk $96~60L Tie lm nacalm ca!finlaca was Fibweary 1~ 199L WaltfeB ca:gait:el Is rigs:tag bet Ibrtid Is caffee le128 acqofnad by member cameregal Rob,, & Heal Tie eel IblcalAlna fill ~maca tel Pane of metdill an II Iranasa caly I~ IdlT fa the Slth becalm I milct~ IcaeL Ibfill Is ICaMII far c~ _ full of lmidUel fa I~llr by ell calar 1gel We wfil emlb meet a be vie cant: them the dm Is ramify iAlr~: :-tdlblcaidtceIsldlTtheathislUaL lea SadIll hits Tie m at Alrd Sellrow m mini:am bee::ca ca me Inalca dice are baby meadlegfaliddof~ '1' '~l. nafaflTdm&mlilmlcaibelege& ItIspllemegtbetthedde of the bid Is wen: califilJid d by Alp:flee IkIs per wU me mblT die fa fatin tee pane lair. Ties Is Idlldly I cafaty ddvid mJecL himlimit lardwine/Sea!line DIe fa ceIII~S IS theemil:my. Year 2000 ace cad the ;h ~ _ tlnm;-:m of carte iredied by ca entail: nldlT, m Balm abe lilaceel lay:am:eta le camper bertwane nd sewa~ ekeales halrode e Nilan If Uie MIINIS S~Sfal Imam Uie calllie elkel calfilerrdca fa I 48L ::~¶~ all ' litladle:lie of let belll naseml~es lifil 8ca:Sill lidabeL nKAlca of a eew Ilk carnr cad PC. neheddml cal cabllel Idgnaiid lm the Ubnarff cad le the ace:aS Small lead- Ward 2 ISMOf rail:aerial Was kcae Alca fa besilm e mall read thm bern lcelm SUlK fa :ca eeen cat ca th Almm~ Anm Tie neat wield meet :calm Senaim wear the eden28 trdfic sIIgll troth:he leWlffhll& Tie fatima of the nail mid be th IllnaVI lea:aS fa the 1111 lm the falm of lilt lie Sgscifically can Irma Salem camld thna left Isfa this anna hem a lmmeldeg Ical th be befiL GIna Is the area cant mdtth tuber caegids of lady rod28 hklm Seek Cultly ace rodtic list gn Sdlcal Stnaet lid NI Id lT tm the hill fa get la lT eel R Is bailed that tim fend mid liprig tie filIBy If life II tit aria and Imprive all man cleat Fie Ilccl handler, Mr. Rilllet karleves tieca Imm ~ke~$l~k gielt bee ical made wkca tie bridge was ill& Fie preened am heal dbecacad Mti tie Ward II Gee Idaan and many fill NildaB Magi kIt let aH M tie figideal b ledUrn Fie mJl~ IS lidsled la tie Plan ca tie lads tiff e weeIdly If residents tel lipton el Pc Fie flits Ire gilwl If $90t000 fir cameeeL Fie calm If tim fine mIll le lisPfir 90 feeds Ihml cage Par ti tie CRy Ry tie State. b Ildgdsi Is $400J00 fir lard aiMlet Actill tiMII eifs mllbt iS less dsPcadlal el tie teal mcam el taMii fids elfideal Irmmr $tfcat Fife nIl bus laceroe eW ie IS aceIf pan Mtk tie deefipmem el hemca IS CenterdilL R IS insde tea fi llleWllS$ and cklrg cantos mad tie lack el lay sidewalk ti tie Nlfti el Mlddisimry LIIL Fie Impis. _-: Jr. tiimer Sireel ere knell callacared If tile Ume. Fie action hem Middlebird tl lid Rimre lead IS sdfidnfid ti be deal first witi caca91cMcc fi lalll by Jdy 1st 1999. RIce will le acallgila fir redew ekeroy. Fie caNice te tie Nenb and Sods el tie first geeel ell be dale fi tie filiNil tel Pare relPecdel~ Fie ~m caaca Is tie mat ImpenallL It Imles smiteling tanfell came and addill I dsewelk NIle widselll tim read Avon Access RIm Bridle Street Fie any Im I meMBer# desam fir m, manca hem Bridge SueIf ti Ayere Sawel by m mr bet Fie Mtk fi MId all access IS edmated If $500J6~ Fieca kids Ire aegckfi fi m hem tie traffic addlean Bellca lead ti leedy by Step and net Fie ~lre Samel law bdsl related and elated will cam e large Peaylrdea and IS rimlUg accessible ally tirelib lalew caned seeeeL Fie laid ca wblgi tie read wmdi by leMtkd Idslds ti Ik. Gasby. hie d~casica witk MI boa etaerred IIf fimmr k)ccelca will be liceslaW. handler RIgidads wi~ ia filly acehid ti elsere till IreJeIficacalllatlldldelliSl Ilell. Park S~cat Bills Fie reds ca ee edeca limafleet el Public hndcca belldines If Perk Sleet leak ally and lay Ime Ifmdsrel weakacacat Fieca are caecaely betel Ise~ilated Am alemat el $46L000 tila mat IS FY 2061 IS indicted Fiere ere a teal el finr Imlldlall tila ImBrued Cress lama WkllmlcatelBaymbkulalbrYcawercandcatckaat5%eltieeRydacaieL title camIll Par we mmmd fi define lalmq sewer glee Im tim pe~ el tie CRy where ePUC SiltinS are dtil henflaiL $56J06 Ix lean ililetel fir ties caSkkiting s~eds lelica Cress Lama afire tim PriMmEW cad will be analyzed Allell IlflrgllII Fits Calllira WI$ Imdlltld at S500J00 In tie past lice bat his been redmond fi $2rJ0J00 as ca may addMcall ireJerk he inca liehUrled and laneel AllIll Pld;/Ireml SInce lilts gilead ICeIts Idlecede ,Begam lad ice beam laefcacad witill tie pica hem $201000 ti $250J06 lcaldlly. Damailment el cuBiccRy cacacacas an acee area l~Lie remaUca wig aMa ella Is tl fire cc ties calla mire dearly. I IS a pdldfi fi ads ti tie calder el fields clangift fir rake rearden and ti laveaim edsdnl fields k qLwwi; fwafirqatcan]fikcaptie~eldspleilL Idliel Aerie SIdleelk/Parks Fie ma If Idaida Aeame latwecc Herrick Sireat ExfiIsica aid Essex SIlent IS Ii awed el ca Illmid lldewelk enkel Irerib cark lad IS call places aidecede widtlL Fie reid camel Ibe aids fi be rim SIll reck catcallIll will awed fi be rimrod fi eelattire' . Sk&ll ' Ilia k:lsiI lellerl Nest el wilt led ASSI Idfiled far mill Sdifil rllllrl ASs isil SCCeNIII lid Tea Asllerl lave Bet beam manilafit hie let the irlJect Irl killedat Cfififfsitfy we m alONg lie IX~ll mJm ef nellhi I bat water fill Irll tel finpal Pater Mfit th Be NiP Solid led mslll eragel emsi meant filmcity at the Nmsl~al th beat and fill tie BIb Sdimsl si i Isil~eml b~;~. Jillill Water/Sewer We lave clean th msai ladi thb fategary te $506,000 sisdally psidhi the Installgee el maw water Nedarl SCANS the aedrl eHy and fintPledsi el e lYdrlellc Nedel whhtid~edewmsthSmdyspmntWeamsmsL Teerlsfmtwemms RrsCmwrlsimsis M~ AS walled si the mr meter pealeel. Aseeml. the aededle gained frlnt the msw aedarl sit the mane Nedel Wig batlf stifle ms te filllot this Prllmnt wisely. R Is Needed that msr IIiiii learn writ Sialfly des In the fatarl ms we belle I ladedlc rlldlfillat IrlgraN el mr Helms thrlllAsat tie dt~. 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Bee IS ralNilrisd at 64% lu hi o deftold coffiNS filth ef hio Belldefy at:IS ra hie gemlaw SetHIS Fidlglis Pal to Il IlllL PrlJeat lad:des complete raisvluel el hio edluII aisl bigdial with a SelMalUll IIEU0n :COSlTeCUCO to Ililn Joly ~ 2001 for compllUco ra tieMe Nellie brger tileIS ldfi Ida leer dealill alu NI/foIIIco COSTS eftset will hie EUdisdis cfllld with flwlr lid larlar sceisl~ We coluiNe fo Isny hitS PraJist hi all Mco at hil Idilisl IslJlla IS IS Isr laceco be:ore hil cornMat to Illif MII Bat Il lot era twoIn Neatks. :slamlit School S5.731;201 Pan ef hie ElOm0lary Fildrdis Plot Ills SchoOl was odlloallY IsOmatld M aim. Viiin hie IraJilt IS 10go IS 2002 it 18 coffeefly alUMslad him cost IS elected to Il $7,7473TL 11o Slate, i: Ik.~: ]ol~ fates per era ISat lowerally dis Old: par. Bevsdy Is raiNlad at H% Ill to I Illfoil coglit SIll cod ~ISl Iceill If hie BOBSlaW Set::IS II hie glm0atlry ice:lIe Fidllis Fip fo Il Ill& PraJ0at lidIlls complete raisvluco el hie exMal maid iliMlll bIB I niltolUal IUEUIS. comas fo illhi July ~ 2002 for filpllUco IS tweMe me Larger maisl fill lave larger dot:ill and mSllalalco coats ellset ul8 8o effiMsadco fielad will leer ud Isrgor maleit We cordno fo corry hitS IllJIM ra hie Fill at hie NIliN IsGimfo as IS ear pralUco iocogse hie clmMct fo flirt ell net Il lot wrdlgl tYmMe mBGB. hcelllrl iceowra lellutlol 11IS mqllldltm its Ilco marld flmlni fo FY 2002 ra hie mat BIMo raisutJlis fie lalld Is codlf Is hilt dlte, Itblr iissIglgllIs ixiat Isce Is hltoMIIll bOISl ICOl at hil Isle UB0 Is N0fil Imfil cod ldnae NOdal to 200& ldisll IS ISIICfoI to fokl till Part fo eellilt Isd I fl&000J00 elcogltora IS Mat ell mat elisfoGoIs Ilt mort dldllto elimutts eli Il developed hen hie Semitry Sceisl leelira Praco~ Rre Hem IIsllm 11o 120 miss/lltarceIslo IraJolt IdlL IOIEUII~ l~ld fo hio :lty ebtogllsi hem hie Slate I Partel ef IIsl deis fo loll 120 end bartiered by hie NorglIlisl Seller Blml/Idlill M011 ISlL II hitS II we Ilasi fo build a fire Ilgis fo raplaco hie Nee Beverly fault it welgl im raped Iscois to :olandlra alcol 121 wbfil Ilfol dis: fo Ilnb lludY. 11o lrdoat IS mawdoled ISr F/20;2004 be:one orgies ~Is am Il roehod lEUra hie raid M~ Il SUN:elL Referred to Finance and Property Communications from Other City Officers and Boards: #73 Honorable City council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Councilors, RE 2 hour parking on Railroad Avenue We have been asked to look into the all day parking on Highland Avenue, from about #16 Highland Ave. to Railroad Avenue. People using the train are parking there all day and residents have no chance to get a parking space or have company come to their houses, Monday thru Friday. Please take the necessary action to amend City of Beverly Revised Ordinances as follows: ADD: Chapter 14, Section 126 (d) Highland Avenue. Westerly side from #16 Highland Avenue to Railroad Avenue This would allow for 2 hour parking, Monday thru Friday, from 7:00 A. M. to 12 noon. Very truly yours Dennis O. Tarsoak Traffic Sergeant Referred to Legal Affairs and Accounts #74 Honorable City council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 RE Judson Street One-way Residents of Judson Street would like to return that street to One-way, the entire length, from Chase Street to Cabot Street, heading easterly. Please fake the necessary action to amend City of Beverly Revised Ordinances as follows: DELETE: Chapter 14, Sec. 96, Judson St., from Mulberry Street to Cabot Street, traffic to proceed easterly. ADD: Chapter 14, Sec. 96, Judson Street, from Chase Street to Cabot Street, traffic to proceed easterly Very truly yours, Dennis O. Tarsoak, Traffic Sergeant Referred to Leaal Affairs and Accounts #75 City Hall 191 Cabot St. Beverly, MA Dear Members of the City Council The Parks and Recreation Commission inspected the proposed tot lot for the Maplewood division in Centerville last spring on their park tour. We determined that the property does not meet minimum standards of safety for a tot lot or for other public use. The Commission had no opportunity to review the area before it was accepted By the City council as the area was never staked and identified until last May. The City Council accepted the deed on December 18, 1955. There is a $10,000 contribution from the developer in a separate account solely for the purpose of making improvements to the Tot Lot, as required. In accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Board. The entire $10,000 would probably be spent in tree removal, fence installation and making the area handicap accessible, and this may not be adequate. This would include no equipment and required surfacing. Having discussed the situation with Marshal~ Handly, he suggested that the council consider the land to be surplus propedy and be disposed of in the usual manner. I had met with John Murray and many of the neighbors last spring to discuss options for use of the money. Their suggestions included: using it toward equipment at Cabill Park/Centerville School: having more trees planted in the subdivision or dividing the money to be split with the property owners. This would also need your approval, and that of the Planning Board and probably a consensus vote by all the owners. Within the scope of the commission's development of an overall plan for parks and playgrounds throughout the City of Bevedy, we would like to work with the Council and Planning Board on any future effods in con]unction with new developments within the city. It is our hope that we can continue to work with you to provide park and recreation facilities that are within the best interests of all the citizens of Beverly. Sincerely, Bruce Doig Chairman of Parks and Recreation Commission Referred to Public Service and Aid #43 CityClerk City Hall 191 CabotSt. Beverly, MA Dear Ms. Macdonald: At a recent meeting of the Beverly Planning Board, held on Tuesday, January 19, 1999, members of the Board voted unanimously to recommend to the City Council that a Joint Public Hearing be held between the board and Council on the above- referenced Order. Respectfully, Richard Dinkin, Chairperson Referred to Leaal Affairs and Accounts #76 Minutes of the Beverly Harbor management Authority Meeting of February 4, t999 Referred to Finance and Prooertv Communications, Applications and Petitions; #77 North shore Regional Vocation School Preliminary FY2000 Budget Referred to Finance and ProPerty #78 North Shore Regional Vocation School Annual Report (Short & Long) Referred to Finance and Property #79 Request by Beverly Chamber of Commerce for the city Council to expedite the sale of the Hardie Building to Monfserraf College of Ad. Referred to Finance and Property #80 Montserrat College of Art request to hang banner across Cabot St. Refer to Leaal Affairs and Accounts #81 Claim Deborah A, Hudson Pothole Colon and Essex St. Referred to Leaal Affairs and Accounts #82 Cornre. of Mass Dept of Environmental Protection-Notice of Noncompliance Richard Bjrarelli, 71 Water St. Referred to Public Service and Aid #83 Application for Second Hand Dealers License-The Curiosity shop, 287 Ranfoul St. I~eferred to Leaal Affairs and Accounts #96 Communication From Michael Cahill re suppod for Eight Ru/es For Safety proposal brought before the Council by Daniel Moniz of Hamilton Referred to Public Service Reports from Committees: #94 The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of Loan Order $285,000.00 for computer hardware and software have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption Ordered: That the City Council hold a Public Hearing on Monday, March 1, 1999 at 7:30 PM at the Beverly Public Library, 32 Essex Street, Beverly MA relative to the enclosed Loan Order in the amount of $285,000 to fund the purchase of computer hardware and software. LOAN ORDER: That two hundred eight five thousand ($285,000) dollars is appropriated for the development, design, purchase and installation of computer and computer software incident thereto: that to meet this appropriation the Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor and the Director of Municipal Finance and under the direction of the Committee on Finance and Property, is authorized to borrow $285,000 under G. L. c.44, Sections 7(28) and (29), and to file an application with the Emergency Finance Board to qualify the bonds under Chapter 44A of Massachusetts General Laws; that the City Treasurer is further authorized to file a certified copy of the loan order and provide other information and execute such other documents as the Board may require; and that all bonds and notes issued hereunder shall be certified to in writing as to their genuineness by Fleet National Bank or its successor. First Passage: Feb. 16, 1999 Public Hearing: March 1, 1999 Final Passage: March 1, 1999 Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #43 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Communication from Planning relative to Zoning have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption Ordered: That notice is hereby given in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A Section 5 that the Beverly City council and the Beverly Planning Board will hold a joint public hearing on Monday, March 15, 1999 at 7:30 PM at the Beverly Public Library, 32 Essex Street, Beverly, MA relative to proposed amendments to the City of Beverly Zoning Ordinance. The amendments pertain to home occupations, adoption of permit fees for Design Review Board filings, parking regulations and definitions of the terms "domestic employee", "Dwelling", "family". "Frontage". The text of the proposed amendments is on file in the Planning Department and is available for public review. Order read once and adopted #48 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Appointment-Constable-Keplaire J. Lafontant have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend that the council approve the appointment Order read once and adopted #64 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of claim-Mellissia A. Capano for Pathale have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on file Refer to City Solicitor Order read once and adooted #65 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of claim-Kristine Splaine for Pathale have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on file Refer to City Solicitor Order read once and adopted #84 The Committee on Legal Affairs and Accounts to whom was referred the matter of Communication re Towing Fees have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on File Order read once and adopted #63 The Committee on Public Service and Aid to whom was referred the matter of Communication from Citizen relative to Open Space have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on File Order read once and adopted UIVFIIVISHED BU..,elIVE~,~; The following ordinances were read into Council minutes. First Passage February I, 1999 held by charter Provisions, advertised and held for Final Passage Feb. 16, 1999 #52 An Ordinance Motor Vehicles and Traffic re 15 minufe parking-West St. Ordinance read once and adopted #54 An Ordinance Harbormaster re Fishing equipmenf restrictions Ordinance read once and adopted #68 An Ordinance Molar Vehicles and Traffic re Parking in area of Beverly High School Ordinance read once and adopfed #69 An Ordinance Entitled Public Works re Unoccepfed Sfreefs Ordinance read once and adopted #97 Resolutions.' City Council City of Beverly, Massachusetts RODNEY A. MAXNER Be it known that the City Council of the City of Beverly, Massachusetts, offers its sincere congratulations to Rodnay Maxnet on the occasion of his retirement as the Director of Buildings and Grounds for the Beverly School Department; And be it further known that the City Council joins with the citizens of Beverly in expressing its pride in Rod's numerous professional and personal accomplishments; And be it further known that the City Council offers its sincerest appreciation for Rod's many years of exemplary service to the citizens of Beverly, The entire membership extends its very best wishes for a future of happiness and good fortune. Peter H. GIlmore 'rimot~y P. Flaherb/ 3oyce A. McMahon Maureen E. Troubetarls Russell W. Rollins Carol A. Van Uere Virginia D. McGlynn Donald G. Martin 3ohn W. Murray Resolution read once and adopted Motions and Orders #86 By Councilor Rollins: Ordered: That a Public Hearing be set for the removal of two live trees at 17 and 23 Union Street Referred to Public Service and Aid Meeting Adjourned at 8:40 PM Attest: Frances A. Macdonald C,M.C City Clerk