1840-11-09Warrant for Governor & Meeting. Essex, ss. Beverly. To one of the Constables of said Town and said county - Greeting. You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the qualified voters of said Town to meet at the Town Hall on Monday the 9th day of November next at 9 o’clock in the forenoon (by posting notices according to Town Regulations) for the following purposes: To see if the town will send one or more persons to represent them in the next General Court, and if they so decide to give in their ballots for the purpose of choosing the same. Also, to give in their ballots for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of this Commonwealth and for Senators for this District for the ensuing political year. Also, To give in their ballots for a Representative in the twenty-seventh Congress of the United States from this District. Also, to give in their ballots for Electors of President and Vice President of the United States th for the next presidential term, commencing March 41841. The ballots will be received on one piece of paper, and the poll will open immediately after deciding upon sending Representatives and close at 4 o’clock Afternoon. Hereof fail not but make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon before said time to us. th Given under our hands and seal this 29 day of October A.D. 1840. Jonan. Batchelder Isaac GalouxSelectmen Josiah Woodberry of James Haskell Beverly Israel Trask 2d Essex, ss. Beverly. November 9th 1840. Pursuant to the foregoing warrant I have notified the persons therein named to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein specified by giving notice as therein directed. John E. Baker, Constable Beverly. A true record. Attest: John I. Baker, Town Clerk. Representatives to the General Court At a legal meeting of the qualified voters of this Town held on Monday the 9th day of November A.D. 1840, pursuant to the foregoing warrant Voted. To send two persons to represent this Town in the next General Court. The ballots were then received for said Representatives and the whole number of ballots given in were sorted, counted, and recorded and declaration thereof made, and were as follows Whole number - nine hundred and twenty-nine votes. Necessary to a choice - four hundred and sixty-five votes. William Lamson, had six hundred and twenty-one votes. Edward Stone, had six hundred and twenty-three votes. John Porter 2d had three hundred and one votes. Ezra Batchelder had three hundred and one votes. Augustus N. Clark had two votes. John Tuck 2d had two votes. Richard Teague had one vote. Josiah Woodberry Selectmen Israel Trask 2d of Jona. Batchelder Beverly Isaac Galoux James Haskell Attest. John I. Baker, Town Clerk. Governor Election and & Lt. Governor. At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Beverly in the County of Essex and Commonwealth qualified by the Constitution to vote for Governor and Lieutenant Governor holden on the ninth day of November, being the second Monday in said month in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty for the purpose of giving in their votes for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of said Commonwealth. The whole number of persons who gave in their ballots was ascertained as is directed in the Revised Statutes (Chap. 4, Sect. 13) by counting the whole number of separate ballots given in and the whole number of ballots was - nine hundred and forty. And the whole number of votes given in for Governor were sorted, counted, recorded, and declaration thereof made as by the Constitution is directed, and were for the following persons. John Davis six hundred and twenty six votes. Marcus Morton three hundred and five votes. George W. Johnson eight votes. George Bradburn one vote. And the whole number of ballots given in for Lieutenant Governor was ascertained as above and found to be - nine hundred and forty. And the whole number of votes given in for Lieutenant Governor were sorted, counted, recorded and declaration thereof made as by the Constitution is directed - and were for the following persons - George Hull, six hundred and twenty six votes. Nathan Willis three hundred and five votes. Abel Bliss eight votes. Wendell Phillips one vote. Josiah Woodberry Israel Trask 2dSelectmen Isaac Galoux of James Haskell Beverly Jona. Batchelder Attest: John I. Baker, Town Clerk. th Representative to the 27 Congress. At a legal meeting of the qualified voters of the town of Beverly held on Monday the ninth day of November A.D.1840, held pursuant to the warrant on the first page for the purpose of giving in their votes for a Representative of this Commonwealth in the twenty seventh Congress of United States for District No. two. The whole number of persons who gave in their ballots was ascertained as is directed. The Revised Statutes, Chap. 4, Sect.13, by counting the number of separate ballots given in, and the whole number of ballots was- Nine hundred and thirty eight - And the whole number of votes given in were sorted, counted, recorded, and declaration thereof made as is by law is directed - and were for the following persons:- Leverett Saltonstall, six hundred and twenty seven votes. Robert Rantoul jr. Three hundred and five votes. James D. Black, six votes. Josiah Woodberry Israel Travis 2dSelectmen Isaac Galoux of James Haskell Beverly Jona. Batchelder Attest. John I. Baker, Town Clerk Electors of President & Vice President. At a legal meeting of the qualified voters of Beverly held on Monday the ninth day of November A.D. 1840, pursuant to the warrant on page 1, for the purpose of giving in their ballots for Electors of President and Vice President of the United States for the next Presidential term - The whole number of persons who gave in their votes was ascertained as directed. Revised Statutes Chap. 4, Sect . 13, by counting the whole number of ballots given in - and the whole number of ballots was - Nine hundred and thirty seven And the whole number of votes given in were sorted count, counted, and declared, and a record thereof made and open town meeting as by law directed, and were as follows:- For Elector at Large. Isaac C. Bates of Northampton, six hundred and twenty eight votes. Peleg Sprague of Boston, six hundred and twenty eight votes. William P. Walker of Lenox, two hundred and ninety seven votes. Ebenezer Fisher of Dedham, two hundred and ninety seven votes. Jesse Wheaton of Dedham, eleven votes. Sylvester Judd of Northampton, eleven votes. Seth Sprague of Duxbury, one vote. Amos Farnsworth of Groton, one vote. District One. Richard Houghton of Boston, six hundred and twenty eight votes. Caleb Eddy of Boston, two hundred and ninety seven votes. John E. Fuller of Boston, eleven votes. Henry S. Chapman, one vote. District Two. Stephen C. Phillips of Salem six hundred and twenty eight votes. Robert Upton of Salem, two hundred and ninety seven votes. Ebenezer Hunt of Danvers, eleven votes. Jonathan Buffum of Lynn the, one vote. District Three. Rufus Longley of Haverhill six hundred and twenty eight votes Nathaniel Stevens of Andover two hundred and ninety seven votes Josiah Caldwell of Ipswich one vote. George Cogswell of Bradford, eleven votes. District Four. Sidney Willard of Cambridge, six hundred and twenty eight votes Timothy Thompson of Charlestown, two hundred and ninety seven votes. Josiah Bartlett of Concord, one vote. James T. Woodberry of Acton, eleven votes. District Five. Ira M. Barton of Worcester, six hundred and twenty eight votes. Wm. Meade of Rockland, one vote. Samuel D. Spurr of Worcester, two hundred and ninety seven votes Thomas W. Ward of Shrewsbury, eleven votes. District No. Six. George Grinnell Jr. of Greenfield, six hundred and twenty-eight votes. Caleb Hubbard of Sunderland, two hundred and ninety seven votes. Joel Hayden of Williamsburg, eleven votes James Dean of Greenfield one vote. District Seven Thaddeus Pomeroy of Stockbridge six hundred and twenty-eight votes John Leland of Cheshire two hundred and ninety seven votes George W. Sterling of Great Barrington eleven votes J. H. Dunham of Pittsfield, one vote District Eight. Samuel Mixter of New Braintree, six hundred and twenty-eight votes. James Fowler of Westfield, two hundred and ninety seven votes. Charles Starkweather of Northampton, eleven votes, John M. Fisk of Springfield, one vote District Nine. Thomas French of Canton six hundred and twenty-eight votes. Artemas Brown of Medway two hundred and ninety seven votes. Bucklin Fitz of Holliston, eleven votes. Cyrus Allen of Franklin, one vote. District Ten. Wilkes Wood of Middleboro, six hundred and twenty-eight votes. Nathan C. Brownell of Westport, two hundred and ninety seven votes. Benjamin Burt of Freetown eleven votes. Samuel Shove of Fall River, one vote. District Eleven. Joseph Tripp of Fairhaven six hundred and twenty-eight votes. Thomas Mandel of New Bedford two hundred and ninety seven votes. Zenas D. Bassett of Barnstable of eleven votes John Bailey of New Bedford one vote District Twelve John B. Thomas of Plymouth six hundred and twenty-eight votes. Jesse Pierce of Stoughton two hundred and ninety seven votes. Azel Ames of Marshfield, eleven votes. Loring W. Reed of Weymouth, one vote. Jona. Batchelder Josiah WoodberrySelectmen James Haskell of Israel Trask 2d Beverly Isaac Galoux Attest. Jonathan I. Baker, Town Clerk. Senators for Essex. A legal meeting of the qualified voters of this Town held on Monday the ninth day of November A.D. 1840 pursuant to the warrant, page 1, for the purpose of giving in their votes for Senators for the District of Essex- The whole number of persons who gave in their [ballots] was ascertained as is directed and the Revised Statues Chap. 4. Sect. 13. by counting the number of separate ballots given in and the whole number of ballots was - nine hundred and forty votes- And the whole number of votes were sorted, counted, recorded and declaration thereof made as by the Constitution is directed and were for the following persons- Daniel P. King of Danvers six hundred and twenty seven votes. David Choate of Essex six hundred and twenty eight votes. Amos Abbott of Andover six hundred and twenty eight votes. Henry W. Kinsman of Newburyport six hundred and twenty eight votes. Stephen Oliver of Lynn six hundred and twenty eight votes. Horatio Robinson of Salem three hundred and three votes. John Scott of Rockport three hundred and four votes. Joseph Kittredge of Andover, three hundred and four votes. Nathan Webster of Haverhill, three hundred and four votes. Benjamin F. Newhall of Saugus, three hundred and four votes. Jesse Putnam Danvers, eight votes. George Cogswell of Bradford, eight votes. Ingalls Kittredge of Beverly, seven votes. Dan Weed, eight votes. Timothy Merritt of Lynn, eight votes. George H. Smith of Salem, one vote. Isaac Galoux Israel Trask 2dSelectmen James Haskell of Jonathan Batchelder Beverly Josiah O. Woodberry Attest. John I. Baker, Town Clerk