1876-04-17Commonwealth of Massachusetts Essex ss. To one of the Constables of the town of Beverly. Greeting. You are hereby required in the name of said Commonwealth, to notify and warn, in the usual manner, the qualified voters of said town, to meet at the Town Hall in said town on Monday the Seventeenth day of April instant at half past Seven o'clock afternoon, for the following purposes. - 1st To choose a Moderator 2d To see if the Town will establish a Night Watch in the manufacturing district, near the Eastem Railroad Depot and Elsewhere, if the town deem it expedient - per petition of F. E. Porter and others. Hereof fail not, but make due return of this warrant, with your doings thereon, before the time appointed for said meeting. Given under our hands and seal, this tenth day of April in the year Eighteen handred and Seventy Six. Freeborn W. Cressy Selectmen J. H. Young of Nathan H. Foster Beverly Beverly April 15, 1876 Pursuant to the foregoing warrant, I have notified the persons thereon named, as therein directed, by posting notifications stating the time, place and objects of said meeting at each of the several places in town required by the town regulations. William P. Moses Constable of Beverly A true record of the original warrant and return thereon. Attest James Hill Town Clerk At a meeting of the qualified voters of the town of Beverly held (in pursuance of the warrant recorded on the next preceding page) at the Town Hall in said town on Monday the Seventeenth day of April in the year Eighteen Hundred and Seventy Six at half past Seven o'clock in the afiemoon. - it was Voted (by hand vote) that Henry P. Woodberry be Moderator Upon the 2d Article Charles Holden moved that this meeting adjourn till one year from tonight at nine o'clock P. M. Francis Norwood moved that the question upon adjournment be taken by yeas and nays. William W. Hinkley moved that Mr. Holden have leave to withdraw his motion. Mr. Hinkley's and Mr. Norwood's motion were severally put to the meeting and lost. Mr. Holden's motion for adjournment was then put to the meeting and lost. Robert R. Endicott then offered the following motion, "That the Selectmen employ one night Policeman at an expense not exceeding $35.00 per month on Railroad Avenue, Rantoul and Park Streets to watch the Shoe Manufactories from this date to the next Annual Town Meeting." C. H. Shocker moved to amend Mr. Endicott' s motion by striking out the word "One" and inserting the word "Four." But no vote was taken upon Mr. Endicott's motion or the amendment thereto. A division of the subject of the article was called for and a motion upon the first part of the article, viz "to establish a Night Watch in the Manufacturing District near the Eastern Railroad Depot." was put to the meeting and lost. A motion on the second part of the article viz - "to establish a night watch elsewhere in town as they may deem expedient." - was put to the meeting and lost. Voted that the meeting be dissolved. A true record Attest James Hill Town Clerk