City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Al Torsey, chairman; Dan Murphy, Amy Siemasko, Robert Lee,
Arthur Crandall, George Johnson
Meeting of October 31, 2000
Beverly City Hall - 4 p.m.
Present: Chairman Al Torsey, Dan Murphy, Amy Siemasko, Robert Lee, Arthur Crandall
Absent: George Johnson
Also attending: William August, Esq., attorney at law, Epstein & August, Boston
Thomas Scully, Director of Community Services
Steven Pike, citizen and cable TV volunteer
Mr. Pike briefly addressed the commission and discussed the operation of a citizen volunteer group that in
prior years had produced video of Beverly High School football games and other sports events. He said
several persons had asked him why such coverage was absent this year.
He said that volunteer interest had waned because of increasing difficulty in obtaining MediaOne-owned
equipment including production van, editing terminals and cameras in good repair. In addition, MediaOne
charged $131. An hour to show the games. He estimated that expenses for each show ran to $1,200. He said
the high rate was charged because the group sold some advertising to defray expenses. No salaries were
paid to anyone involved in the project.
Atty. August indicated that some underwriting of non-profit projects is permitted under current rules and
Mr. Pike also questioned the practice of sharing equipment designated for Beverly-only use for coverage of
other nearby communities. He said a call center in Beverly promised in the current license disappeared a few
years ago.
A motion to enter executive session for the purpose of discussing negotiation strategy involving the financial
condition of the city in accordance with the Mass. Open Meeting Law was made by Amy Siemasko and
seconded by Robert Lee. The motion was was approved unanimously. Executive session commenced at 4:35
Open session was reconvened at approximately 5:30 p.m.
Members discussed the need for a public hearing to allow the public to comment on past performance of
MediaOne, now AT&T Broadband, as franchisee, and the future cable television needs of the city.
Members set Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. at the Hannah School, Brimbal Avenue, depending
on availability. The session will be advertised in accordance with Mass. Cable TV Commission requirements.
The next meeting of the Beverly Cable TV Commission will be Tuesday, November 14, 2000 at 4 p.m. in the
City Hall 3rd floor conference room.