1994-07-20Cable Television Advisory Commission City of Beverly, Massachusetts Members: Cable Television Advisory Commission CiW of neverIV, Massachusetts Dan Murphy - Chairman A1 Torsey - Asst Chairman Amy Siemasko Ardmr Crandall Susan AJvey John Hurley Robert Tanzella Thomas O'Connor Elizabe~h l~'Glynn Meeting of July 20, 1994 - Beverly Public Library Present - Murphy, Torsey, Siemasko, Crandall, Alvey, Tanzetla, MeGlynn. From Continental Cablevision - David Dane,/ill Stark, Sane Lyman. There being a quorum present, the meeting convened at 7:05 p.m. ltiEhlightS: · No citizens aRended. · El~abeth McGlyrm, was welcomed as a new member of the commission. Ms. MeGlynn is a stuff a~omey wi~h ~he Beverly law fwm of 3egal, Edeis~in~ Bussone & Fallon. · Con~nental informed that the Bravo channel would be replaced on · -5~, ~ and Axn6ncan "classic" films ~ a cost of $1 per month. (..~stomers wffi b~ informed of the change, and a 30-day u'ial period may be instituU~& No R-ratuI movies will b~ shown until after 8 p.m. TeleItalia will move 3epw, mber 1 to C~me144 which it will sham with a Pay-Per-View Preview service. Bravo is b~ing dropped b~caus~ of poor viewuship. Teldmlia viewers will be notified by bulletin board noficu and a notice a~ the ICC, Also: - Continental plans to upgrade its cable ~etwork in 1~5 which may include some s~reet work. - Work is procw,/ll-g on exTt, nsion of a fibc~ optic system' towed Beverly which eventually may replace the hud-~nd at the Beverly Times. - ~ustomers have been in~formed that no rate changes are anticipated pending the appHca~on by C, ontin~atal to the FC~ thin: new federal regulations on ratu r~luLr~ no ra~ actjustments. - At the moment, no improvement to reception for W1VIFP (the ghost channel) is possible beuus~ of stru~t~ural intefferen~.. However, the problem may b~ solved soon when signals ~ rerour~:l · ' ' :':. xt was no, i th. city ~. ~e e~ipment ~ by ~e co~ ~y ~ ~bsm~ h ' ' M~fion, Hve bwa~ ~ ~ ~ffi~t ~n~e of ~uent ex~fivc s~io~. D~ M~hy wffi con~t CiW Co~c~ ~nt B~ N~Ha to de~e wh~ ~rovemen~ ~t ~ ~le. - More - Meeting Report- Page Two · Chairman Murphy suggested that the commission consider two mediate goals - 1. Keeping abreast of fast changing technical changes and government legislation affecting broadcast opendons, and 2. exploring ways to impwve use of broadcast facilities to assist education. There followed a far ranging discussion. - On technology: It was pointed out that a bill is unc~r consideration in the Senate (the Hollings bill) that would essentially permit telephone companies and other utilities to e.ngage in broadcast services. The Congress is now apparently convinced that deregulation, and the marriage of telephones, computers, and televisions is good for consreefs and will result in lower rates. Accordingly, vast changes may be due, perhaps as soon as October when the legislation may be approved. Many questions r~main including whether the new bwadcast providers must be licensed, rate regulation, local access requirements, and whether cable companies can provide telephones and other broadcast services. David Dane said his company was interested in a level playing field, and that greater challenges may result from cable-less 'broadcast companies in the future. A Subcommittee on Technology Was appointed to include: Murphy, Crandall, Tan T. ella and Torsey. - On Education: It was noted that Continental pwvides Cable in the Classroom, a commercial-free c. ha~el available to schools, ail of which have cable access. The Beverly ^~High School channel appears to be under-utilized because of the difficulty of recruiting and tr~ning students who will retain an interest in producing programs. The current line-up of BEV-TV programs ofters much in the way of information, history, nostalgia, health, and events coverage, but little with substantive education content. The Little Bookshelf which provides encouragement for r~ading and information on books for youngsters is on summer hiatus. But new volunteen for the program have been recruited and are being trained. New Bookshelf programs will return in the fall. A Subcommitme on Education was appointed to include: Amy Siemasko, Susan Alvey. They will explore programs in other cities, and contact personnel at Beverly high School, especially Mike Casale, the audio/visual director. It is possible that a partnership with the School Committee may be sought in the fall. · It w~ deci~d to continue mee~ing at the Beverly Public Libra. - · The~_~t___ rating of the Commission will be on Monday, September 12, 1994 at7 p.m. R ~s~y ~bmitted,