1994-10-17Cable Television Advisory Commission City of Beverly, Maesaehuoetts Members: Dan Murphy - Chairman AI To~sey- Ass~. Chairman Amy 3[emasko Arthur Crandall Susan Alvey John Hurley Robert Tauzella Thomas O~onnor FAizabeth Mc'Glymi Cable Television Advisory CommiUion City of Beverly. Massachusen~ Meeting of 0cmber 17, I994 -Beverly Public Lbrary Present - O'Connor, Murphy,. T~n-~us, Torsey, Alviy; From Continental - Jill Stark, Jane Lyreart Then being a quorum present, the meeting convened ai 7:13 p.m. Highlights: · Communications · No citizens airended. · Licensee Complaint Form 50 0A, Quarterly Complain.t Form 500B, Significant Service InL--rraption Form 500C and Continental Technical Service report for the Third Quarter 94 were distributed and reviewed. It was noted thai no significant problems or in~er- raptions in service occurred during the reporting period.' · For the TechnoloSy Subcommitfee, Murphy reported thai the so- called Hollings Bffi on reform of the telecornmunicatio.ns indnswy had been effectively killed in the U.S. Senate. The legislalion would have mandated a widespread deregulalion of the industry. Rep. Edward J. Markey, chairman of the House. Sub~:ommittee on Telecommunicadons, expressed dismay at the ouwome and was not op~mi-~tic about new legislation in the next congressional session. · In the absence of Amy Siemasko of the Education Subcommittee, Murphy reported that Mrs. Siemasko had met. with a group of citizens interested in the mission of the School Public Facilities Commi~.e. Thai group seeks to iclentixey school facih'ty needs and w ii/form the Beverly public about their status. AI the meeting, among others, were Jill Stark, Siemasko, School CommiRee mere- ben' Linda Goodenough and. Lawrence Chas~ superintendent of schools. As a result, 1. Continental will nm a special 6-week training session for volunteers, 2,- Supr. Chase will aplP, sr on "City Watch" on November 28 to talk about school facilities, ~. Siemasko will research the possibility d producing a videg. on school facffities..-- ' .......' ' Susan' Alvey'dis~b~~ ~u~o~t0 be ~i~'~' teachers. The goal is to survey the use of "Cable in the Classroom,, . pwvided by the cable indusw/;, the degree of training using televi- sion, suggestions regarding use of television for training, and relaied information. Alvey sugger, td the questionnaire be managed through the various grade school principals. Report - Page Two · O'Connor suggested seeking the support of Lawrence Drouin, supervisor of Creative Arts in the school s~zm. · Torsey suggested the high school students might be trained to produce videos for use in the lower grades. · The quesu'onnaire will be reviewed and finalized through the education subcom- mittee. · It was suggested tha~ the so-called I-Net, a cable link among all the grade ,,Whools, might be checked for status, and possibly utill Ted in the future for city wide conferences and teacher training. · Jane Lyman described two videos ss useful to pwmote Media Literacy in the schools. The commitwe will review and evaluate their poss~le use a~ the next meeting. She said the cable in Beverly passes 15,322 homes with 1 I, 618 of them receiving the service for a percentage of 75.8. The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 15, I994 at the Beverly Public Library. The meeting adjourned at 8:3? p.m. For the COmmillee