1995-01-10Cable Television Advisory Commission
City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Dan Murphy - Chirman
A1 Torsey - Asst. Chairman
Amy Sieamko
Arthur Crandall
Susan Alvey
1olin Hurley
Robert Tanzella
Tbom~-~ O'Connor
Elizabeth MeGlynn
Cable Television Advisoly Commission
City of Beverly. Massachuse~
Meeting of January I0, 1995 - Beverly Public Lbrary
Present - Murphy, Tanzella, Alvey, Siemasko, lV/cGlynn,
Crandall From Continental - Jill Stark, Jane Lyman
Absent: Tors~y, O'Connor, Hurley
There being a quorum present, the meeting convened at 7: 15
· Communications · N.o citizens attended.
· Siemasko reported that work is under way on a video about the
school facilities in Beverly. Jffi S~ark and several volunteers are
working on the project with about $1,500 in community grant fimds.
When complemd the video will be available alvarious schools and
in public places.
· Susan Alvey repoaed that a questionnaire on the use of Cable
Television in the public schools has been ~nalized and will be
distribuw.,d to principals and teachen. She reported that Superin-
randent of Schools Lawrence Chase has been receplive and support-
ive ofthe questionnaire.
· Murphy reported that progress on telecommuncialions reform has
been stalled by a change in committee chairmen in the Congress.
However, the new adminisu-a~on promises changes in the law
governing cable television and othcr electronic services to consum-
ers as a priority.
There being no furor business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45
Daniel C. Murphy