2003-12-17 City of Beverly Planning and Construction Committee Minutes December 17, 2003 A Meeting of the Planning and Construction Committee was held on Wednesday, December 17, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. at the Beverly Public Library, 32 Essex Street, Beverly, MA. Members Present: Chairman Ray Bouchard, Rod Maxner, Dan Skokski, Maureen Hobin, Cheryl Sydorko, Bob Griffin and Tim Brennan. Others Present: Art Daignault, Mike Tracchia, Sam Bird and Cheryl Lamont. The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Ray Bouchard. Mr. Maxner made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 19, 2003 meeting. Mr. Brennan seconded. All in favor. Motion passes. Mr. Seamans was not present at this meeting so a copy of his report was given to each board member for their review and discussion. Board Members discussed the leaks coming into the floor receptacles at the Hannah School in their computer lab. Chairman Bouchard explained that both Peter Seamans and Ron Bouchard are working on this problem to find the solution and make repairs. Planning and Construction Meeting Minutes – December 17, 2003 Page 2. Chairman Bouchard states that AMG is looking for some money on the Centerville School. Chairman Bouchard stated that Peter Seamans said they were owed some $300,000.00 and they have done some work on the punch list. Chairman Bouchard would like to get an idea from Sam Bird as to the amount that should be paid to them but that enough money should be withheld in order to get them to complete the job. The veranda replacement project at the Beverly Golf and Tennis Club has been completed but has not had its final inspection. The boiler replacement project at the Beverly High School still has work that needs to be done as there is water leaking in the boiler room, which will need to be fixed in order to finalize this project. Chairman Bouchard states that an acceptable O&M Manual still has not been completed and the issue on this seems to be the electrical connections and the wiring diagrams that were made for this installation. This project is still owed $15,000.00 but the project has not been finished to the point of closing it out and releasing the final payment. As of December 11, 2003, another letter was sent by Bob Goldberg, explaining the entire close out procedures and everything that needed to be done. Chairman Bouchard stated that on the Beverly High School repair project the design specifications for the replacement of the roofs are ongoing and the schedule is to have it advertised before the end of the year and the plans and design specifications available sometime in the beginning of January. Chairman Bouchard stated that on the various other roof replacements that the Mayor had submitted a series of projects and recommendations for the funding to come from surplus cash. The public hearing was held on Monday and they were all received and placed on file and will have to be re-proposed. Sam Bird stated that on the issue of roof leaks that three manufacturers have been notified for the North Beverly, Centerville and Hannah Schools. Sam Bird spoke with Peter Seamans and found that he has investigated the leaks at the Hannah School and found them to be in the vacinity of HVAC or other roof top equipment. He feels that the snow piled up so high and got over the roof curbs. These are roof curb leaks and are not related to the roof membrane. These leaks will continue to be looked into. Planning and Construction Meeting Minutes – December 17, 2003 Page 3. Sam Bird spoke with Ron Bouchard and he feels that the issue of water getting into the conduit boxes at the Hannah School is related to an electrical short. The electricity has been turned off to all of these boxes and they have had all of the water vacuumed out of them. Sam Bird will keep tracking this issue down for resolution. Sam Bird stated that the issue of most concern is the progress of the punch list at the Centerville School. AMG is now asking for one hundred (100%) percent payment, around $322,000.00. The last punch list review was done in December with another scheduled for early next week. AMG would like an interim payment. Chairman Bouchard stated that the board would be looking for a recommendation from Sam Bird. His recommendation would be not to pay them anything until the job was completed and that when they were done with this project, then give them the $322,000.00 owed. He feels that this would keep their interest level high. The HVAC is the biggest item. It is now eighty (80%) percent complete. Chairman Bouchard stated that he would like Sam Bird to have a dollar value on the punch list for the next meeting and that board members would accept his recommendation at that time. Chairman Bouchard stated that meetings are ongoing with the Police Station/Centralized Dispatch project and that they are in the preliminary design stage with no bid date as yet. Chairman Bouchard stated that in July a proposal from Decoulis for the Beverly High School remediation for oil in the ground was presented, and that they have been going back and forth as to who will be paying for future work, has not been resolved as yet. The extent as to the oil in the ground has not been determined as yet. The School Department receives daily fines for not removing the tanks. A meeting will be held with the DEP to assure them that this will be done and that borings will be done to take a look at the extent of the contamination. Also a decision will need to be made about who will be paying for this, either the School Department or coming from City money. The DEP has also made a list of many violations found in the School Department such as spent compressor oil being found uncovered and oil not being stored properly. Planning and Construction Meeting Minutes – December 17, 2003 Page 4. The following invoices were presented for approval: 1. Barco 29023 3,157.00 2. Creative Education 29024 1,253.67 3. Massco, Inc. 29025 1,999.60 4. Massco, Inc. 29026 4,195.00 5. Magemedical Supply 29032 74.90 6. Porter Athletic Equipment 29037 3,644.00 7. Robert H. Lord Company 29042 1,586.68 8. Sagebrush Corporation 29043 3,309.02 9. Sax Arts and Crafts 29389 324.57 10. Sax Arts and Crafts 29390 343.80 11. Sax Arts and Crafts 29391 227.50 12. Science Kit and Boreal 29392 1,337.40 13. School Furnishings 29393 2,070.60 Mr. Maxner made a motion to pay the invoices as presented. Mr. Skokski seconded. All in favor. Motion passes. The following invoices were presented for approval: 1. Lines by Hines 1473 59.50 2. SMMA 0019161 10,000.00 3. Donham and Sweeney 00006 66,420.50 4. Helco Electric 36464 635.00 5. Tappe Associates 0031113 4,288.26 6. Flansburg and Associates 0025373 9,495.04 Mr. Maxner made a motion to pay the invoices as presented. Mr. Skokski seconded. All in favor. Motion passes. Mr. Maxner made a motion to adjourn this meeting at 7:50 P.M. The motion was seconded by Mr. Skokski and carried unanimously.