DECEMBER 20, 2000
A Meeting of the Planning & Construction Committee was held on Wednesday, December 20, 2000 at 7PM
at the Beverly Public Library, 32 Essex Street, Beverly, MA.
Members Present: Raymond Bouchard, Chairman; Maureen Hobin, Timothy Brennan, Cheryl Sydorko,
Rod Maxner and Debbie Comean
Others Present: Ron Bouchard, Peter Scamans, Michael Harrison, Sam Bird, Judy Mulligan
The following Invoices were presented for payment:
1. Flansburgh Associates
2. Flansburgh Associates
3. Flansburgh Associates
4. Flansburgh Associates
5. Flansburgh Associates
6. Flansburgh Associates
7. Flansburgh Associates
8. Flansburgh Associates
9. Flansburgh Associates
10. Yee Consulting Group
11. SportTime
12. Majestic Sales
13. New England Schl Sew
14. Gale Associates
15. Shaughnessy Crane Serv
16. M.D. Stetson Company
17. M.D. Stetson Company
18. School Specialty
19. School Specialty
20. School Specialty
21. School Specialty
22. School Specialty
23. Robert H. Lord Company
0021992 $ 9,120.00
0021993 10,416.00
0022020 5,050.00
0022022 9,470.92
0021910 7,298.00
0022021 10,470.32
0021909 8,297.40
0021911 5,209.92
0022018 5,209.92
8305S 1,575.00
40843596-05 113.58
042787 98.52
W574 68,867.40
0012236 1,920.00
6090801 7,551.77
208960 1,900.00
208906 3,105.00
31975761 6,125.62
31438218 825.00
31438216 149.50
31438213 138.00
31669504 111.37
29785 C 2,193.40
Mr. Maxner made a Motion to pay the invoices as presented. The Motion was seconded by Ms. Sydorko
and carried unanimously.
The Commission is in receipt of a "Proposal For Consulting Services" from OSO Interiors Inc. for
furnishings & equipment for Centerville and North Beverly Schools. Ms. Mulligan recommends that the
Commission approve the proposal as the School Department is satisfied with their services. Mr. Maxner
made a Motion seconded by Mr. Brennan to approve the Proposal as presented. The Motion was carried
The Commission is in receipt of Mr. Seamans report dated December 20, 2000 regarding status of ongoing
school projects.
A letter dated December 1 i, 2000 from Mr. Seamans has been reviewed by the Commission. This letter is
regarding a visit by a "Firestone Building Products" representative to Hannah School. He reviewed the
Proposal submitted by Peabody Conslruction for Capping the concrete beams at Hannah. The
representative has submitted a list of alternatives for the Commission to consider.
Page Two
The Commission is in receipt of a letter from Joseph & Dianne Gill, 43 Cross Street, dated November 28,
2000 with regard to fence construction on their property by the City.
In a previous meeting, the Commission tabled a request from the School Department to add an additional
bathroom at North Beverly and Centerville Schools. The matter was tabled due to a question of availability
of additional funds for these school projects. The Mayor has granted additional funds for these additions to
the plans. Mr. Bouchard has already given the go-ahead to Flansburgh in the interest of time. Mr. Maxner
made a Motion to ratify this action which was seconded by Ms. Hobin. The Motion was carried
The Commission is in receipt of ''Change Order Logs" for Hannah and Cove Schools. A Meeting has been
scheduled between Flansburgh and Peabody Construction to go over these changes for both schools.
Mr. Harrison informed the Commission that Flansburgh is waiting for a Proposal from Weston & Sampson
for more sub-surface work to be done at Centerville School. The Commission suggested to Flansburgh that
they use Public Works Department equipment to perform the test-pits. Mr. Harrision stated that he should
have the proposal by the January meeting.
Mr. Harrison also informed the Commission that Flansburgh can not proceed with site drainage plans at
North Beverly until they have the requested information from the City Engineering Department.
Flansburgh is also awaiting the Proposal for additional soccer fields. The Commission stated that this
proposal should be ready sometime next week. The City is working to resolve some deed issues on land to
be used for these fields.
Mr. Maxner made a Motion seconded by Mr. Brennan to adjourn the Meeting at 7:40 PM. The Motion was
carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Debra Comcau