2023December11-Lynch Public Parks Trustees Mtg Approved David S. Lynch Public Parks Trustees
Mark Casey-Chairman
Joan Fairbank
Joyce Frisiello
Kevin Hobin
Kathy Doane
Mark Flagg
Mike Collins ex-officio
Public Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, December 11, 2023 at TOOPM
Location: Senior Center
Trustees Present: Mark Casey, Kevin Hobin, Joyce Frisiello, Joan Fairbank, and Kathy Doane
Trustees Absent: Mark Flagg
Others in attendance: Mike Collins, Bruce Doig, John Paddol, Travis Lovett
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Mark Casey, Chairman.
The minutes from the last Trustees meeting on June 13, 2023 were read by those present. Motion
to accept minutes was made by Kevin Hobin and seconded by Kathy Doane, all in favor:
Ayers Elementary Playground Rehabilitation Project presented by Travis Lovett
Current playground is 24 years old. Looking for funding to replace all the playground equipment
and make surfaces more inclusive. Estimated total is $160K. Current fund-raising total is $118,
additional efforts expected to bring total to $128K. Asking the Trustees for $15K.
Trustees will seek advice from the City Solicitor are school playgrounds considered public parks.
Trust was provided for"parks and playgrounds". Trustees unsure whether this includes a just a
school playground. In the past, the name of the site had been changed from "playground" to
"park" when associated with a school.
Kevin Hobin made a motion to approve funding contingent on approval by City Solicitor.
Seconded by Joan Fairbank.
Joyce Frisiello made a motion to approve $IOK of the request, the same amount given to other
playgrounds, contingent on response from City Solicitor. Seconded by Kevin Hobin, all in favor:
Financial Report
Currently $600K in unrestricted account, all other funding in restricted accounts.
Mark Casey is awaiting an answer regarding interest earned.
Updates on Park Projects by Bruce Doig & Mike Collins
Cove/Cahill Tennis Courts
Possible construction start in March 2024. Trustees had approved funding of$40K in 2021
budget and $20K in 2023 budget.
14 & 34 Simon Street Tot Lots
In June Trustees had approved $IOK for each of the two lots. Artificial turf has been installed.
Fencing is next.
Pickle Ball Courts —waiting for the sound pads to arrive
Gillis Park— completed
Splashpad - fixed
Concrete walkway -installed near Carriage House and private donations to purchase three
picnic tables.
Carriage House Grant - received for north facing wall of Carriage House
New Funding Project Requests
Holcroft Park: Bruce requested the $15K that had been approved but not used to pay for the
concrete walk near the Carriage House be reallocated to Holcroft Park which needs a total
renovation. Estimated at at$690K to $700K project and application submitted for CPC grant of
$250K. Asking Trustees for a total of$40K, the reallocation of the $15K from concrete walk and
an additional $25K from the Trustees.
A motion was made by Joan Fairbank to reallocate the $15K to Holcroft Park and supplement
with an additional $25K for a total of$40K. Seconded by Joyce Frisiello. All in favor:
AED Units: Bruce Doig requested $10,320 for the purchase of four more AED units for use in
Kevin Hobin made motion to approve $10,320 for AEDs. Joan Fairbank seconded the motion.
All in favor: unanimous.
New Signage in all parks including consistent regulations for all parks. Cost is $140K, have
$100K, looking for $1 OKfrom the Trustees.
Kevin Hobin made a motion for approval for $IOK for signage. Joyce Frisiello seconded the
motion. All in favor: unanimous.
Mark Casey requested agenda items for discussion to be sent to him prior to the next meeting.
No further business. Joan Fairbank made a motion to adjourn, Kevin Hobin seconded motion.
Meeting adjourned by Mark Casey at 8:25PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Doane
Recording Secretary