2024-10-8 Open Space & Recreation Committee meeting minutes FINAL City of Beverly Open Space &Recreation Committee October 2,2024 Meeting Minutes 1 CITY OF BEVERLY 2 PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES 3 4 BOARD OR COMMISSION: City of Beverly Open Space& Recreation Committee 5 DATE: October 2, 2024 6 LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3rd Floor, Council 7 Chambers 8 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair David Alden-St. Pierre; Grace Charles; Jamie 9 Jamieson; Mario Tricomi; Todd Callaghan; Charlie Mann 10 MEMBERS ABSENT: Alie Dudley; James Passanisi; Gregory Sharp; Wayne 11 Miller; Elizabeth Dunne; David Brewster 12 STAFF PRESENT: Kenneth Clawson, Assistant Director of Planning & 13 Development 14 RECORDER: Kristan Patenaude 15 16 1. Call to Order 17 18 Chair Alden-St. Pierre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 19 20 2. Public Outreach 21 a.Jessica Kagle—Kestrel Educational Adventures 22 23 Jessica Kagle explained that the Kestrel Educational Adventures Conservation Club would like 24 to help the Open Space & Recreation Committee if possible. The Conservation Club is a small 25 non-profit that works on a program with the Middle School. The program picks a community 26 project to collaborate on. 27 28 Callaghan suggested a City-owned public space on Emily Way that the kids could consider, such 29 as for projects like cataloging, mapping, and improving. There is also the opportunity for a 30 pollinator community on the site. 31 32 Captain Kreyling, Beverly Fire Department, stated that the Department is offering partnerships 33 with the Committee on projects such as emergency response in the surrounding woodlands. The 34 Department is interested in categorizing the highest risk areas and considering practical access to 35 them. He has begun looking into State grants for trail access and maintenance. He has requested 36 access points from many public landowners near popular outdoor areas. The Department would 37 like to consider how to collaborate with the Committee regarding how to maintain and preserve 38 the areas while working together on goals to better access availability. It is important to keep the 39 existing forest access open. 40 41 3. Updates from Boards and Commissions 42 a. Planning Board 43 44 Nothing to report at this time. 45 Page 1 of 3 City of Beverly Open Space &Recreation Committee October 2,2024 Meeting Minutes 46 b. Conservation Commission 47 48 Charles stated that the wetland delineation on Trask Lane was approved. The Beach 49 Management Plan is still in the works, and the Commission will continue to work with DEP on 50 revising it. Piping Plovers were found on West Beach, and it would cost approximately $7,000 to 51 monitor them. 52 53 c. Community Preservation Committee 54 55 Jamieson stated that there has been discussion regarding potential upcoming applications. One 56 suggestion has been to install pocket parks to gain access to the City's waterfront areas. 57 58 d. Harbor Management Authority 59 60 Callaghan stated that Harbor Fest occurred in September and was a good use of public land. 61 62 e. Parks &Recreation Commission 63 64 Tricomi stated that he will send along the notes from the upcoming Commission meeting. 65 66 4. Open Space Conditions/Issues 67 a. Ward 1 68 69 No updates at this time. 70 71 b. Ward 2 72 73 Ward 2 is asking for a new basketball court at Bartlett Gardens from CPA. 74 75 c. Ward 3 76 77 Charles stated that, in the summer, the Beverly Bootstraps held a mobile market in Ward 3 and 78 offered a back-to-school event to bring kids into the open spaces while also engaging them in 79 attending school. There will be continued collaborations moving forward. 80 81 d.Ward 4 82 83 It was noted that the bike racks at Sally Milligan have been installed. 84 85 e.Ward 5 86 i. Discussion about next steps in constructing a bridge at Norwood Pond 87 88 A quick draft design of the bridge will be completed. Alden-St. Pierre suggested that Rolling 89 Barge is a company that makes bridges that only require simple supports. This could be utilized 90 for this project. Page 2 of 3 City of Beverly Open Space &Recreation Committee October 2, 2024 Meeting Minutes 91 92 f. Ward 6 93 i. Update about bike racks at Sally Milligan for MassTrails grant 94 95 Mann stated that he moved the boulder from the end of Common Lane to allow for access. 96 97 Clawson stated that the Sally Milligan project is completed and so is the grant. 98 99 5. Discussion about potential for fire in heavily wooded area near private housing 100 101 This item was previously discussed with Captain Kreyling. 102 103 6. Staff Updates 104 a. Update about Folly Hill/Trask Lane future development 105 106 Clawson stated that this proposal is currently in MEPA review. The plans were filed on Monday 107 with the City and the Planning Board will set a public hearing at their next meeting. The City's 108 comments were due to MEPA yesterday and the comments regarding existing walking and 109 biking trails on the site were included. 110 111 Todd Callaghan exited the meeting. 112 113 Clawson stated that an OSRD was recently submitted for 184-186 Hart Street. More information 114 will follow. 115 116 7. Approval of Minutes 117 a. July 10, 2024 118 b. September 4, 2024 119 120 None at this time. 121 122 8. Adjourn 123 124 Tricomi: Motion to adjourn. Charles seconds. Motion carries (5-0). 125 126 Meeting adjourns at 9:00 p.m. Page 3of3