2024-9-4 Open Space & Recreation Committee meeting minutes FINAL City of Beverly Open Space &Recreation Committee September 4,2024 Meeting Minutes 1 CITY OF BEVERLY 2 PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES 3 4 BOARD OR COMMISSION: City of Beverly Open Space& Recreation Committee 5 DATE: September 4, 2024 6 LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3rd Floor, Council 7 Chambers 8 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair David Alden-St. Pierre; David Brewster; Charlie 9 Mann; Grace Charles; Elizabeth Dunne; Wayne Miller; 10 Jamie Jamieson; Mario Tricomi 11 12 MEMBERS ABSENT: Todd Callaghan; Alie Dudley; James Passanisi; Gregory 13 Sharp 14 STAFF PRESENT: Ken Clawson, Assistant Planning Director 15 RECORDER: Kristan Patenaude 16 17 1. Call to Order 18 19 Chair Alden-St. Pierre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 20 21 2. Public Outreach 22 23 Alden-St. Pierre noted that there was a request through the Beverly Bike Committee regarding 24 the gate at both ends of Greenwood Avenue and potential wider access for mountain bikes or 25 similar items. There is a set of standards for adaptive bikes that will need to be considered. 26 27 Mann stated that he reviewed this area. The end at Common Lane will be very simple to move a 28 boulder to gain this access. The other end is private property on both sides and there will need to 29 be considerations regarding potential encroachments. 30 31 Alden-St. Pierre stated that it would be nice to have additional accessible areas and to be able to 32 promote those. 33 34 3. Updates from Boards and Commissions 35 a. Planning Board 36 37 Nothing to report at this time. 38 39 b. Conservation Commission 40 41 Charles explained that there is a set of flags that needs to be approved by the Commission at its 42 next meeting. Also, the Beverly Beach Management Plan is not yet complete. This will be used 43 to maintain all of the beaches in the City. This will likely need to be amended as West Beach has 44 nesting Piping Plovers. Additional monitoring will need to be considered in the future. 45 Page 1 of 4 City of Beverly Open Space &Recreation Committee September 4,2024 Meeting Minutes 46 c. Community Preservation Committee 47 48 Jamieson stated that there will be a public hearing for the launch of the grant funding on 49 September 121h at 7pm. Mann stated that there may be an opportunity to purchase a trail 50 easement on the Williams property. This could be a suggestion for the grant funding. 51 52 Jamieson stated that the accessible drinking fountain project at Gillis Park in Ward 2 continues to 53 move forward. A couple of the CPC grants for Girdler House and Habitat for Humanity were 54 unfortunately determined not to be eligible. 55 56 d. Harbor Management Authority 57 58 Clawson stated that Harborfest will be held this Sunday from 1pm-5pm. 59 60 e. Parks &Recreation Commission 61 62 It was stated that the Director's Report from July 1 lth is available, and the next meeting of the 63 Commission is on September 121h. There will be five communication boards purchased to help 64 children with communication issues. The Parks & Rec information has been updated at all of the 65 parks in the City. Some of the parks need a bit of maintenance. There was discussion regarding 66 how maintenance issues could be reported. 67 68 4. Open Space Conditions/Issues 69 a. Ward 1 70 71 No updates at this time. 72 73 b. Ward 2 74 i. Comments on Bartlett Park 75 76 There was discussion regarding Bartlett Gardens. There is a wetland area on the site and other 77 nice amenities. 78 79 c. Ward 3 80 81 No updates at this time. 82 83 d. Ward 4 84 85 Clawson stated that there was a recent meeting regarding Endicott and there will likely be 86 movement on this item. 87 88 e. Ward 5 89 i. Discussion about next steps in constructing a bridge at Norwood Pond 90 Page 2 of 4 City of Beverly Open Space &Recreation Committee September 4,2024 Meeting Minutes 91 Clawson explained that if the cost is under $10,000 the design drawings can be completed 92 without being put out to bid. The Committee agreed to move forward with this item. 93 94 ii. Discussion about accuracy of JC Phillips map in conjunction with Moraine 95 Farm 96 97 Clawson stated that there is a trail behind Moraine Farm, and he has received calls of people 98 getting lost. He suggested the Committee consider revising the map to add this area. 99 100 f. Ward 6 101 i. Update about bike racks at Sally Milligan for MassTrails grant 102 103 Clawson stated that the bike racks have been purchased and the grant for the Sally Milligan 104 project is complete. These will be placed at every kiosk. 105 106 ii. Update on Beverly Commons trails 107 108 There was discussion regarding cultivating jump areas in the Greenbelt property while making 109 sure it is kept only to certain areas. People need direction in order to create appropriate trails in 110 sanctioned locations. Charles stated that marking areas that are outside of resource areas could 111 also be important. 112 113 It was noted that there is a truck blocking easement access at the end of Wood Lane. 114 115 5. Discussion of policies and practices that have or have not been adopted to foster native 116 plants, butterflies, and other pollinators on municipally owned space 117 118 Jamieson reviewed a potential list of seven policies and practices that the Committee could 119 consider adopting. Somerville has an ordinance mandating the planting of native species on 120 municipally held land. This led to an effort to engage the public in planting native species as 121 well. Arlington has made ecological landscaping part of its Master Plan and adopted a plan for 122 maintenance of its lands including fostering native plantings. Arlington also created a handbook 123 to promote the planting of native, pollinator friendly species, based on a document Concord 124 previously created. Beverly could consider additional activities and how to fund them. 125 126 It was noted that Green Beverly completed a pollinator pathway project and gave out pollinator 127 kits for the project. There was discussion regarding having a Councilor pull together stakeholders 128 in order to move these items forward. 129 130 Charles exited the meeting at 8:31pm. 131 132 6. Discussion about potential for fire in heavily wooded area near private housing 133 134 The Committee agreed to table this item to the next meeting. 135 Page 3 of 4 City of Beverly Open Space &Recreation Committee September 4,2024 Meeting Minutes 136 7. Discussion about potential MassTrails grant opportunities: 137 a. Plaques and/or signage to identify various types of trees/shrubs 138 b. Improvements to fire road trail for Fire Department access of Greenwood 139 Avenue 140 141 Clawson stated that the grant will be coming up and potential projects for funding should be 142 discussed. The Committee discussed a project for revitalizing the trail behind the businesses on 143 Bass River. 144 145 There was discussion regarding an upcoming meeting between Greenbelt representatives,the 146 Mayor, the City Solicitor, and Committee members to determine what can be done on the 147 Williams property. Legal access to the area needs to be discussed. 148 149 8. Staff Updates 150 a. Update about Folly Hill/Trask Lane future development 151 152 Clawson stated that Folly Hill will be filing an application by the end of the month and has 153 already filed their MEPA. The City has until October 1st to make any comments on the MEPA 154 filing. The proposal includes 466 apartments. The majority of the area is wet. The developable 155 areas have been identified on a plan,with access from Trask Lane. There should be a discussion 156 regarding if the City can obtain any open space as part of this proposal. Of the 77 acres,the 157 proposal for development is only on 12 of them. The Committee discussed compiling comments 158 and concerns to be submitted as part of the MEPA filing. 159 160 Brewster: Motion to establish a letter for the MEPA filing that there be more trails and open 161 space set aside. Miller seconds. Motion carries (7-0). 162 163 b. Update on coastal resilience projects 164 165 No update at this time. 166 167 c. Schedule annual report to City Council for October 168 169 The Committee discussed pushing this into November. 170 171 9. Approval of Minutes 172 a.July 10,2024 173 174 None at this time. 175 176 10. Adjourn 177 178 Brewster: Motion to adjourn. Miller seconds. Motion carries (7-0). 179 180 Meeting adjourns at 9:11 p.m. Page 4 of 4