BOH minutes 11-27-24.docx - Google Docs City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes REMOTE MEETING Board: Board of Health Date: November 27,2024 Place: Teleconference participation via google meet Board members present: Dr. Justin Jordan,Rachel Morse,Esq.,Dr. Sheryl Silva Others present: Laura DelleChiaie,Director,Teresa Kirsch,Public Health Nurse,Melissa Weed, Social Service Navigator,Meaghan Dlusniewski,Regional Public Health Grant Coordinator Recorder: Lynne DePiero Roll call was initiated by Dr. Jordan to call the meeting to order—Dr. Jordan here, Ms. Morse here, Dr. Silva here -Dr. Jordan called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m. Roll call was initiated for a vote of approval of the October 16, 2024 meeting minutes—Dr. Jordan voted yes, Ms. Morse voted yes, Dr. Silva voted yes - All in favor. The minutes from the October 16, 2024 meeting were approved. Board of Health Regulations Ch. 19A, `Body Art Establishments and Practitioners"vote to amend the Regulations: Meaghan Dlusniewski, Regional Public Health Excellence (PHE) Grant Coordinator was present for the meeting. The Board did not have any additional comments and moved to a vote. Dr. Silva moved to adopt the regulations as amended from the previous public hearing that was held on October 16, 2024. Roll call was initiated for a vote of approval of the amended regulations—Dr. Silva voted yes, Ms. Morse voted yes, Dr. Jordan voted yes - All in favor. HEARING REQUEST: Ms. Cristiane Duarte was present for the hearing. Ms. Fabiane Tavares was present for the hearing. Application for a Body Art Apprentice permit with a variance request and potential issuance of a fine - Cristiane Duarte - working under Fabiane Tavares. Ms. Kirsch has reviewed the application and Ms. Duarte has met all the requirements except proof of a high school diploma. Ms. Duarte was not able to obtain a copy of her diploma from Brazil as the school has since closed down, so a variance is needed. She is currently working towards her GED. The Board received sufficient written notice for a variance of continuing Ms. Duarte's apprenticeship application while she is working on her GED certification. Ms. DelleChiaie informed the Board that Ms. Duarte has already been working under Ms. Tavares on live models without a permit and proposed a $100. fine based on the previous Body Art regulations fine schedule that should be ordered to Ms. Duarte, as well as Fabiane Tavares Beauty & Academy. Ms. Duarte argued that she is a student of Ms. Tavares's Academy and pays her to ensure everything is taken care of, and that she should not be held responsible. Ms. DelleChiaie stated operating on live individuals without a valid permit is a clear violation of both the former and newly amended regulations. Additionally, an establishment is not allowed to permit unpermitted individuals from operating within its premises. Ignorance of the regulation is not a permissible excuse. The Board was in agreement that all parties involved need to be responsible for knowing the regulations. Dr. Silva motioned to impose a$100. fine to Ms. Duarte for practicing on live models without a permit, the Board will address a fine for Fabiane Tavares establishment at the December Board meeting. Roll call was initiated for a vote to impose a fine of$100. to Ms. Cristiane Duarte for violation of Beverly's body art regulations—Dr. Silva voted yes, Ms. Morse voted yes, Dr. Jordan voted yes - All in favor. Ms. Morse motioned to approve the permit application contingent on payment of the outstanding fine. Roll call was initiated for a vote of approval of the application of Cristiane Duarte, contingent on payment of the outstanding fine—Dr. Silva voted yes, Ms. Morse voted yes, Dr. Jordan voted yes - All in favor. Roll call was initiated for a vote of approval of the request for a variance to show proof of a high school diploma and will be valid until December 31, 2025 Dr. Silva voted yes, Ms. Morse voted yes, Dr. Jordan voted yes - All in favor. Narcan Box Project Research: Mindy D'Ippolito, City of Beverly resident, was present for the discussion. Melissa Weed, Social Services Navigator, presented the narcan box project which she has been working on for the last six months. Ms. Weed discussed the need of having narcan fully accessible for the public and has investigated proper storage for the medication. Her research has shown that narcan does not need to be strictly temperature controlled as previously thought, and if narcan is frozen it can be thawed out and remain functional. Ms. Weed commented on the temperature-controlled"Nalox"boxes, which are quite expensive versus the non-temperature-controlled, which are more cost effective. Some possibilities to consider would be to remove the narcan if extreme temperatures were expected and place it inside businesses that might be opened later on. Ms. D'Ippolito had concerns about boxes being emptied if extreme temperatures occur, which would create unreliable sources to obtain the medication. She also inquired how many doses could be held in a box. The board commented, after hearing Ms. Weed's research about temperatures, that it most likely wouldn't be necessary to remove the narcan from the boxes but replace the narcan more frequently if frozen. Ms. Weed added that it depends on the box size for how many doses can be stored in it. The Board suggested that there should be a disclaimer on the boxes placed outside regarding usage directions and temperature advisories. Ms. Kirsch suggested that we offer a narcan training class similar to the choke saving classes that we offer at the beginning of each year. Health Director Updates: Ms. DelleChiaie thanked Ms. Morse and Ms. Dlusniewski for all of their hard work and assistance with revising the Body Art Regulations and the creation of the required supplemental documents and applications. Ms. DelleChiaie will begin working on part B of the Body Art regulations relating to permanent makeup (PMU) schools towards the end of December. A-1 Citywide Residential Pest Control Program is running well and she will update on the amount of rats the city has caught next month. The portal which provides that data has been deactivated, so Laura must get the catch count from A-1 until the data system is running again for external users. NEHA/FDA Retail Flexible Funding Model (RFFM) food safety grant- she has completed the grant application for CY 2025 Track 2-if awarded the grant will be worth $22,500. Ms. DelleChiaie has applied for the Massachusetts Department of Public Health's RIZE grant in which the State can match up to $50,000 in funding for opioid use disorder initiatives projects. Proposals for the funding included: 1. $15,000 will be spent on purchasing Naloxone boxes, mounting equipment, narcan and signage. Requesting a match of$15,000 for a combined project totaling $30,000. 2. $5,000 will be spent hiring a recovery support coach and to purchase food and gift cards as incentives to attend meetings, provide transportation to meetings and stipends for transportation to recovery centers. Requesting a match of$5,000 totaling $10,000 for the project. 3. $5,000 will be spent on supporting the Social Services Navigator salary. Requesting a match of $5,000 totaling $10,000 for the project. Total match= $50,000 The Northshore Public Health Collaborative (NSPHC)took a vote to modify the vacant Public Health Nurse (PHN)position and change it to an Epidemiologist position due to a lack of applicants. Our biosafety consultant, Todd Dresser of CHUBB Global Risk Advisors (CGRA), is going through the master list of facilities in the Cummings Center, Tozer Road and Dunham Ridge Road that are not permitted. Ms. DelleChiaie has reached out to two previously permitted facilities - Cell Signaling Technologies and Bluefin Biomedicine - with order letters. These companies have not renewed their biological safety permits since 2019. Ms. DelleChiaie is continuing to contact other biotech companies that have not renewed their permits. Progress has been made on two abandoned properties, 7 Parsons Drive and 908 Hale Street. The property at 7 Parsons Drive has been demolished and 908 Hale Street is making improvements to bring the property up to compliance. The Health Department has interviews scheduled for December for the open Sanitarian position. Ms. Kirsch,Public Health Nurse updates: Ms. Kirsch had another new mother visit that was referred to her by Beverly Hospital. It is good news that they are recommending the Department to their new mothers. Dr. Silva invited Ms. Kirsch to attend one of Garden City Pediatrics' department meetings to introduce the program. Roll call was initiated for a vote to close the November 27, 2024 Board of Health meeting—Dr. Silva voted yes, Ms. Morse voted yes, Dr. Jordan voted yes - All in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled December 18, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted by, Lynne DePiero Administrative Assistant