BOH minutes 10-16-24.docx I
City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Board of Health
Date: October 16,2024
Place: Beverly Council on Aging Building Suites A &B,90 Colon Street
Board members present: Dr. Justin Jordan,Rachel Morse,Esq.,Dr. Sheryl Silva
Others present: Laura DelleChiaie,Director,Beth Oldmixon,Assistant City Solicitor, Teresa Kirsch,
Public Health Nurse,Delaney Mansfield,Assistant Animal Control Officer,Melissa Weed, Social
Services Navigator
Recorder: Lynne DePiero,Administrative Assistant
Dr. Jordan called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
The minutes from the September 18, 2024 meeting were approved.
HEARING REQUEST: 3 Monument Square- request for 13 chickens -Mr. Boudreau previously applied
in November of 2023 for an Animal Permit and was denied the permit at that time due to not meeting
the coop and run setbacks. Mr. Boudreau was advised to adjust the coop location and then reapply for
the permit. Mr. Boudreau made the adjustments to comply with the setback requirements. Ms. Mansfield
said that the Animal Control Officer, Mr. Lipinski, inspected the area and did not have any animal
health-related concerns. Ms. Morse moved to approve the application, Dr. Jordan seconded the motion -
All in favor.
HEARING REQUEST: 22 Story Avenue -request for 20 chickens - Ms. Mansfield visited the property
for the inspection and recommended decreasing the amount of chickens to 15. The owner, Ms. Ng*eliu
met all the setbacks and will be composting in large containers and disposing at a dump. Food storage
will be on site and will need to be in a rodent proof container. Ms. Morse moved to approve the
application for 15 chickens and the applicant must have rodent proof containers, Dr. Silva seconded the
motion - All in favor.
PUBLIC HEARING: Discussion and potential vote to amend the Board of Health Regulations Ch. 13
"Fee Schedule."
Open meeting: 6:40 p.m. Ms. DelleChiaie summarized the following proposed body art and application
fees for the Board:
-3� Body Art Establishment Plan Review: $400
-3� Body Art Establishment Permit application: $500
-3� Apprenticeship Permit application: $200
-31 Practitioner without PMU Instructor Designation: $350 (there will be 2 practitioner types: with
PMU instructor designation and without. PMU instructor is being defined in Ch. 19B which is
still in development)
-3� Guest Practitioner Permit without PMU Instructor Designation: $150
-3� Body Art Establishment Permit application- Initial: $400
-3� Body Art Establishment Permit application- Renewal: $300
-3� Body Art Practitioner Permit application -Initial: $125
-3� Body Art Practitioner Permit application -Renewal: $100
No comment from the public. Public Hearing closed: 6:48 p.m. Ms. Morse moved to amend the fee
schedule, Dr. Silva seconded the motion - All in favor.
PUBLIC HEARING: Discussion and potential vote to amend the Board of Health Regulations Ch. 19,
"Body Art Establishments and Practitioners."
Open meeting: 6:49 p.m. The Board discussed the proposed revised regulations and had the following
• Table of Contents- General - combine numbers 1 and 2 to read as 1. "General Rules and
• Page 6 - General 400.19A.4. - General Rules and Regulations -insert the following statement to
subsection A. to "A person must be at least 18 years old in order to obtain any permit of this
• Page 7 -Body Art Establishments 400.19A.6.Establishment Permit -D. -g. add:
"Establishments without autoclaves are exempt from this requirement."
• Page 9 -Practitioners &Apprentices 400.19A.8. Training and Education -A-b. -add"with
proof of current certificates;"and on subsections C and D add"In addition to the requirements of
sections A and B [. . .]"
• Page 10 - Practitioners &Apprentices 400.19A.8. Training and Education -E. - add "In
addition to the requirements of subsections A and B [. . .],"
• Omit these sections -Page 11 -Practitioners &Apprentices 400.19A.9. Practitioner Permit
(Year-Round)-E. change the age from "20 to 18"400.19A.10. Guest Practitioner Permit
(30-Days per Calendar Year) -B. change the age from "20 to 18"
• Page 12 -Practitioners &Apprentices 400.19A.11.Apprenticeships-A. a. delete "An apprentice
must be at least 18 years of age."
• Page 20 -Enforcement 400.19A.25 Summary Suspension of Permit/Emergency Closure
without a Prior Hearing- section A. and E.-b. remove "as determined by the board of health"
• Page 21 -Enforcement 400.19A.25 Summary Suspension of Permit/Emergency Closure
without a Prior Hearing- section E -d -add"or practitioner"
• Page 22 -Enforcement 400.19A.27 Revocation or Non-Renewal of a Permit with Notice-A. -c.
remove "as determined by the board of health"
• Page 23 -Enforcement 400.19A.29 Penalties -A. -Replace "will'with"may"and add"All fines
shall be brought to the Board for a vote. At this time,the Board may choose to uphold,modify or
rescind the fine."
• Page 23 -Enforcement 400.19A.29 Penalties -Add the following section:
B.Any person who has been fined by the Health Department in accordance with this regulation shall
be brought before the Board for a hearing. The Board of Health, shall set a time and place for such
hearing and shall inform the person or entity thereof in writing. At the hearing,the person or entity
shall be given an opportunity to be heard and to show why the fine should be modified or withdrawn.
After the hearing,the Board of Health shall sustain,modify, or withdraw the fine and shall inform
the petitioner in writing of its decision. If the Board chooses to uphold the fine, any fines must be
paid within 21 days of receipt of the Board's decision.
There was a question from the public, Cristiane Duarte, clarifying the age requirement for a permit. No
other comments from the public. Public Hearing closed: 7:47 p.m.
Melissa Weed_ Social Services Navigator
Ms. Weed introduced herself and gave a brief overview of her responsibilities. She has been assisting
residents with various social services applications and helping community members with social service
resources. She is available every Friday at the main Library branch, 32 Essex Street, and on Monday
evenings at the First Baptist Church, 221 Cabot Street, in addition to meetings at the Health
Department's office. She will join us next month to discuss the Narcan Box project.
HEARING -Vote to approve the Health Department's written internal policies regarding administrative
Food Establishments: Ms. DelleChiaie explained these policies and procedures are created and
administered to achieve the"gold standard" of food safety. The Department staff is using Food Code Pro
for electronic inspection forms which are state approved. These policies cover topics such as food safety
risk categories for establishments,procedures for handling long-term non-compliance, administrative
hearings, HACCP principles and active managerial control. Dr. Silva motioned to approve the food
establishment internal policies, Ms. Morse seconded All in favor.
Tobacco Violations Correspondence: Ms. DelleChiaie created a procedure timeline for correspondence
related to tobacco violations. The Board had some minor revisions. Dr. Silva motioned to approve the
timeline with the amendments, Ms. Morse seconded- All in favor.
Health Director Updates:
Ms. DelleChiaie will begin to work on body art -part B -PMU Schools.
A-1 Citywide Residential Pest Control Program is going well. Ms. DelleChiaie attended the Ward 2
Advisory Committee meeting which was well attended. In the last 2 months the sentinel traps have
caught 184 rats.
NEHA/FDA Food Safety Grant-verification audits were submitted for standards 1 and 3. Ms.
DelleChiaie is hoping to audit standard 5 by the end of the year. She is attending the NACCHO
End-of-Year Mentorship Conference October 28th-31 st in St. Louis. The grant portal for Track 2 is
open and she will work on the application which is due November 20th.
Opioid Settlement funds -there is a state funded grant called"RUE" which will match up to $50,000 in
funding for projects related to opioid use disorder. The deadline is November 1st.
Former Sanitarian, Stephen Casey's last day was October 8th. The Department has received some
resumes and will start the interview process soon. Teresa Kirsch is back working part-time.
The Department is using the North Shore Public Health Collaborative (NSPHC) Regional Inspector,
Hayden Fitch, to help with occupancy and food inspections as well as complaints while Ms. DelleChiaie
searches for a new inspector.
Ms. DelleChiaie has attended a couple of IBC meetings for biosafety facilities. The Health Department
has revised a list of Biotech companies that most likely will need to be permitted.
Teresa Kirsch-Public Health Nurse - added that there have been two flu clinics to date and attendance
was low.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Next meeting November 20, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Lynne DePiero
Administrative Assistant