OSRC 6-5-24 5 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee June 5,2024 Meeting Minutes CITY OF BEVERLY Paget of8 �`CEE'�Eli AND RECORDED Ci fy CLERIK'S OFFICE CITY OF BEVERLY 3 A q: PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, 19I Cabot Street, 3'Floor Council Chambers DATE: June 5, 2024 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair David Alden-St, Pierre, Vice Chair David Brewster, Charles Mann, Elizabeth Dunne, Mario Tricomi, Wayne Miller,Alison Dudley, James Passanisi, Gregory Sharp(late) BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Grace Charles, Jamie Jamieson, Todd Callaghan STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Assistant Director of Planning Ken Clawson OTHERS PRESENT: Ben Walsh RECORDER: Kathryn Horrigan 1. Call to order Alden-St. Pierre chairs and calls the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. and conducts a roll call. 2. Public Outreach a. Eagle Scouts Eagle Scout candidate Benjamin Walsh is present and is discussing his Eagle Scout project that was previously proposed to the Committee for the building and installation of trail markers for the Beverly Commons trails. In the past trail markers, such as the ones proposed have been taken down or vandalized.This is a project that has been done in the past and the issue of the markers removal was discussed at the previous meeting. He will place every number that is depicted on the map that was shown to be placed as trail markers. The markers will only be placed on the green area of the map which is not private property. He will be using wooden one by four, he will also use a router and paint and stain the number.The Committee mentions that Walsh and his team should try to hang the markers as high as they can so that they are not stolen. Alden-St.Pierre asks a question about the markers being screwed into the trees, and if screws will be used to allow space for the trees to grow, Mann also mentions that it may be best to leave a small space between the markers and the trees to address this potential issue of growth over time. The timeframe to complete the project will be to set plans for the project scope this summer, and then bring the actual plan to fruition this fall. Mann asks if the numbers on the plan coordinate to the kiosk signs that already exist. Walsh confirms that they do. When it comes to the appearance and visual aesthetic of the markers the Commission asks if reflective paint or brightly colored paint be used. They would like the markers to act as wayfinding tool, and would like the scouts to take into account the visual appearance of the markers in low light settings.The project leader(whose name was not stated during the meeting) 1 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee June 5,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 8 mentions that Walsh and his team of scouts were thinking of doing brightly colored markers on the blue perimeter trail. There is currently no budget for the proposed plan, and all materials that will be used will be donated, or collected From local lumber yards and businesses. Multiple members of the Committee mention that they would be happy to be used as resources for the sourcing of potential materials. Walsh also brings up the potential use of plastic PVC material which may be a bit easier to see in a low light setting. The plan is to have all of the markers be hand made by the scouts with help from troop chaperones.The scouts will sand and paint the markers, and chaperones will out and saw any of the needed materials. For next steps, Walsh is looking for a letter of recommendation from the Committee to present to Essex County Greenbelt and well as to the City of Beverly, and the Conservation Committee. Once the project planning is underway Walsh will then form teams of scouts, friends, and family members to delegate project tasks to. Walsh has previously met with his Scout Committee and is planning to create two groups over a two day project period for the installment of the markers. The Committee mentions that Walsh may want to take a few members with him to do a site visit of the trails as a way to familiarize himself with the area before the project is underway. They also mention the use of the Green Belt Go app (free). This app will allow Walsh to view his location on the trail, as well as see his coordinates compared to the current trailhead markers. This is the only trail map that will have the corresponding blaze numbers that are on the kiosk map. Walsh asks if he should take a member of the Committee with him to set up flags along the trail where his markers will go and the Committee mentions that they would be happy to do this. The Committee also mentions that there are currently no restrictions on marking the trees, which was brought up earlier in the meeting. They would like to see an example placed on one of the trees along the trail to get a better understanding of what the markers will look like, and what height they will be placed at. The Committee also mentions that it may be nice to have wayfinding signage put up at key intersections that reference landmarks around the trail system. Walsh is going to include this in his recommendations of his project as a piece for another scout to pick up and add on to his work for their own project in the future. 7:17 pin Sharp arrives late The Committee Recommends playing around with the Green Belt Go App as a way to fill in some of the wayfinding gaps with his project. Clawson will provide phone numbers to Walsh of the Committee members if any additional help is needed throughout the project. Clawson, asks if there will need to be approval from the City Council to move forward with the project.The Committee mentions that it depends on the jurisdiction of where the project is taking place. Usually the scout will receive endorsement from the Open Space&Recreation Committee, and then they would present the project before the District with the endorsement. The Committee acts as the sponsors, and then Walsh will present the project to both the City Council and the 2 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee June S,2424 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 8 District. The Committee will just need to provide a letter of recommendation that Walsh will then use moving forward. Alden-St.Pierre will need to sign off on the proposed project plan, and then he will sign off on an approval once the project is completed in the fall. There is clarification that the approval by Essex County Greenbelt, the City Council, and the Conservation Committee is not needed for this specific project due to the location and the proposed plan. Clawson will give all three of the previously mentioned organizations a beads up, but further communication between Walsh and the groups is not necessary. The question of markers being placed at intersections located on private property is brought up, and the Committee recommends that this be added into the piojcct scope. The Committee clarifies that this should not be an issue with the owners of the parcels, but if Walsh is not comfortable doing this, that the Committee would be happy to do so. They mention that this will help to improve the overall wayfinding system if all major intersections are marked. Walsh would be happy to create the signage, but will wait to place them until future permissions are granted. This would only include a half a dozen signs.They agree that a member of the Committee should go with Walsh to do a site visit, and that the project markers should stick to the currently listed marked trail signage. Walsh will reach out to the Committee with possible site visit dates and times to coordinate and confirm a future site visit. The next step in this process will be for Walsh to receive permission from the District, and then to plan the project. He is planning to go before the District this summer, and CIawson mentions that he can get the letter of recommendation over to Walsh ASAP. Walsh will need to wait for District approval until he can collect supplies.The Committee mentions that lie can use their letter of recommendation when looking for donations for his project. The materials of the project are discussed again, and the Committee mentions that CCA pressure treated wood and copper nails should not be used for the project. Alden-St. Pierre mentions that he can send the list of restrictions and best practices for materials over to Walsh. PVC wood trim may work when it comes to future weathering and the aesthetic of the markers. There are no restrictions when it comes to materials that are being used, but the Committee asks that Walsh send over a project materials lists so that they can give guidance on what would work best.They also mention that it may be best to match the aesthetic of previously made trail signage. Alden-St.Pierre signs off on Walsh's proposed project, and would be happy to be present on the day of installation, The Committee would love to see pictures of the completed project once it is installed. On the day of the project there will be two groups, one led by Walsh and the other led by Senior Scouts. 3. Updates from Boards and Commissions: a. Planning Board There is no update. 3 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee June 5,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 8 b. Conservation Commission There is no update. c. Community Preservation Committee(CPC) There is no update. d. Harbor Management Authority There is no update. e. Parks and Recreation Commission There is no update. 4. Open Space Conditions Issues a. Ward 1 There is no update. h. Ward 2 There is no update c. Ward 3 Rani Jacobson would like to pass on that there is a park beautification team that will be doing cleanups across several parks in Ward 3.These will take place on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8:30 am. Any interested participants can send Jacobson an email for more details and for meeting location information. This can be shared on the Open Space &Recreation Committee's Instagrain and Facebook pages. Updates were also discussed regarding the updates to the basketball court that will take place this summer, and the additional updates will take place this fall. The playground area will be made ADA accessible,the pavilion will be replaced in the same location, lighting will be added, pollinator gardens and a water fountain. Walkways will be updated, but the structure will be the same. A mobile farmers market will take place every other week on Thursday afternoons. d. Ward 4 a. Update to the Committee about a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for a trail easement at Endicott College There are currently no updates to the project at Endicott. This project is with the City Solicitors Office.They want to be listed under the City's Insurance. No further updates since the past meeting. e. Ward 5 a. Discussion about next steps in constructing bridge at Norwood Pond 4 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee June 5,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of S Materials list needed from Charlie Mann. Mann is planning to use light lumber for the project. A building permit has to be obtained, but Conservation Commission approval has all-Cady been obtained. Bob Wetheral is the person that Mann would like to use to create a drawing for the project. Clawson will need to check to see if this drawing will need to go out to bid. Bob Wetheral has created drawings for the Greenbelt in the past and has a specialty in outdoor structures. There will be a ribbon cutting at Moraine Farm located at 719 Cabot Street on June 6th I pm - 1:20pm (Project Adventure). This event is rain or shine. This event was posted on Beverly Patch and is a public event to commemorate the new parking lot and community garden that has been installed.The parking lot is located off of Cabot Street right before the turnoff for JC Phillips. There is a small lot that has ten parking spaces designated for Beverly residents. You drive past the gardens to get to these spaces, and you can access this from Conant Street as well through JC Phillips. The path by JC Phillips has become a bit overgrown with vegetation and could use some attention if Committee members have time. Regarding Norwood Pond, the Committee is looking to check in with Phil Klimowicz regarding Hazardous trees around Michael Road leading to the North Beverly Elementary School trail. There are currently around ten to fifteen dead Pine Trees that will need removal. These trees are hazardous and a Ward Councilor will need to be reached out regarding removal. This weekend at Long Hill, the Green Belt will be holding a free native plant giveaway for pollinator plants. This will take place on Saturday June 8th from 10 -4 at 58 Hart Street. f. Ward 6 Mann and Clawson went on a site inspection with Greenbelt two months ago regarding bike jump building at the Beverly Commons.They would like to collapse the holes on the trail to allow them to naturally be filled. Greenbelt is looking into their insurance and their overall mission to see if this can be addressed. There will also need to be communication with the current Greenbelt Board. These trails are not taking in any money and they are considered to be open space. The Greenbelt did not build the jumps, they just need to check if there is a liability by nuisance. This would also address the safety issue for hikers who are affected by the holes in the trail as well.There has been a continuous issue of trash left:on trails, as well as these larger depressions in the trail becoming mud pits when there is excessive rain, A solution could also be to educate people on the trail in how to use them, and what the impacts that digging pits can have on the ` trail down the line. This problem could develop if there is no dialog being had. a. Update about bike racks at Sally Milligan for Mass Trails grant 5 F City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee June 5,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 8 Sally Milligan Park installation of bike racks is currently under works as well as trailhead signage (a visual of the bike racks were shown by Clawson). A decision needs to be made on where the bike racks are going to be placed. There is potentially a place in the parking area located on Cross Lane. These future bike racks will also be placed at the Soccer Field. Clawson is currently working to contact a representative from DERO Hoop Racks. This will be the last piece of a currently active grant A comment was made about Sally Milligan field being overgrown where the connecting bridge meets the soccer field (a visual was shown by Clawson), The trail is still accessible, but the brush is very overgrown. A question was raised about the City being able to mow some of the public trails.There is an additional overgrown trail, Hannali Trails, located by the Solar Fields connecting the Solar Farm and the YMCA. It would be helpful if the city can help to maintain and brush mow these trails. They are currently being done on a volunteer basis. S.Review of OSRC Website The website is completely updated. The Salem Skipper has been added to the website and runs from lam - 7pm, and costs$1 for Senior Citizens.News updates, meeting schedules, and meeting minutes have been placed on the website for public viewing.The mission statement, annual reports, meeting minutes and schedule are also accessible on the site. The previous sidebar has been completely reorganized with Open Space trails and Garden City trails which then open up to their respective maps. All of the trail maps are included on the website. The rules and regulation sign that is now available on the website is also available at every trail kiosk. Clawson is happy to mark any additional unmarked trail heads, like the one commonly being used at Bald Hill, The Public Works team can help to provide u-pipe, A comment was made about the Stanley Street entrance into Commons, and that signage may need to be placed at this access point There is currently a public way sign, but there is no kiosk. Mann will mark this spot on a map for Clawson, and mentions that it is across from Emily Way. Additional updates to the website include map links to active trail maps,with a link to All Trails and Trail Forks. Previous information has been consolidated and moved. Lists of native plants are now listed on their respective trail pages. The Open Space Inventory page will be updated by a member of the Committee at a later date. Updates that are still needed include the removal of old dates and outdated information. This project will be done over the summer. Website is in much better condition, with the need for some minor updates. 6. Staff Updates a. Signage posted at all trail kiosks Clawson has posted signage at all of the kiosks that were mentioned at the previous meeting. A reminder was made that if there are any additional trails that need signage,to let Clawson know. He currently has 10 signs left over from the updates. 6 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Conunittee June 5,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 7 of 8 b. Bald Eagle chick banding Mass Wildlife found a Bald Eagle chick.They have banded and tagged the bald eagle chick. The mother has also been found near the chick, They placed one federal band on one ankle and one Massachusetts tag on the other ankle.They also investigated if there were any additional nests. None were found. 7. Approval of Minutes a. May 8, 2024 Members review the May 8, 2024 draft meeting minutes. (none available, they will be provided next meeting) Other business There will be a student showcase on June loth, Alden-St. Pierre will send information to Clawson, Clawson will send the information out in an email BCC. There will not be a meeting held in August. The Next meeting will be held July 1 Oth, 2024. Mann: Motion to change the July 3rd meeting to the I Oth of July, Seconded by Jamieson. Motion carries(9-0). John Fallon from Hale Street Farm is looking to get water to his property. He needs help finding the correct channels to go through. His property is considered to be state property which has made the process of getting water for the parcel much more difficult. The option of tapping off of the street line or off of the church was brought up as a potential solution. There was also discussion of the use of a hydrant meter with a hose that could be removed in the evening. Either way there would need to be engineering approval because of the water demand fee. There are few potential bids out to pay for this project.The City may not want to get involved due to irrigation and conservation purposes. Wells are not an option for John at this point. Alden-St. Pierre updates the Committee on the Beverly Hospital Trauma unit project to address injuries that take place on the trails. They are looking to consolidate information for EMS providers. Alden-St. Pierre and the group met with the State 911 operator. They discovered that they can use your phone to get your location on a trail, but this does not address the conditions of the trail, This plays into the larger issue of people getting injured on trails and EMS not being prepared for the terrain that they will need to go to reach the individual.This project is being looked at from the Beverly Hospital catchment area perspective. They want to know what trail attributes EMS needs to best serve the injured. They would like to make a GIS layer that will combine all of this data to backfill all of the trail systems that are not already included in these areas. A question was brought up about plates being used with GPS tracking on trail markers, It is further discussed that Search and Rescue would need 8 - 10 markers.The issue is the limited amount of information regarding the difficulty of the trails and paths that EMS will potentially 7 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee June 5,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 8 of S take. Most responders are regular urban EMS providers that are not equipped to go out into the woods. Even a one mile hike can take up to an hour. Accessibility isn't always as easy as it seems.The group is looking to take a top down approach to Essex County. This issue has been solved in places that have one overarching organization. There is also an issue with private versus public land. Different cities and towns have different properties. What3Words doesn't always show the terrain to get to a location.The GIS system will give a pop-up window with attributes of the trail (sandy, steep, rocky, bridge).The information that EMS needs to know will pop-up in a window that will give easy wayfinding for accessibility. They will also potentially have the Fire Department send Firemen out to familiarize themselves with the trails. They are also looking into potentially using Google Maps for Geo location, but this does not address the issue of the condition of the trail. There needs to be more map background. They want to give information on the easiest access point for the EMS. They are looking to potentially roll this out in phases to build off of this plan. This will not only be for EMS, but rescue, fire, and potentially police. This is what Beverly Hospital has been working on.Two meetings have been had so far. Cape Anne Trials, Manchester Essex Country, Green Belt, Municipal Fire Departments and more are involved. 5. Adjourn Mann : Motion to adjourn. Second by Wayne. Motion carries unopposed. Meeting adjourns at 8:36 p.m. Next meeting: Wednesday,July 10,2024 at 7:00 p.m. 8