OSRC 5-8-24 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee
May 8,2024 Meeting Minutes
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BOARD: '-c� "3 A q' O q Open Space and Recreation Committee
LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, Yd Floor Council
DATE: May 8, 2024
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Elizabeth Dunne, Todd Callaghan, Mario Tricomi, Grace
Charles, Jamie Jamieson, Alison Dudley, Gregory Sharp (late)
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair David Alden-St. Pierre, Vice Chair David Brewster,
Charles Mann, James Passanisi, Wayne Miller
STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Assistant Director of Planning Ken Clawson
OTHERS PRESENT: Michael Habich of 98 Valley Street, Margaret Griffin of 20
Sohier Road
RECORDER: Naomi Moca
1. Call to order
Callaghan chairs and calls the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. and conducts a roll call.
2. Public Outreach
a. Troop 4 Eagle Scout project
Eagle Scout candidate Benjamin Walsh is present and proposes building and installing trail
markers for the Beverly Commons trails for his Eagle project. Due to the history of markers
being removed or vandalized on City trails, Everett proposes making the markers from wood and
mounting them higher them to deter would-be vandals from removing them. Everett has been in
the Scouts since the second grade and is currently in 10"' grade. Callaghan summarizes that
numbering the intersections has been a topic of discussion at previous meetings.
7:10 p.m.: Sharp arrives.
Callaghan says that in retrospect, the Eagle project a few years ago painting trail blazes would
have benefited from more supervision. Clawson says that Beverly Hospital Emergency Services
is interested in pursuing standardizing the trail locations with a number system.
Margaret Griffin of 20 Sohier Road comments that Manchester-by-the-Sea has helpful, clear
signage posted on wooden signs at a high height. The Committee discusses that even at the
relatively high height, some City signs have been removed by vandals in the past. The
Committee discusses naming the trails while being mindful of respecting the diversity of people
who have historically lived in the area:The Committee discusses that plant names, the names
that mountain bikers have unofficially been using, or colors are also possibilities for trail names.
City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee
May 8, 2024 Meeting Minutes
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The Committee discusses that there are multiple interested parties such as the Beverly Bike
Association, New England Mountain Bike Association (NEMBA), Beverly Hospital, Essex
County Green Belt, the Conservation Commission, and the City that Everett should consult.
Dunne; Motion to prepare a letter of support for Ben Everett's Eagle Scout project.
Seconded by Tricomi. Motion carries (6-0).
Clawson agrees to draft a letter of support on behalf of the Committee. Everett says that his
original goal was to complete the project by the end of the school year and the Committee
discusses ways to modify the scope of the project such as creating a pilot project or focusing
only on certain trails instead of all trails.
3. Open Space Conditions /Issues
a. Ward b
i. Update and discussion on bike,jump construction in Beverly Commons
Griffin comments that some, but not all mountain bikers are doing the unauthorized trail
building. Clawson says that when the activity occurs on City property, only then can the City
take action. Clawson confirms that Green Belt is considering how to handle the situation on their
4. Updates from Boards and Commissions:
a. Planning Board
There is no update.
b. Conservation Commission
Charles summarizes that the Commission confirmed the wetlands delineation of the Trask Lane
project site and approved the developer's flags. The Commission conducted a site visit of the
proposed Teen Center where the existing building will be demolished and a new building will be
constructed at a somewhat higher elevation, The site will be capped with approximately two feet
of soil and the overall pervious surface area will be increased.
c. Community Preservation Committee (CPC)
Jamieson says that the CPC approved the funding for the Girdler House kitchen storage. The
Committee discusses that the Girdler House is a low-income residence on Lotlnop Street for
elderly women. Jamieson says that the Gruppe mural being moved to the Beverly Public Library
was also discussed. The CPC discussed contributing $100,000 to fund the Affordable Housing
d. Harbor Management Authority
Callaghan says that five blue directional signs have been installed at Prince Street, Brackenbury,
Rice's Beach, and Woodbury.
City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee
May 8, 2024 Meeting Minutes
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e. Parks and Recreation Commission
Tricomi says that there was no meeting last week and that the next meeting will be held in June
2024. The Committee agrees that in the future, Tricomi will forward Director of Parks and
Recreation Bruce Doig's monthly reports to the Committee.
3. (Continued) Open Space Conditions /Issues
b. Ward 1
There is no update.
c. Ward 2
Jamieson says that Dr. Kenann McKenzie-DeFranza gave a presentation at the Ward 2 Civic
Association meeting and mentioned that there is a lack of safe, public gathering places with
social structure for young people in the City.
d. Ward 4
i. Lynch Park
Jamieson says she attended a meeting regarding Lynch Park and two proposals for preserving
and storm proofing the site were presented. Among the ideas were reconfiguring the parking,
adding a boardwalk, naturalizing the border, building up the walls, and adding a swale.
e. Ward 3
i. Update on Simon Street Park
The Committee discusses that while the park has not yet been installed, in part due to recent
stormy weather, the project is still moving forward overall.
d. Ward 4
ii. Update to the Committee about a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) for a trail easement at Endicott College
Clawson says that the City Solictor's Office is reviewing the MOU.
L Ward S
i. Update to the Committee on discussion with Iron Tree for tree removal
at Norwood Pond and next steps in constructing the proposed bridge
Clawson says the tree has been removed.
ii. Discussion about potential kayak rack at Norwood Pond
The Committee discusses obstacles to the project such as liability, the Conservation Restriction
(CR), and its location near the water.
a. Ward 6
City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee
May S, 2024 Meeting Minutes
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ii. Update and discussion with the Committee about funding for a
potential easement allowing for access to the Pole Swamp Lane
conservation restriction area
Clawson says that Green Belt hired a professional assessor to determine if the land is
developable and its property value. Green Belt will potentially work with the property owner and
with lawyers to craft an easement.
iii. Beverly Commons emergency vehicle access
Dunne says that there is a culvert, and Clawson clarifies that is not the area of concern. The
vernal pool to the right of the hill on Greenwood Avenue is the location of the vernal pool that
has submerged the path which would provide access to emergency vehicles, should they be
5. Discussion about OSRC website
Clawson says that he has made many updates to the Committee's website, including updating the
news, adding links to previous OSRC annual reports, making the link to trail maps more visible,
adding a link to the City's Open Space and Recreation plan, adding a link for each trail with a
map and information, and adding City trail rules to the site. The Committee discusses whether
adding an embedded map or updating the Open Spaces inventory is necessary. The Committee
expresses gratitude to Clawson for the many improvements.
6. Approval of minutes
a. April 3,2024
Members review the April 3, 2024 draft meeting minutes.
Dunne: Motion to accept the April 3, 2024 meeting minutes as written. Seconded by
Jamieson. Motion carries (6-0).
7. Other business
Jamieson agrees to forward the Lynch Park information to Clawson to share with the members.
8. Adjourn
Mann: Motion to adjourn. Dudley seconds. Motion carries unopposed.
Meeting adjourns at 8:37 p.m.
Next meeting: Wednesday, Tune 5, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.